One of the channels, TVNorge (TVNorway - a somewhat trashy channel that shows a lot of reality shows, soaps and B-movies), run a WAP based dating service called Match. I just watched an advertisement for it, and I was - for the first time ever - genuinely shocked by a commercial.
It consisted of clips of "happy" couples.
The first clip showed two smiling people hugging each other in a couch.
The second clip showed two people sitting naked in a bathtub, naughty bits covered by foam, holding wine glasses and making out in a quite romantic way.
The third clip showed two people shagging in an elevator in a really undignified, up-against-the-wall-thighs-around-the-bloke way.
The fourth clip showed an apparently naked woman from shoulders-up, bouncing up and down with a very sexual expression.
Then the fifth clip came, one that actually made me spit out the soda i was drinking at the time: It shows an appartment. In the foreground, there's a guy that seems to be clad only in underwear. He's ball-gagged and wrapped from throat and down in tight shrink-wrap. In the background, you see a woman in a black Latex uniform with a big whip, actively using it on the hapless fellow.

Then it cut to a white background; a 3d rendered cellphone came gliding in, the service logo appeared (Match with in-woven hearts), and the wap address of the network.