
Created 19 years ago2005-10-10 01:58:48 UTC by
could someone find the leaks and patch em up for meoh what a surprise. ansith asking other people to do things for him again..
put a brush over half your map and then compile. If you still have a leak, it must be somewhere in the uncovered area. Place another brush that covers half of this area, and compile again. Continue untill you've found the leak.Then, at least you have a clue about where it is
oh ok so you mean every entity? buttons speakers and all?Every single entity. To do this easily, go to the Entity Report in the Hammer menu, select all entities in that list, hit the Mark button and then press the Hide selection button. All your entities are now made invisible (you can turn them visible again with the vis groups control panel in Hammer, usually at the right of your screen).
entitys doesn't count as VIS in HL1?Brush based entities (func_wall, func_door, (func_rotating etc) don't block vis leafs. If you have a lot of detailed architecture, func_wall them, making compile times a lot faster, but don't overdo it.