Current Projects? Created 18 years ago2005-11-23 12:55:23 UTC by M_gargantua M_gargantua

Created 18 years ago2005-11-23 12:55:23 UTC by M_gargantua M_gargantua

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 06:34:52 UTC Post #149220
Uhh, they're dev textures. :x
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 06:42:50 UTC Post #149222
I had no idea.. Nvm.. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 10:10:30 UTC Post #149240
O my.... that's some cool shit ant!

The half-life map will be a sequel to tp_sacrifice.
Yah! That's what I wanted to hear! :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 14:17:54 UTC Post #149279
First try at making a Piranesi-style area. An interesting fact is that it would be impossible to do this with the HL1 engine.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 14:23:03 UTC Post #149280
Hm, I think that that ramp draws away from the similarity a little.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 14:37:29 UTC Post #149285
Oh, its not a ramp. It's a long staircase. I dont want to copy the drawings. But they are a good inspiration source.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 14:45:19 UTC Post #149288
that can be done in HL1
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 14:53:30 UTC Post #149289
I'm attempting to make a hl1dm map, to play with Parabot (and my friends, too.) I'm kinda doing more programming than mapping lately though.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 15:00:23 UTC Post #149293
that can be done in HL1
Reflective water? .... nope
Control of shadow resolution? .... nope
Viewable distance of 5000? ..... nope
Bumpmapped stone textures? ..... nope
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 15:21:27 UTC Post #149296
Reflective water? .... nope
I believe it can be done with Spirit
Control of shadow resolution? .... nope
Viewable distance of 5000? ..... nope
Bumpmapped stone textures? ..... nope
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 15:37:42 UTC Post #149299
Yes, I have played that demo. But that's not the HL1 engine as we know it.
The engine itself (spirit or no spirit) has problems with high polycounts, no matter how good the PC might be.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 15:45:01 UTC Post #149300
Yep, but it still can be done. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 15:45:57 UTC Post #149301
It looks good though.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 16:01:11 UTC Post #149302
As far as I know, HL1 doesnt support shaders :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 16:41:04 UTC Post #149309
From the same map. This has something of Roman architecture about it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 18:56:06 UTC Post #149339
Last time I checked, Spirit of Half-Life supported reflective water, mirrors and several other nifty things that would make this surely possible in HL. Playable framerates might be a whole different story here, but hey... ;)

Looks nice bytheway, Kasperg. Seems you do a good job with your architecture classes.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-26 19:00:22 UTC Post #149340
What I meant about "not possible in HL1" is similar to something like:
"That car can't reach certain speed". Of course, you can argue that the car can be tweaked to infinity and maybe it works, but I meant HL1, not a tweaked engine.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-05 09:51:50 UTC Post #150517
User posted image
User posted image
That's Source, but I'm already working on the base map for the HL1 compo. "Sacrifice II" might have to wait a bit.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-05 09:56:34 UTC Post #150518
Kasperg that looks amazing! Your the first in my opinion to make such nice arches! My god, saves image and tries to mimic! I got a new role model!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-05 10:01:03 UTC Post #150519
The fun part is that there's tons of arches but framerates are excellent. Now THAT cant' be done with the HL1 engine :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-05 10:30:57 UTC Post #150522
Reminds me of Morish architecture. Something like seen in Granada or Sevilla. I once created a map in that sort of style in HL, but indeed, framerates weren't so good... ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-05 10:37:13 UTC Post #150523
It might look like the Mezquita of Cordoba but the idea is actually from one of Piranesi's drawings of invented places. Maybe he had the inspiration from there, but his work is usually much more like Roman architecture
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-06 19:15:05 UTC Post #150765
projects....hammer, no... nor have I ever come to think of it....
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 11:09:22 UTC Post #151487
since i can't source map for anything besides HL2 itself, i'm gonna just make a line of the strangest maps you'll ever play.

