Created 19 years ago2005-11-23 13:31:14 UTC by
string theory? Hmmm....The string theory is like the theory of relativety, but, as we all know some parts of the theory of relativety didn't match the reality.
Say, what would be your views on other stuff like this?
God didn't create the human, the human created godHeh, if there was a "good TWHL quotes" page, that would belong there.
This thread will be locked, I can fore see it.Are you god?
Don't you dare make a thread for that.You would like that wouldn't you.
I am strictly Protestant, I do not believe that good deeds get you to heaven(Islam, Roman Cathlolicism).So you're saying "everybody else is wrong on no grounds". Right.
2. You have sinned, and there is no way for you to ever be forgiven by your own means.Well I didn't wanna go anyway..
3. Jesus died for one purpose, to make a way for you to be forgiven by God, and thus be accepted into heaven.
It also says you can own slaves, lets follow that too.rofl wtf!!!!!!
one of them is a man of FearIsn't that the basis of all religion?
The Bible is full of rules that only help Humankind. It serves as a code of Common sense.I'm with you to the rules part. It's a book of rules that tries to tell me what to do. Tell you what, I'll think for myself instead and use my own judgement and moral compass. That my friend, is common sense. And when you have it you don't need no "god".
Isn't that the basis of all religion?I fear God...
And when you have it you don't need no "god".wow... rebellious nature...
You seem to forget that "religion" is more important than our world...Wrong. That's opinion.
Think of everything that "religion" has done for the world...Religious organisations are not the sole contributor to the wellbeing of the world. The number of non-religious organisations far outnumber them.
You think that because there are holy wars going on in the Middle East and because a bunch of morons yeeeears ago went on crusades that religion is bad?Pretty much, yeah. Trace everything back and you'll see that it stems from some form of religion.