Created 19 years ago2005-09-04 17:04:50 UTC by
yah... its realy sucks down there....I dont think so, the Tsunami hit a far bigger area with far worse consequences, those country's didnt have any money before the tsunami. America does have money, atleast a far bigger amount then the tsunami-country's have.
AS bad as the tsunamai
these daysEh? These days?
G_Kid I know that but it's still far from not trying to be annoying or to offend you Freshed, but since whenever was anything perfect? We have laws and soceity and yet laws are still broken, and soceity can collapse sometimes (take the situation in USA at the moment)
America's even asked for help from abroad (food mainly)Thats odd. Why are we asking for food when America alone produces enough food to feed the whole world? I blame the fat people :
They need to hide all the food from the fat people.and thus begins the mas bombings of fast food industrys...
Thats odd. Why are we asking for food when America alone produces enough food to feed the whole world? I blame the fat peoplethat, and the skinny illegal aliens.
America's even asked for help from abroad (food mainly)America has plenty of food,money and suplies.Why the hell are they asking for food!?
America has plenty of food,money and suplies.Why the hell are they asking for food!?well, you have to consider that farms near the affected area (which is along the river with the name i can't spell for shit) and that the farms also have to feed people as it is, theres about 248 million people in America, and america already imports food too. So you have to admit that America may have been caught out in this big emergency.
Me and a bunch of my mates thought up a way in which to kill Bush really easily while walking home from college a few months back and in a highly grotesque and amusing manner. However it would be unsound and militeous to share it on the internet. Plus I'd get the shit if someone went and did it.hahaha...go on you can tell us (or me over PM's)
Liberals have anger issuesDAMN STRAIGHT! (althought im not really interested in politics)
I didnt wanna kill Clinton when he was presidentEr, he was less of a dangerous fanatic ;).
Liberals have anger issuesThen may I just say "PROUDLY FUCKING LIBERAL!"