London Created 19 years ago2005-07-07 07:13:38 UTC by The Killer The Killer

Created 19 years ago2005-07-07 07:13:38 UTC by The Killer The Killer

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 18:54:05 UTC Post #119519
Am I the only one on this site that doesnt believe in this conspiracy crap? It gets really annoying.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 19:33:29 UTC Post #119524
??? I just posted that conspiracy theories are out of place in the case of the London and Madrid bombings. They are related to the usual attacks we see in Iraq, and very very unlikely related to evil corporations with evil ID cards and giant "lasers" or spy robots.
I do have my doubts about the September 11 attacks, since we probably all agree that too many things went wrong and seemed staged (it's been discussed in countless threads).
So, 9-11 "provoqued" the Afghanistan war, and the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war are being used as an excuse for terrorists to kill (which is the only thing they know how to do).
One of the very sad parts about it is that the population of these European countries was vastly against the Iraq war, but now suffers the "consequences"
Governments did wrong sending troops against the will of the people who gave them their vote, and terrorists are always wrong by killing innocent people, maybe even more considering their victims were against the war.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 22:34:59 UTC Post #119553
God! What is it with you people and your conspiracy theorys?! I honestly don't think that our own governments have set up staged terrorist attacks on civilians in order to gain a reson to attack some other countries! 1984 (which has been refrenced a lot in this thread) was a work of fiction. FICTION!! Yes, it was a warning to people that governments could have too much power, I did my english term paper on that subject (got a 97 by the way). But seriously, this is taking the whole liberal thing to far! I can't tell if most of you are parinoid or just stupid. Bush is not some monster out to control the lives of every american! Sure, he's made some mistakes, but he's still a hell of a lot better than that little weasel Clinton! (Anybody see "Hotel Rwanda?)

I honestly think that the terrorists deserve the brunt of the blame for these attacks, and you can try to feed my your liberalist bullsh!t, but I hope thoes bastards fry!

And what the hell is "G8", some little fantasy orginazation created to oppress the masses. There is no such thing as a super group that is trying to control our lives!

9/11, the Madrid and London attacks, their all the work of people who, instead of trying to peacfully resolve there problems, decide to attack other countries! And look how we treat them! Saddam has killed millions, and yet he is sitting in his comfy cell, eating Doritos. You damn liberals need to stop preaching for the rights of monsters like this!

Here's the new liberal moto:
This country sucks, now give me my drugs!

Honestly, you are all complaining about oppresion in the US and Europe. Why don't you go live in Iraq, theres no oppression there, right, just the looming threat that some other iraqi is going to blow up your house and himself in the process!


Sorry, I just needed to vent that.

But seriously, I stick by everything I just said. And yes, I am conservative. :x
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 22:45:02 UTC Post #119555
So guys, Everyone take a moment of silence, I'm just hearing about it now. Soo, yep
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 22:45:31 UTC Post #119556
This is getting shitloads more publicity than the Bali Bombing ever did (I think it was a couple years ago), and the Bali Bombing killed 202 people or something, 188 of those were Australians.

What does this prove? The media only gives a shit about Europe and USA.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 22:49:34 UTC Post #119557

As I said on IRC, England is a major world power. Bali is some rock in the Pacific. It's exactly the same as the Iraq War: You hear about every single US casuality (not just stats either - actual names) whereas the Iraqi deaths are submitted as a statistic.

What's the old saying? One death is a tragedy, a hundred is a statistic.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 22:52:53 UTC Post #119558
Damn straight.

I'm now expecting everyone else in this community to go 'wtf is the Bali Bombing?'
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 23:04:04 UTC Post #119559
Notice also that when it occured, our news was more concerned with the Australian people that died? Sure, it's a pressing issue, but didn't locals die as well? Aren't they important enough to show?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 23:20:50 UTC Post #119561
Well the majority were Australians... but what could they show of the locals? They're dead, and their family probably wouldn't speak English... who knows.. :
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 04:52:22 UTC Post #119606
Trapt, the bali bombing was on the tv here in The Netherlands for weeks, so they do care to. Mainly because it was in a old colony of ours.

And yeah, somehow people dont give a shit that thousand die everyday in africa. But where all shocked of a few deads on london.

