Just wanted to say Hi! Created 19 years ago2005-08-06 19:29:55 UTC by Dan-E Dan-E

Created 19 years ago2005-08-06 19:29:55 UTC by Dan-E Dan-E

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-06 19:29:55 UTC Post #126398
Hey everyone. I joined this forum today after months of using its wonderful resources for my mapping.

Well, I've got plenty of questions and I love giving feedback (But not "It sucks..." or "I like it!"). Sure, I'll give my opinion, but then I'll explain. I know forum members hate that. And also, I'll save my questions for the appropriate forum category.

I've been on a few forums involving different subjects, so everyone can be confident in my forum ediquette (Did I spell that right?).

I'd like to make a comment about my name. I was feeling creative so I put "Dan-E"... My real name is Danny (Everyone, feel free to call me that or Dan-E). Here's the thing though... They're the same when you say them! Muahahha! Get it? Get it? Danny... Dan-E...

Anyways, I look forward to foruming with everyon here, giving my feedback, as well as recieving some and getting any helpful information about mapping and modding that I can! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-06 19:36:58 UTC Post #126399
Well.. Hello Dan-E!~
Hope that you'll enjoy spending "quality time" with us ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-06 19:48:46 UTC Post #126402
Welcome to this site, Dan-E! Just one quastion for which game do you map? :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-06 19:53:07 UTC Post #126403
Oh... Didn't think about stating that...

Mostly I map for Half Life. A little bit for Counter Strike. And I wanted to map for HL2 after I buy it and get the stuff of off Steam to map (I heard that's how you do it...).

I'm in the process of making a Mod right now. No script changes or anything, really. Maybe some model changes, though. Mostly I'm just making the maps, changing the splash screen, etc, etc... This mod is going to be done for Half Life, but I'm hoping to make a Source version as well. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-06 19:59:06 UTC Post #126404
I prefer mapping for Hl1 for in Hl2 is boring and allmost everything is already done for you but in Hl1 you need to do it all by yourself and think more on how to do stuff! The only thing I like about source is that you can create bigger maps with more details! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-06 21:34:35 UTC Post #126421
Hmm... I'll remember that you said that when I try it out. Nonetheless, I'd really like to make a source version for my mod as well. Maps, as well. The Source Engine will be fun for multiplayer. :)

When I have more completed material on my mod, I'll begin showing it off and disclosing information.

Also, about HL2/Source; I heard it was more of a platform for making your own game rather than a game itself. I heard it was incredibly easy to make a mod for HL2. Is this true? (And I'm talking about the basics. Not a lot of re-scripting. I can do re-scripting, I know C++ fairly well, but I am currently not interested in re-scripting)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-06 22:14:15 UTC Post #126423
It is easier, yes.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 00:18:37 UTC Post #126438
Hmm. Interesting. Well, in that case, I'm excited to make a version of my Mod for Source as well! Like I said, I will disclose screenshots/information when I get further into development. :) Thank you for answering my questions!
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 01:50:42 UTC Post #126457
Hi, Dan.

I think to have fun as a mapper in HL2... you have to be a modeller :).

I think it's "etiquette", by the way.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 02:15:45 UTC Post #126467
Half-Life 2 mapping is boring, you have to model small details, or use premade ones. BOO!
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 02:18:03 UTC Post #126468
Welcome, good sir! Always good to see new active faces in the forum, especially Source-based ones. ;P

[unrelated rant]

There's reliance on props, m0p, but it doesn't mean you have to infest your maps with them. Custom ones are good (working on a team with modellers and knowing them well helps ;] ) but standard things like garbage helps a map which might already be good in terms of architecture and lighting.

Also, HL2 mapping is in no way easier. You can't just make a "good" map any easier than HL2. You need to have a good eye, and a knowledge of the toolset and engine. It's just as hard as HL1, the quality levels are different. Quit hating the new engine. This is akin to saying that HL2 is the worst game ever because your computer cannot run it.

[/unrelated rant]
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 02:26:49 UTC Post #126472
I agree with Rabid.

Using models for small details looks a shit load better than trying to use brushwork.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 02:40:16 UTC Post #126473
Alright. I am open to the opinion of both parties in this situation. I definately love the way the Source engine works. I haven't gotten to map for HL2 yet but I will keep an open mind when I do so. If modelling is the way to go for detail in HL2 (If I want a custom model, which I'm sure I will), then I'll give it a shot.

