map rulz - badminton Created 18 years ago2005-12-20 20:13:50 UTC by druid druid

Created 18 years ago2005-12-20 20:13:50 UTC by druid druid

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 20:13:50 UTC Post #153604

I want the game rules to be like badminton. There are two teams one team spawn with knives and the other spawns with nothing if the team with no knifes can evade the other team for the time allotted then they get a point, but if the whole none knife team gets kill by the knife team they swap sides. Therefor you need to win as no nife to gain points and win as knife to gain the chance at getting points by becoming the no knife team.

Thanks for any help

Thanks :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 20:21:45 UTC Post #153606
This looks like a job for a... what's it called? trigger_changetarget? anyway, make the equip entity switch team each round. and about the scoring. Well, if only one team would have knives you could make the Ts have knives and put a bombtarget in a place they cant reach.

Maybe thats confusing you. Dont listen to me....................... Mhekmize
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