The irony of this world...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 05:40:29 UTC Post #119615
It's not irony. The sad fact that thousands die everyday in Africa is nothing new, that's why you wont see it in the News.
A terrorist attack in the safe (and recently selected for the Olympic games) city of London is actually news.
And about people caring for the deaths of some or others, it's just plain natural. I dont know anyone in Iraq or Bali, but I might know people in London so I might be more interested in knowing what has happened. The local Bali press probably gave much more importance to that attack than other people did. Obviously.
No one's saying their lives are more or less valuable. But people of the "western world" actually feel more related to citizens of NYC, Madrid or London than to citizens of Baghdad... right?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:01:24 UTC Post #119616
But the whole point is if it [bold] was [/bold] a terrorist attack then when will it happen [bold] again [/bold] and do you really think that the g8 would be harming innocent people when they are meeting about sdaving the lifes of thousands?????

and if it [bold] was [/bold] a terrorist attack then there must be a flaw in our security which will make it easyer for more attacks.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:02:01 UTC Post #119617
oop's i odnt know this stuff how to make it bold etc..... rofl
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:12:03 UTC Post #119621
There is no flaw. You cant control the contents of every bag that people are carrying in the Underground or bus system. It's as simple as that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:18:42 UTC Post #119623
mabey take it to the n e x t level and have maeydetectors you have to walk through just on the tube bacause you cant really have it on a bus its little things like that that could save lifes
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:20:06 UTC Post #119625
Ah, the beautiful world we live in. The human race is the only creature that kills its own kind for the hell of it. We probably had a much better rule of life when we were sitting in caves drawing animals on the fucking walls!

There is no point to terrorism. It's just a bunch of fucking morons who get kicks out of killing people. If 1 person kills 50 people 1 at a time over say a year is a full blown murder case. However if a group of murderers (which is essentially what they are) kill 50 people with a couple of bombs within a couple of hours its a conspiracy? It's BOLLOCKS!

To me a conspiricy is somthing people like to hide behind. It makes them feel safe. "Oh theres no terrorists out there, it's all a government conspiricy." Once again this is bollocks. People need to realise that a terrorist organisation (if you can call it that) is a band of people who get kicks out of killing who find each other and come together. They are murderers who like seing people suffer. For once just think that maybe this is nothing to do with a government. Just once say "Yes ok, we might actually be at risk here."

Sure the government is responsible for death at some point or another. Fine. But wait. The government is an organisation right? Doesn't that make them terrorists?

Was Hitler a terrorist?

Is bush a terrorist?

Is Tony Blair a terrorist?

If i hear the word conspiricy on the topic of london or 9/11 one more time i'll fucking scream!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:29:39 UTC Post #119631
What did they say in the West wing?
"This isn't the 1930s, we aren't fighting Fascists with tanks and guns - today anyone could blow up a village with a briefcase and some plutonium".

Pyroclasm: You're free to believe whatever you want. I, for one, think that the governments (of the US and the UK, mostly) use said terrorist attacks as tools. Whether or not they staged them or not is a different matter. I also have a hunch (I don't really believe in such) that the "elected" presidents of said nations are pawns used by a group of people.
And furthermore, I believe the Iraq war was all about the oil, but that's quite old news.
And what the hell is "G8", some little fantasy orginazation created to oppress the masses. There is no such thing as a super group that is trying to control our lives!
Um, you've got something confused. "The crazy conspiratists" didn't make up G8, it's an annual summit with 8 world leaders (Live8 basically hails them, also (if you ask me) propaganda tools.)
Just google for G8 and see what you come up with.
I honestly think that the terrorists deserve the brunt of the blame for these attacks, and you can try to feed my your liberalist bullsh!t, but I hope thoes bastards fry!
Yes, it'd be great to "See those bastards fry", but at what cost? Invading a country, killing hundreds just to end up with no suspects? I think not.
Also, it's not, by far, deeling with the root of the problem - namely that the US is quite hated around the world. This would never had happened if the US hadn't done this or that. Sure, there're some religious fanatics who hate every white guy they see, but they aren't really the ones conjuring up quite intelligent schemes.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:35:57 UTC Post #119635
Anyone thought that this is nothing to do with the G8 summit but the olympics?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:41:27 UTC Post #119638
I doubt that. It would be hard to coordinate such an attack a day after the news was released about the Olympics.

