I get this error... Created 18 years ago2005-11-09 21:41:17 UTC by Bongoboy1978 Bongoboy1978

Created 18 years ago2005-11-09 21:41:17 UTC by Bongoboy1978 Bongoboy1978

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 21:41:17 UTC Post #146290
Now, when I compile, I get the following error:

SolidBSP [hull 0] 500...572 (0.05 seconds)
Warning: No entities exist in hull 0, no filling performed for this hull
SolidBSP [hull 1] 486 (0.06 seconds)
Warning: No entities exist in hull 1, no filling performed for this hull
SolidBSP [hull 2] 435 (0.06 seconds)
Warning: No entities exist in hull 2, no filling performed for this hull
SolidBSP [hull 3] 500...518 (0.06 seconds)
Warning: No entities exist in hull 3, no filling performed for this hull
0.67 seconds elapsed

I have tried everything I can think of. I deleted entities, brushes, etc.. Anyone know what to do?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 22:27:08 UTC Post #146294
No entities exist in hull
Have you tried adding entities?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 22:35:59 UTC Post #146301
You pretty much have a bunch of unwanted closed off areas that are not part of the main map.

Its usually a brush error.

It really won't effect your map at all though...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 04:14:12 UTC Post #146322
You can delete them......so you whont get it again........ :quizzical:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 05:57:53 UTC Post #146329
This is not a brush error. This simply means that you have no entities placed. You need at least one info_player_start or info_player_deathmatch, a light source (point entity or a light texture).

If you don't have any of these, you'll get that error.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 06:03:05 UTC Post #146331
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 19:38:15 UTC Post #146460

I was wrong :aggrieved: :nervous:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 21:47:44 UTC Post #146471
Seriously, though. Pay attention to the error from now on. if it says the map is lackign something don't start deleting stuff. you only make it worse.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 08:54:16 UTC Post #146555
Or he may have put the entitys in a brush, when he made the skybox (if hw just made a big hollow box) but he forgot to make it hollow, that can cause that error, i forgot to hollow the sky on Banko_Arena some times ^^
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 11:24:20 UTC Post #146590
Don't use hollow, build a sky manually around the outside of your map. Using hollow puts sky on the bottom of the map and stuff and screws up vis and rad time.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 11:43:57 UTC Post #146599
Plus you might get that evil effect where the sky does not line up with the rest of the sky...

if you can understand that sentence...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 11:53:25 UTC Post #146603
Where the tgsa get slightly missaligned? I always thought that was just a fault in the original tga.
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