unused keyvalues Created 20 years ago2004-01-28 02:01:50 UTC by Jax Jax

Created 20 years ago2004-01-28 02:01:50 UTC by Jax Jax

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 02:01:50 UTC Post #14163
when i check problems, it says 'entity game_player_equip has unused keyvalues' wTF? some help plz, btw i'm trying to equip deagles for Ts and weapon_elite for cts, oh and its for CS
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 02:31:02 UTC Post #14164
also what are the teams speciied as under the game_team_master? (CTs: 1?)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 11:08:54 UTC Post #14192
you used the compass thing, it means nothing, I have that in my map problems, but it does nothing to my maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 16:13:50 UTC Post #14227
carefull, the way that check works, is by checking the fgd against the entities (i think) so the key values are sometimes valid, but show up as errors.

YOu really need to know what youre doing
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-28 19:15:07 UTC Post #14265
These key values could be caused by the angle. Pressing alt+p and choosing the fix could cause the valid angle to become 0 0 0
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-29 00:11:22 UTC Post #14283
NICE AV STEININ!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-29 00:18:11 UTC Post #14285
i never worry about that problem and it never affects my maps when i compile so don't worry about it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-29 04:47:18 UTC Post #14300
yes it is a 'valid' problem, as in it doesnt affect me i checked tommys site, but what the helll are the team index numbers?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-29 09:19:10 UTC Post #14308
You can just ignore it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-30 02:31:56 UTC Post #14417
no i want to find out what the numbers are! im trying to get cts a gun and ts a diff one so i wana find out these numbers! 1? 2? 0?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-30 04:24:19 UTC Post #14419
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-30 07:38:43 UTC Post #14435
ive tried a lot, i cant get them right it doesnt work
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-30 15:58:43 UTC Post #14473
well, indexes usually go from 0 upwards..
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-30 16:45:25 UTC Post #14486
indices ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-30 19:45:28 UTC Post #14506
no, they are different.. i ment:

index no. = 0
index no. = 1
index no. = 2
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-30 19:53:57 UTC Post #14511
I've never had this problem! I think it's just a fault in Hammer. BTW, I had it once, didn't effect the map though.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 04:22:42 UTC Post #14551
I apologise as I am prolly wrong :|
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 06:59:02 UTC Post #14562
ok, the really easy to understand reason and fix for this

Hammer checks entities current keyvalues (the ones when 'smartedit' is off) against those in the loaded FGD.
If you've created a key that doesn't exist in the FGD, then it will flag it as having 'unused keyvalues'
Most common cause of this is by changing the entities angle with the compass, which adds in an 'angles' key to the entitiy with Z X Y coords.
To remove the problem from specific entities, open up the FGD and find an entity that already has an angles flag, copy it into the body of the problem entity and hammer will now shutup spamming that damn error.
If the entity doesn't need any form of starting angle information or some such, just uncheck smartedit, select the angles key and press delete, and stay away from that damned compass! :)
Never ever ever try to 'fix' the problem (using 'check for problems') as you'll find hammer tends to mess up everything.

Way back when NS used to be good, the original FGD was a mess, NO entities has proper angles flags in them and a lot of keys were undefined, which propogated this problem a lot. Took me ages but I edited every single entity in the FGD to remove the problem, thinking NS mappers would love me for the time and annoyance saved; and then I was banned from their forums and noone actually downloaded my fix. Lovely.
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 08:11:44 UTC Post #14589
poor jacob...................
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 13:58:21 UTC Post #14623
don't make me come over there with my deagle
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-31 20:49:07 UTC Post #14707
Is that you? :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 03:36:37 UTC Post #14747
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-01 07:09:39 UTC Post #14785
sorry, thats just me before i go out on a raid, was a good night, we nicked 3 mota's and I got my hands on some blings
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