Good points ZombieLoffe, by the way.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:45:40 UTC Post #119641
ah but mabey this 'group' of people hoo actually carryed out the attack had plans for all the other country's thay were a part in trying to get 2012

thinking outside the box ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 06:56:59 UTC Post #119647
Very unlikely. These type attacks take a long time to plan in Europe or the US. The Madrid bombings were planned even before the Iraq war.
It means that the "reason" of the attacks was not Spain's participation in the war.
By the way Spain didnt directly leave Iraq because of the attacks (I guess everyone knows that by now). The bombings did provoque a change of government and the incoming political party did what they had said way back in 2002, that they would stop military operations in Iraq.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 07:41:23 UTC Post #119649
I'm repeating myself here. I'm not saying all terrorist attacks are planned/staged/funded by the government(s). I'm saying they're using some as tools to create the population using fear.
Also, it's provoke, just had to say it :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 07:52:48 UTC Post #119650
Listen, at first people find it hard to believe that any Government is capable of murdering the general population to reach political gain. But all I say is that this is not a 'Government' we are dealing with. What we are dealing with is essentially an organised crime syndicate, a mafia-like structure that has throughout history demonstrated it's powers to assassinate those who seek to expose the truth.

It's a crime to 'grass' on the Government when you work for them.

And what would happen if the mafia controlled mainstream media? - Well they'd certainly go about using it as a tool to misinform, rather than inform. It is not everyone in the Government that seeks to impose chaos on humanity. If you look at what's happening today, even their own elite are turning their backs on them, and what they are doing. More and more former Government officials, Government agents, etc, are coming out into the open and admitting that the Government is using terror as a pretext to introduce total martial law. More and more fatal flaws are being picked out in sloppy Government explanations of these event. More and more scandal is emerging, and above all, more and more people are waking up and starting to realise that we are being lied to on a mass scale. And that we wont take no shit from these criminals.

If you want to go about your daily life thinking that they are great and never lie to us because they are good christians, ask yourself 'What ever happened to the 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' part of christianity, or the 'Thou shall not kill'.

I spend a lot of my time researching this info, I bother to read the news articles, I read the Government documents, the proposals, the legislations, the literature. I am absolutely dedicated to finding the truth and spreading it amongst folks. Because I believe as human beings, we need to survive on this planet no matter what. And this piece of trash known as our Government, these crooks who get away with crimes against humanity do not see things that way. To them, we are simply their slaves, their minions.

And I'm not gonna stand for it. I dont care what they say, I will not be forced to have a biometric ID card, or any other form of RFID. Our country fought and died fighting against fascism and now the very same infostructure is being developed systematically without us even having an oppinion. Bottom line: wake up fool.
The future is easy to predict, when you know the agenda.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 07:56:33 UTC Post #119651
provoke then, thx!
by the way, the following paragraph came out in the press today. I'll write the original version first in case anyone wants to give a try their Spanish :D

Este peri?dico avisa adem?s de la gran dificultad, casi imposibilidad, de "evitar atentados de esta naturaleza" en Occidente, puesto que para ello ser?a preciso "instaurar un Estado policial" y "renunciar" al "sistema de libertades" actual. La soluci?n, por tanto, pasa por "intensificar la cooperaci?n internacional y los medios policiales y de inteligencia".

This newspaper also warns of the great difficulty, almost impossibility of "avoiding attacks of this nature" in western countries, since to do so would require to "impose a Police State" and "abandon" our current "system of liberties". The solution consists on intensifying international cooperation as well as police and intelligence services.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 08:28:52 UTC Post #119653
First of all, why would a group of terrorists provoke one of the biggest millitary force in the world?

Second of all, why would they attack us when they know that the attacks would serve as an advantage for the Government?

Thirdly, (according to official explanation) al-CIAeda seem to be very good at mastering large scale millitary-like operations without having any intelligence organisations. They seem to be very looky at 'avoiding' restricted airspace security, thousands of security cameras and our own intelligence agencies that have world wide communication.

The attacks serve no advantage to the alleged 'terrorists', only to our Government.