I'm liking the entity system, so i'm thinking of throwing out some eye-candy maps with a crap load of puzzles in them. Kinda like what i tried for hl1 with my "l33t tests" idea and the mini test chamber. With source, it would be so much more versitile. mwaha...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 13:13:30 UTC Post #151494
I almost fear for Gordans mental health while he's in the source 133t tests.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 16:26:08 UTC Post #151523
Yeah, i believe it would rise a challenge out of the l33t players around here. That's the point, mwaha...
Reflective water? .... nope
Control of shadow resolution? .... nope
Viewable distance of 5000? ..... nope
Bumpmapped stone textures? ..... nope
Control of shadow resolution? ... YES! I've found that you CAN change this in the bath compiler. Can't remember which parameter it is at the moment. Only problem is that it takes 8 years to compile and the limit for light patches is easily exceeded with larger maps.

Viewable distance of 5000? ... this is the dumbest thing ever. some of my maps have viewing distances of over 6000.

Bumpmapped stone textures? ... if your that worried about stuff like this, you can put together a lighting wad and apply it's textures additively where ever. I tried this and have actually got some alright results, i just haven't made anything serious with them.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 17:07:41 UTC Post #151541
A good way to fake bumpmapping is to take a texture and photoshop it to make it look like there is light on the texture. Then add a light entity where the texture's "light" is.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 20:37:17 UTC Post #151580
Bumpmapping can technically be simulated at a high texture memory cost, yes. I've tried some stuff a few years ago as well. Some things worked, some things looked awfull, in the end it's just too much of a hassle.
Dynamic bumpmapping may be doable as well, though limited and with some more significant overhead of trickery.

In other words, I'd go with HL2 all the way... ;)

Then again, I'm probably just stating the obvious...
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 21:07:36 UTC Post #151583
Uh... don't know if this counts..

Here's a current and always ongoing project:

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 21:12:00 UTC Post #151584
Just started on a roleplay map.

Really bored, had some ideas, here i am.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 12:48:42 UTC Post #151684
I followed the trend and made a G-mod Comic...
Didn't wanna start a new thread, so here it is. The idea is kind of ripped off from Ravenholm Armory (Hilarious comic), but everything else is made by me. Except the setting, wich is d1_trainstation_02.
User posted image
Comments, suggestions welcome.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 12:56:49 UTC Post #151686
Working on a competition version of fueldump for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. The stock one is too easy for defending team.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 13:11:10 UTC Post #151687
Since you dont have to worry about framerates doing these comics, I'd say everyone doing hl comics should enable full Anti-aliasing for better looking screenshots. It's just a suggestion.
BTW, does Gman die or is it just a daily beating from the combine?
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 13:17:11 UTC Post #151688
Gman can't die, he's made of metal.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 13:39:17 UTC Post #151690
BTW, here is a screenie of my progress on fueldump_pro.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 13:41:56 UTC Post #151691
that didn't show much :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 13:45:25 UTC Post #151692
Radiant has shitty draw distances, so I can't really show much more unless I take 1000 screenies.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 13:47:25 UTC Post #151694
I like the "asia-man" Gman :P "Me lav u long time :glad: "
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 14:05:42 UTC Post #151698
Kaspberg: You'll see on page 2 ;).
Aye, I used shitty-ass settings when making that to speed up load times. I'll run on full everything next time.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 14:08:45 UTC Post #151701
@m0p, what i meant was that 75% of the screen was used to show the wireframe :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 14:11:55 UTC Post #151702
He's just trying to show off the complexity. You show-off

Hahahahahaahhaaha, "there is one.... with hope...", "I sell breifcase yoiu buy, ok?"
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 14:24:20 UTC Post #151703
@ZL: Not bad, really not bad.. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 15:03:12 UTC Post #151708
Hehehe, it is funny.

That font is fucking awful, though. Hideous.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 15:23:49 UTC Post #151711
I prefer having most of the screen covered in grid in radiant, but I suppose it's personal preference.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-11 17:39:19 UTC Post #151753
of course, but when you are going to show us just make the camera window bigger
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-23 20:15:20 UTC Post #154217
An experiment made with hexagonal shapes in the floorplan. It might become a map some day.

Kaufmann house by Frank Lloyd Wright. It's a very famous building also known as "fallingwater"
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