This thread has 'bad idea' writtin all over it. People like Hunter who have actually been effected by this event can quite easily find the posts offensive and I do believe offensive posts are against the rules.
Close it please.
Created 19 years ago2005-07-07 07:13:38 UTC by
The Killer
'Al Qaeda is not and never has been a "terrorist organization."
"Al-Qaida, (sic) literally 'the database,' was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians," admits former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, whose Foreign Office portfolio included control of British Intelligence Agency MI-6 and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). - (,12780,1523838,00.html)
In other words, the so-called Al-Qaeda, which has been promoted by the Media Cartel as the cause of all bombings and terrorism since the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001, is simply a database of CIA trained "terrorists" (or "freedom fighters," depending on your perspective) which has become a convenient Global Boogeyman for the 21st Century.'
ID cards 'wouldn't stop attacks' says buffoon Clarke, but they still want them because stopping attacks is not why they are being introduced.
'Identity cards would not have stopped the London bombings which killed more than 50 people and injured many more, Charles Clarke has said. But the home secretary said on balance he believed ID cards would help rather than hinder the ability to deal with particular terrorist threats.
He also suggested that in future civil liberties might have to be curtailed. Consideration would need to be given to checks on people boarding tube trains, ID cards and data exchange, he says.'
Any of you remember carlos the jackal? Now that was a terrorist.
Robin Cook(e?) pwns.David Icke dot com, I believe.
Very interesting, though. Source?
I know for a fact that the elections in the US werent faked cause I saw more Bush bumper stickers and signs then Kerry and most of the people I know liked Bush better than Kerry."He propably lives down in Texas or Florida anyway." Chuckle, even more.
I was even more surprised to hear today on the news that there was no official national identification card in Britain, which was one of the things that made identification of bodies take so much longer than it did in Madrid.Gee, wow, let's have ID cards disgustingly infringe upon the rights of the British so that we can identify corpses more easily! What a brilliant idea!!!1 They only cost hundreds of millions, and we can off-set that by selling peoples' private information, demanded for the policy by law, to private companies!
Monitoring everyones movement, conversations and even thoughts is a sick deprecation (sp?) of our private rights.Taking people's lifes away is sicker than all the above mentioned. The first right or liberty of any kind should be the right to live. I dont want to be monitored or investigated, but I would welcome measures that prevent death. Even so, I still think the best way to fight terrorism and "new world orderism" is fighting ignorance through education. Agreed?
Subject: Goal.No response so far.
Sender: "Matti Perakyla" <>
Date: 13.7.2005 11:26
Is PNAC's goal creating a new world order run by the US?
Sincerely, me.
"He propably lives down in Texas or Florida anyway." Chuckle, even more.I live in Arizona
I live in ArizonaI'm impressed.