Our own MI5 have been caught aiding terrorism in this country, and that was even admitted by former MI5 agent David Shaylor.

The fact that on numerous occasions 'security' checks were being performed on closed London underground stations. The real perpetrators would have planted the bomb devices whilst the stations were closed. Even the police admit that there is no evidence of suicide bombing, only planted devices.

For me, al Qaeda is a codeword for British, American, and Pakistan intelligence agencies.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 08:36:11 UTC Post #119654
Maybe, but I assure you that people who put the bombs in Madrid were not from any intelligence agency. They might've had help from people who saught a government change, but they were determined to die killing people. That's why they blew themselves up in a flat.
The advantages that terrorists seek while killing are all in "paradise". If they kill themselves in the process, they become martyrs and it means extra food and women in the afterlife.
So fanatism does exist, and so does terrorism. These cells can act independently, they are not following Bel Ladens directions and much less the directions of an elite conspiracy group, think about it :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 09:04:56 UTC Post #119656
Why did the Madrid train bombings happen exactly 911 days after 9/11?

Why did the London Bombings happen on the 7/7/2005?


(2 + 0 + 0 + 5 = 7)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 09:28:25 UTC Post #119660
because terrorists thought it was funny to play with numbers and knew that people would search for these number coincidences.
But it has absolutely no meaning...

It was mentioned before in this thread. Al CIAeda is not following government orders of any kind. Remember that there have been al qaeda terrorist attacks in countries like Turkey, Indonesia, Kenya, Tanzania etc. I find it hard to believe that these had the purpose of creating a new world order or having ID cards in these countries... It seems more like the objective was to kill people, and in the case of the African countries, killing as many Americans as possible.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 09:43:17 UTC Post #119665
to be precise, these are the places were they have acted in 1993-2004
  1. 1993 (Feb.): US
  2. 1993 (Oct.): Somalia.
  3. 1996 (June): Saudi Arabia
  4. 1998 (Aug.): East Africa
  5. 2000 (Oct.): Yemen
  6. 2001 (Sept.): US
  7. 2002 (April): Tunisia
  8. 2002 (May): Pakistan
  9. 2002 (June): Pakistan
  10. 2002 (Oct.): Yemen
  11. 2002 (Oct.): Indonesia
  12. 2002 (Nov.): Kenya
  13. 2003 (May): Saudi Arabia.
  14. 2003 (May): Morocco.
  15. 2003 (Aug.): Indonesia.
  16. 2003 (Nov.): Saudi Arabia
  17. 2003 (Nov.): Turkey
  18. 2003 (Nov.): Turkey
  19. 2004 (March): Spain
  20. 2004 (May): Saudi Arabia
  21. 2004 (June): Saudi Arabia.
  22. 2004 (Sept.): Indonesia
  23. 2004 (Dec.): Saudi Arabia
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 10:10:22 UTC Post #119669
just a bunch of stupid people who like killing people then

bunch of nuggets
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 11:30:11 UTC Post #119691
It's not terrorists, it was the goverment ;) Well, I suppose you could call them terrorists.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 12:00:27 UTC Post #119694
You just watch our civil liberties trickle away...
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 12:33:20 UTC Post #119707
Terrosists, to clear thing up, are highly religious people who believe that in their religion, if you kill in gods name your kill is justified. To be honest. Im not sure what to believe.

I highly doubt the olympics were the cause of this bombing. Only 1 day after london was to take the 2012 olympics and a bombing. No way can you get something going THAT quickly. If it was terrorists, they probably planned if for yesterday so that they would dampen londons spirits. Or something similiar.

If you dont know what G8, i reccommend you watch the news more often. I know this may seem sad but i always tend to 'tune in' to see whats going on
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 12:51:57 UTC Post #119715
BBC = Blair Brainwashing Corporation
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 14:55:06 UTC Post #119730
n1 jahzel oh there new scottish base place is near my home its in glasgow next to the science centre :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 19:17:32 UTC Post #119761
You just watch our civil liberties trickle away...
It's true, and over here The Patriot Act--justified by 911--is eroding our rights on a daily basis.

