Textures don't line up Created 19 years ago2005-12-01 11:10:58 UTC by Bongoboy1978 Bongoboy1978

Created 19 years ago2005-12-01 11:10:58 UTC by Bongoboy1978 Bongoboy1978

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 11:10:58 UTC Post #150047
I'm having trouble with my textures. Like when i make a brush, the texture comes out doubled, not stretched or fitted to my brush. It used to do that, but not anymore. Anyone know why? Help would be greatly appreciated lol.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 11:15:27 UTC Post #150048
Exactly what do you mean? Can you provide a screenshot or such?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 11:22:07 UTC Post #150049
I'll give you an example...when I make a brush with the ladder texture to make a ladder, the texture comes out as as many ladders it can fit into my brush.

And sure I'll get a screentshot.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 11:33:30 UTC Post #150051
kinda hard to tell what you are saying with that small bit of info, but here is what I can offer on just basic texturing techniques.

Your texture alignment doesnt not automatically align to your brushes. Sometimes you may be fortunate/plan ahead enough to use textures that just happen to be the correct size as your brush for instance a wall 128 wide or long X 128 high, with its point of origin on 0 in the z axis.
This would align properly if the brush was in the just right place and you were using a texture that was 128x128.

Soooo if you were to use a texture, let's say was 64X64, it would appear that it was tiled 4x on that 128X128 brush forementioned. If you used a brush that was 32x32...16x tiles.

You will need to either adjust the x or y axis of the texture manually until it aligns to your liking.

You will need to scale it to your liking using both the x and y axis as well if you want to manually do this. Really good for texturing parts of a texture visibly.

other things you can do is use the justification buttons in VHE, (right left top center bottom).

If you want to just stretch the image to your liking, use the fit option, but bear in mind, that stretching textures more than 2x or less than .5x is not recommended. If you do too much stretching and fitting you can get some really odd luminol errors etc.

and lastly sometimes you need to rotate your textures. Keeping it simple, lets say you have a nice symmetrical map thing goin on. You make a giant toilet prefab and texture it, looks all great. You want that same toilet elsewhere, so you clone it, spin it 90 degrees. You will note that the textures are still at the angle of which you first created and textured it. You will need to use the "rotation" option in the texture tool and enter 90 degrees and click apply to get those textures looking the way it did beforehand.

Hope this helps ya some, if you managed to actually read it all :aggrieved:
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 12:06:58 UTC Post #150053
Check the texture application tutorial
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 18:43:46 UTC Post #150092
I'm still waiting for that screenie...
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 18:51:33 UTC Post #150094
i dont know how to put a pic on a forum lol
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 18:52:25 UTC Post #150095
Uh, you need to host it to some webspace...
I suggest Image-Shack.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 20:08:42 UTC Post #150106
User posted image
sometimes i resize it, but sometimes it auto fits itself. in this case it didnt
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 20:11:00 UTC Post #150107
Can?t see the pic... Link it
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 20:13:11 UTC Post #150110
Open the texture application tool on your left side:
User posted image
Select your face (The front of the ladder), so that it's marked red.

Press the C (Center texture) - should work. If the brush is too big for the texture, either resize it or press Fit (Fits the texture, looks stretched).
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 21:17:54 UTC Post #150118
User posted image

there we are :-D, btw fit isnt clickable...how do i make it clickable?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 21:21:49 UTC Post #150119
by selecting a face to fit the texture to, it will turn red.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-01 21:43:16 UTC Post #150122
You don't want to use fit here. Use the align left (L) button, or the right (R) one. Fit stretches the texture over the selected face, so it appears exactly once on it. Looks ugly in most situations.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-02 03:16:04 UTC Post #150145
that would be the easiest thing to fix i could think of! select the messed up part (the face) of the ladder while the texture application tool is open, then bump the texture to the left with the shift X thingy
User posted image
then if it doesnt fit.. scale it up on X just slightly
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-02 08:41:34 UTC Post #150166
I use fit sometimes with walls to find the y value, then I adjust the x to match with it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-02 14:07:10 UTC Post #150186
The way I do it is pretty easy, and always works.

Whatever texture it is, take a look at the size of it. "{ladder3b" under the texture browser says it's 32?32.

Make a brush face, with the length and width sized just that.

Click the face properties button, then click the brush face you've just created, and click "fit".

Now it's scaled perfectly; Adjust the height to your pleasure.

Sometimes the texture will be cocked 90?, so if that happens, just bugger with the rotation--also under face properties--as necessary.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-02 16:18:09 UTC Post #150201
dont forget the sides of your ladder brushes, if you dont do those, you will get some really messed up looking ladders from the sides, top, bottom, if visible.
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