any1 like to share ur opinion Created 19 years ago2005-11-20 12:52:01 UTC by mustang67 mustang67

Created 19 years ago2005-11-20 12:52:01 UTC by mustang67 mustang67

Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 12:52:01 UTC Post #148094
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 12:57:14 UTC Post #148095
as in... a possible purchase... or the idea of it?

personal, i think hl2 needs to be played with a mousel quicker movements, faster reactions and 180 degree turns.

also, i doubt whether microsofts xbox graphics cards are up to it... obviously they toned them down a bit. Not sure :
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 12:57:33 UTC Post #148096
Whaaaaat a waste of time and money.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 12:59:23 UTC Post #148097
holy shit, I just noticed the price! even hl2 on computer weren't that much. Bloody cheek! :x
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 13:21:59 UTC Post #148100
stunning graphics
Dunno 'bout that.. But if you have an Xbox (and a crappy comp) then by all means go ahead. But i'm certain it's inferior to the pc version in every aspect.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 13:31:39 UTC Post #148103
umm, just noticed something.

They got screenshots from the missing chapter "DOCKS"
What the..?
How come they included it for Xbox?
Or is if fake? :S
I mean, they could easely just have copied some old screenshots
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 13:32:29 UTC Post #148104
They're just old. Look at Alyx's clothes. Sites are always sticking old crap as "screenshots".
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 13:35:29 UTC Post #148106
They're just old. Look at Alyx's clothes.
Just noticed, and they also have pictures of the OICW, wich Valve them selfs said wouldn't be included.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 14:08:25 UTC Post #148112
Consoles suck. FPS's on consoles suck worse.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 14:23:55 UTC Post #148113
Yeah, I still don't understand how to make a HEADSHOTZAHH!! on console.
I mean, it's like imposseble to aim.

For example, if F.E.A.R. would come for console.
The AI is so great, they always move in combat (soldiers),
You can hardly hit them on the PC, how are you supposed to do it on a console??
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 19:44:20 UTC Post #148141
HL2 on X-box...

I'll buy it... Check it out...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 00:29:01 UTC Post #148167
I might buy it just to support valve, and to bring to lan parties, because we all know gaming in Lan is far supiror to any other form of multiplayer competition.

there is some sort of muliplayer right? I wouldn't think valve stupid enough to not use X-box live. since most people would by the game for single and muliplayer, and not if it were just single
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 00:46:36 UTC Post #148169
For example, if F.E.A.R. would come for console.
The AI is so great, they always move in combat (soldiers),
You can hardly hit them on the PC, how are you supposed to do it on a console??
They always tone down the AI for consoles, seeing as how you cannot aim, I noticed after playing and beating all the difficulty levels of Brothers In Arms, on Xbox, that the guns are alot less accurate on the PC version, so the PC version is by far the more realistic, and therefore, better version of the game.

And have you ever noticed how in Halo 2, that there is an auto aim? Even in MP, you play with an auto aim to help you find your target.

Consoles are crap, they are anti-progressive and will always lag gamers behind technology.

CoD2 looks absoluety horrid, for both PC and console, it is just another cookie cutter WWII shooter, and I am sick of them, and the commercials don't even use actual gameplay footage, instead they use some random CGI engine to mislead the unwitting populace.

Guys, just say no to consoles.

That will be all.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 02:04:53 UTC Post #148177
Hl2 runs laggy on xbox, it was meant to be a "backwards compatibility" xbox 360 game, then it will run smoothly, but yes. Consoles are inferior to computers
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 20:34:49 UTC Post #148284
Xbox 260 is the latest in ghetto consoles, it comes with a 20GB HDD!!!!!!!! OMFG!! THATS HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 4 yr old system has 120GB....
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 20:35:28 UTC Post #148286
i hear alot that FPS's suck on consoles, but what about halo? because of the set-up of the gamplay (ie grenades, meele, action, and reload) its hard to play on PC. I have both xbox and pc version of halo and its too complicated to play on pc. my controles are the same as the defalt HL setup movement (w,a,s,d) mouse looks, eft click shoot, right meele, middle scope, f flashlight, q swich weapon, e action, 1,2 change grenades, r reload, g swap weapon. it just doesnt work well, gets a little confusing with the grenades and all. In HL the grenade was always used as an indvidual weapon, which had both its good and bad points, but some FPS work well on the consoles where some should be left to the PC. as in halo stay on the xbox, where HL should be kept to the PC. At that Timesplitters should be moved to the PC because of the look sensitivity and the way the game's set up. to hard to play on a console, especially on multiplayer, players move really fast, and when they get a speed pick up.. its even imposible to hit them with a nuke :zonked:

however i jus got doom 3 this weekend, im sure its good for the PC but it plays well on the xbox. Only particular bad point is that Co-op and deathmatch can only be played on Xbox Live and LAN, so it would seem that its not much different from the PC, the pause screen is basically like pusing ESC while playing HL, brings up a menu that is similar.

