ill tell you the times ive been scared in hl: while playing blue shift( this was the 3rd time id played it not haveing the origional) in the early morining with my friend , i was just getting through the canals on low heath when i get to the part where you have to rize the water level of the room (not knowing i had to do that) there were 3 baricals in the room i thought there were only 2 and a rope(i could only see the tonge of one of em) so i kill 2 of them and i go to climb the rope not looking at whats on top of the rope , thinking WOW a self climbing rope and then i get to the top of it and i see the barnical (unexpecting it) and i fall back on my chair and then my friend says what did you do that for.
And another time was when i was going around some maps in hl or azuresheep cant remember and thinking haha ive seen it all nothing can scare me now(this was just recently) climbing around some vents killing some headcrabs, i get to the end of the vent with a dark room there and then bang a headcrab jumps at me from behind because i forgot to kill him in the vent.