I don't think people would have an issue with this, to be perfectly honest. Does it really matter?I doubt it, seeing as it has been going on for two months or however the hell long it's been. Still, we'll see. It should be okay.
Created 19 years ago2005-07-05 02:28:08 UTC by
I don't think people would have an issue with this, to be perfectly honest. Does it really matter?I doubt it, seeing as it has been going on for two months or however the hell long it's been. Still, we'll see. It should be okay.
I just cant work with the hl2 textures, it just doesnt match for meSame here. I do have (or make) some time for creating new ones though. Map creating costs more time now but since I use a more structured approach these days, I waste less time detailing area's that finally don't fit in, so that balances things a bit. Modelling for HL2 is also easy if you're used to do it for HL so although it takes some time to adjust your workflow, it's possible and now that I've done it, it's not so bad.
So, Trappy, you want me to help adjudicate?yes plz, thx. ;o
Hm, I'm not sure that I'll be able to judge at any consistent times or periods. Surely there's no desperate requirement to multiplayer playtest it ? seeing as all the layouts are the same?Layouts are the same.... yes. But multiplayer testing would mean we could see how well the Z axis was used, how well the RPG trap works, etc. You don't have to play in the multiplayer testing, but we're gonna do it anyway.
Need a hand judgingNot from you, no.?
Rabideh had a lot of custom content but I probably unpacked it wrong because I saw a lot of checkerboard textures. Next time, please, include it in the map itself or use easy folders like materials/mapname(/subfolders) and such.Yah, I have a build somewhere with all the required materials, but it clocks in around ~40mb :[ - The way the Source materials system works too, I have to leave the materials/models in their proper directory structure (ie cs_assault, de_train) for them to work, as opposed to dm_slums :[
Doesn't really add much to the thread, really(I was talking about Mercenary's now deleted post)
I want SP mappage compo ;o!!Why? So you can build a huge realistic damn and pwn us all?