Time for the Third Great War if you ask me... :
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-08 20:44:39 UTC Post #119769
First of all, why would a group of terrorists provoke one of the biggest millitary force in the world?
You obviously have no idea about guerilla warfare and terrorist strategy, foo. If it was a shit military they would just come in and destroy. Some of your conspiracies are thought provoking but other times they can be nosebleed inducing in their idiocy.

I'm glad that it wasn't too much of a bloodbath compared to what it could have been, and I really respect the 'fuck you, business as usual' attitude that only the English can pull off. They're well used to this kind of thing from the IRA, which is why London isn't as phased as America was. The obvious difference is that the IRA aim for buildings, and tried to give time to evacuate, unlike Al Qaeda (I assume its them) who aim for civilians.

Incidently, Jahzel, here a conspiracy related riddle on mind control:

Tell me when you get the joke :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 00:18:12 UTC Post #119789
I know for a fact that the elections in the US werent faked cause I saw more Bush bumper stickers and signs then Kerry and most of the people I know liked Bush better than Kerry. That right there undermines the "conspiracy" quite a bit. And those coincidental numbers mean nothing. It could just as easily been the terrorists idea to strike 911 days later.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 01:27:23 UTC Post #119795
But what about this police state nonsense, and big brother nonsense, which is slowly becoming a reality? If you say that it is all fake, I'll laugh at you. Even if it was terrorists, the new world order is becoming a reality.

PS: America must have a stupid population, if they voted for Bush.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 02:23:57 UTC Post #119796
Yes I know, America polices the world and they have been since the end of WWII. Nothing new. And the FBI/CIA have been spying on everyone since the Cold War. Nothing new either. And the idea of the N.W.O has been around for a long time too. So nothing new there either.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 02:40:36 UTC Post #119797
They're well used to this kind of thing from the IRA
Stupid IRA, they've been bombing because (i think) of catholics and protestants in Ireland. They've been bombing us for 15 years i think. I know theres been trouble there since the 60's :

America are idiots to think that they can police the world. Let everyone get on with their buisness. If countrys have bad governments thats their problem. Not America's, not the UK's, not Europes. Nobodys. The only people who police the world and arent bothered by people becuase of it are the UN. Thats their job, not other countrys.

The number thing is quite wierd. May be coincidental. But still, pretty wierd.

I thought the FBI werent very much into foreign work. I though that was just the CIA's job, to collect intelligence on others
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 11:03:52 UTC Post #119872
Hang on, both Bush and Kerry are cousins, they are both members of the same organisation for life, 'Skull and Bones' at Yale University. That is admitted by the way. They admit that the organisation exists, it's not a 'conspiracy'.

I mean, I'm talking to some of you, and it seems some of you think it's a conspiracy that the 'sun rises'. I'm the one trying to tell you that, yes the sun does rise in the morning!

If you believe the official nonsense which is equivalent to believing in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, then go ahead. But dont say I didnt warn you!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 11:13:00 UTC Post #119876
Having 2 canditades that are absolute the same is a great way to fake an election. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 11:56:59 UTC Post #119886
Exactly, it's like saying 'Who do you want to vote for?' 'Pol Pot or Chairman Mao?'
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 12:08:14 UTC Post #119890
Why vote for a lesser evil? Cthulhu for president!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 13:18:48 UTC Post #119912
Or, I could be president! I would start by killing any remains of the "old" goverment, and elect TWHL members as various goverment figures. Muhahahhaha.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 13:30:14 UTC Post #119917

i just learned that my m8 lost a friend in the attack.
also, my aunt was an emergency nurse at the scene.
I take this very seriously and personally.

Im not having any of your bullshit about conspiracies or jokes about it so shut the fuck up.

Mod, close this thread please
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 13:36:50 UTC Post #119918
Hey, I don't want to be rude or anything, but it's your choice to read this thread.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 15:00:14 UTC Post #119936
The Hunter, be angry at Blair, not me. In fact, be angry at George Bush Senior, it was his idea to have a New World Order in the first place.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-09 15:35:42 UTC Post #119944
Sincere sympathies to your friend, Hunter.
yes the sun does rise in the morning!
Nonsense, the Earth revolves around it. It's an illusion. Feel free to view that as a deep wise comment, or just as a physics nit-picker.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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