But like i said some FPS are best played on console and some are best played on PC
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 21:04:31 UTC Post #148289
I played Halo 1 easily on PC, I was pretty good driving the whart hog.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 21:16:06 UTC Post #148290
however i jus got doom 3 this weekend, im sure its good for the PC but it plays well on the xbox.
It might play well but it looks like shit. I believe the correct term to describe how D3 looks on Xbox is: Diarrhea
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 01:22:23 UTC Post #148301
rofl my waffle.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 22:12:52 UTC Post #148509
yes its alot easier to drive on PC rather than xbox because the mouse is used to steer
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 22:16:36 UTC Post #148511
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 23:16:32 UTC Post #148516
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 03:05:29 UTC Post #148518
my god guys. theres no difference whether a first person shooter is on a console or a compy. i think it is completly a matter of oppinion. your just too lazy to actually practice on an xbox for a couple minutes >_<

i have no troubles aiming at all in halo, but in the pc version.. hes right, way to complicated. driving the warthog is only easy because the 'hog follows the direction the camera is facing (same thing in xbox) i dont plan on buying hl2 for xbox. i already own it for computer -_-

to gargantua man: no there is no multiplayer on hl2 for xbox. same thing as the one for computer (its not HL2DM)

Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 03:11:29 UTC Post #148521
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Please try again later.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 05:25:58 UTC Post #148530
You simply cannot beat a mouse and keyboard for control. It's the most flexible FPS setup, ever. I'm sure thousands of gamers everywhere will back me on that, even ones that do play on consoles as well. It's simply more comfortable. Try playing something like BF2 on a computer. With all the options and key binds it's impossible to fit on a console controller. Sure it's more complicated, but one adjusts easily.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 09:30:34 UTC Post #148552
ah, the horror!

Why do they always to this?! It?s like some sort of brutal game diarrhea! Shit out every game they can make and then convert them into evey console there is... FPS on consol suck, everybody knows that!And what good is it to have HL on consol, you can?t map or modify it so it?s complete "looking for the right word".... CRAP!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 12:59:28 UTC Post #148620
my computer sux so i play alot of fps on consoles, but HL should be left to the pc for modding and mapping reasons as well as other complications... ie shitty graphix
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 11:40:55 UTC Post #157899
well....i got HL2 xbox version, i didnt buy it tho, it was givin to me. its not that bad the graphix are fine. they dont seam to be downgraded, but they are better than on my pc. The only problem is the absense of multiplayer, developers said they didnt add it because CS is on the xbox : , but HL2DM is alot more fun than CS. mostly because of the physics and the Gravity Gun :) , and the i really like the secondary fire on the pulse rifle too. hope fully they'll come out with HL2DM sometime, and make it playable over live and LAN, it might have to be like doom3 tho, 1 player per xbox. :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 15:42:10 UTC Post #157921
I doubt there is any reason to buy the xbox version, no mapping, no multiplayer.... How many people buy HL for the story, oh wait I did....big mistake. But I can't stand FPS on comps, I like Halo 2 cause you know when you are hitting someone. You can feel your controller rumble and see their shield shimmer. Besides, with consoles everyone is running on the same machine, so there is no difference in speeds and it doesn't make that much different on online with lag and all.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 15:45:05 UTC Post #157922
They always tone down the AI for consoles
And graphics, and all the great stuff.
Therefor; :thefinger: console
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 16:38:20 UTC Post #157932
Bloody Thread Reviver...

Shame... :aggrieved:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 16:58:34 UTC Post #157936
i used a mouse and keyboard for a lan party on xbox for halo 2 (my friend has the adapter) it turned out that mouse and keyboard for an xbox is no different than using the controller... the game lagged so u would turn ur mouse and there would be a bad delay so u could never flick-wrist anyone (its like using direct 3d on a computer that cant handle it)

does anyone have the halo demo for pc that wants to play me? :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 17:42:40 UTC Post #157941
No, I don't want to play you.
And btw, Halo's PC-version is horrible.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 18:22:16 UTC Post #157946
Actually, the only reason that Halo on the PC is so bad is beacuse its a conversion of a crappy console game! Had it been developed for the PC first as it was originally intended then it would of been a great game.

However, the limitations of the console meant that the development team seemed to think it was ok to make all the underground sections the same instead of making variations. I was never sure whether or not i had moved on or whether i was in the same bunker doing the same thing!