I definately enjoy mapping for HL1 and I am confident that I am at least fairly good at it (I in no way mean to be arrogant or concieted). My friends praise me for my work. I've always been dedicated to putting a hearty amount of detail into my work and I feel I have a good eye for design. I'll have to put some of my own maps in the Vault. I am in the process of compiling a very unique and very abstract map. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 02:40:37 UTC Post #126474
Well that dependes on which details and you can make nice details with brushes! :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 02:48:43 UTC Post #126475
Show us some screenies! :D
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 02:52:18 UTC Post #126476
I particularly like random objects strewn around... I don't do too much of that in HL1 mapping for Deathmatch maps, but I plan on putting a lot of small details in my Mod that I'm working on. :)

By the way, before anyone gives me the "Can I really do it?" speech, I have already heard it and I asked myself if I could before hand. It's not a very large Mod and I do have fiends who also enjoy mapping helping me. They're also helping with things other than mapping, such as story, voice acting, gameplay, etc, etc. :) Just that I'd say that so that no one worried.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 03:01:56 UTC Post #126477
Hello Dan-E, its good to have you aboard. It seems that you've got quite an operation going there. What is your mod going to be about?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 03:27:08 UTC Post #126479
Well... I am very eager to disclose information, but I am waiting until I have some more screenshots and stuff. I am kind of self-conscious about the idea, but I suppose I have to expose it eventually and I have to be open to feedback, whether it be positive or negative. And I am looking forward to that feedback. All I can really do is do my hardest to make it worthwhile.

So, until I get some more screenshots (A little more mapping to do), I am keeping hush about it. Don't worry, it'll all come out. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 04:05:56 UTC Post #126480
Uh oh... I've run into a bit of a dilemma about my Mod... To ask the question I need, it requires that I disclose information about my Mod, but I suppose that it would have happened sooner or later. I really had no reason, either.

Anyways, the Mod is called Ravenholm. You play as an animal control staff member doing his job before Ravenholm is infested. You are there when it gets hit with the pods of headcrabs and starts to become overrun. The point of the game is making it out alive. I have a much more detailed outline that I will tell everyone about later.

Here is my dilemma, upon searching the forums at Planet Half Life for good Ravenholm screenies, I learned that the idea of a Ravenholm based Mod has already been tossed around and there is a Czech based Mod about Ravenholm. This Mod, however, does not seem to deal with Ravenholm pre-infestation and in unfinished.

I was going to make a Source version and a Half Life 1 version. With the idea of a Ravenholm based mod having already been tossed around and there already being a Mod relating to Ravenholm, should I continue with this Mod? I am very excited about it and I am in no way copying any ideas that anyone has proposed. I thought of this idea before stumbling upon this information.

So, should I continue with my Mod??
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 04:19:21 UTC Post #126481
Why not just make an HL1 version? That'd be impressive :).
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 05:24:57 UTC Post #126485
Hey Dan-E.

I've expressed my feelings about mapping with source in several places across these forums. If you can find them you may notice a pattern emerge.

Also welcome to the forums. I've been here nearly a year and this is one of if not the best online community.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 05:26:13 UTC Post #126486
I'd continue =]

While there is another mod out there, I doubt there's much competition/reason someone would pick one over the other. It's not like they can put a CaD out there for using the same setting. They're each about their own different things, just in the same setting. And then there's the Ravenholm environment in HL2.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 05:58:09 UTC Post #126497
Thank you, RabidMonkey. Something like that is what I wanted to hear. Just as long as no one thinks I'm lame... lol. :)

Anyways, I guess I won't worry about it. And now, you guys got what you wanted! That's my Mod. I love the idea and I'm excited. I'll get screenshots and the more in-depth outline soon later.

In a few days I'm leaving for a week, but after that I'll be back to mapping, modding, and posting! Thanks.

Also, because I never said it before. Hello everyone else that posted here to welcome me! I'm glad to meet you all. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 07:35:26 UTC Post #126511
Hey Mr. Dan-E sir, howdya do?
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 08:12:18 UTC Post #126516
Welcome to TWHL, Dan-E! :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-07 08:14:32 UTC Post #126518
Welcome to TWHL Danny! Have good time here :)
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