iemc, really, what else do you think we should award?
Daub.: the bigger changes are yet to come. Uploading lots of changes and a couple of nice new things in the next few days sometime :).
Created 19 years ago2005-07-16 01:48:51 UTC by
iemc, really, what else do you think we should award?Toss a spare forum award here, guys...
Stop avatars being cached when they're being overwritten by new ones;Any comments, suggestions, questions, or complaints?
Reduce maximum avatar size to something sensible;
Delete files associated with comments when deleting the comments;
Random good map on front page (or map de la semana, etc.);
Latest award winner(s) on front (maybe);
Make PMs switch-off-except-for-mod-messages-able;
Better MV navigation (get by mod, etc.);
Sort out the MV submission and edit stuff with some tidy JS, and neatly enforce voting if in Completed;
Some kind of localised greeting on occasion would be pretty neat. See where the most people come from?