Granted the game wasnt all bad, i enjoyed playing it but it was not as good as it could of been!
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-15 17:35:14 UTC Post #158059
Consoles DO NOT suck, try playing Splinter Cell: chaos theory, considerd to be on of the greatest xbox games ever made, on the pc. Also, consoles are cheaper then high-end computers. Therefore more people can aford it and buy games, so consoles are actually advancing the game industry.
Seriously, don't diss the consoles just because you cant use a controller.


another exapmle.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-16 01:48:46 UTC Post #158084
controllers suck, they only work well with a few games, none of which are FPS.

Farcry: Instincts is a terrible butchery of a great game.

Chaos Theory looks and plays better on a PC.

Consoles are second rate computer parts, they are not advacing jack.

On Porting:
Make it for the PC, then strip it down to port it to a console. anything else should be illegal.

Halo PC version is still better then the Xbox version, even if the graphics looks about as good as HL with some better shaders
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-16 03:36:17 UTC Post #158088
the reasons consoles suck:
1. gamepad
2. memory cards (not in the case of xbox)
3. limited flexibility

the reasons they dont:
1. games. many games use special features of the console
2. portability (the new look ps2, nintendo DS, etc)
3. compatibility

you have to realise that consoles are aimed NOT at hardcore gamers, but at the typical 'loungeroom' gamer. gamepads are there because its compact. try picking up a keyboard and mouse and playing a game in mid-air. memory cards were made so someone can go to a friends house, shove it in their ps2, and point at their face, laugh and scream: 'haha told you i finished it 100%!!! gimmie my 20 bucks!'. most games dont let you change controls so the n00bcaeks dont get confuzzled. but you can just buy an xbox game knowing it will work in your xbox, whereas some people with 3+ year old graphics card has a 80% chance of their PC game not working.

the PC/console battle is just a matter of opinion. if you like mapping, 3rd-party mods, easy-to-use online multiplayer and upgrading parts once a year, you like PC's. if you like not getting caught with a game that doesnt work, simplicity and portability, you like consoles.

almost everyone here will like PC's, because this is a MAPPING site. you cant make custom maps for consoles (except on those rare games with editors)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-16 13:35:12 UTC Post #158140
Basically a console is a PC for none PC people, in other words, Its a PC that someone with absolutely no knowledge of PCs can use without the risk of messing it up.

To me, any serious gamer uses a PC. Consoles are good for sports, driving and fighting games due to the controllers, but now that controllers for the PC are just as advanced you can easily play the above genres on a PC with no problems.

Ive a PS2 Slim that i take if we go away anywhere, its small light and ideal for such things. Plus theres the annoying problem of games. Destroy All Humans for instance is one of the funniest games ive ever played, but they didnt release it on the PC so im glad i had my PS2.

Swings and Roundabouts as to the pros and cons of both systems. PC's will always be the best and the worst of the gaming world with consoles just sitting in the average section :D
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-16 16:45:42 UTC Post #158173
True gamers (particularly FPS gamers) would never settle for the console experience. The control is simply inadequate.

Consoles are designed for casual gamers who don't know the difference between a AGP and PCIe. Consoles are easy to set up, and pretty much mindless to install. Those are the advantages.

But in the process, you sacrifice graphics, ease of control, and mod-ability.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-16 17:55:58 UTC Post #158185
... and he's a doctor, so he knows better than you foo'.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-16 18:31:11 UTC Post #158189
Farcry: Instincts is a terrible butchery of a great game.
Sorry, but i trust the people at gamespot more than i trust you :P
almost everyone here will like PC's, because this is a MAPPING site. you cant make custom maps for consoles
I suppose i shouldn't be arguing this with you people should I? I guess i'll just sit back and use my "Only for people who know nothing about computers" controller (Wich i actually prefer over a mouse and keyboard) and laugh at the people who don't have enough hand-eye cordination to use one. :roll:

P.S. I'm sorry, in advance.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-17 17:39:10 UTC Post #158325
I'd take a controller any day. I can't stand using a mouse for FPS.

I am actually rather surprised that no one has brought up that there are more buttons on a keyboard. Good thing though, cause I would have just shown you this
My brother has one, works really well to.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 11:06:50 UTC Post #159655
I doubt there is any reason to buy the xbox version, no mapping, no multiplayer
: dustbunny..... u dont map i tired helpin u set up hammer and u wanted nothing to do with it, ur on this site to use the random stuff fourms :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 11:20:55 UTC Post #159658
dont buy it on x-box, i played it, it sucks. Bad graphics, poor performance, crappy allround
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 15:09:13 UTC Post #159715
yes its alot easier to drive on PC rather than xbox because the mouse is used to steer
Think again!
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-26 16:39:10 UTC Post #159724
Why do they always to this?!
some people are just too damn cheap to buy a good computer. I can run hl2 and doom3 on my laptop, and it was only $1200,+- about $125.
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