I have a bond with my cat which I can't explain but we know what we want, what we think and we have never fought like some moody cats...
Alas my cat is getting old and I wreckon he has 1-2 years left of kitty life before he goes to Kitty Heaven

I'll miss him and all like my older cat, I had to put her down after she got cancer and a severe Diareoh (if thats how you spell it) problem...She was in pain so I had no choice but to end her pain...
I was left with the wild cat who lived with me since I was born...He was a wild cat that used to come and eat free food at my house before I was born...Then my parents captured it and ever since we looked after him and he has grown to not fear us and loves us all.
He is a bit mental now due to old age and can't make his mind up what he wants aka I let him out then he comes in and then out and in and he pisses you off but at times I love that cat! Damn he smells though, hasn't had a wash since never because he is wild and hates water..Heh a sick thing he did was be all sick on the floor and a mouse head came out...
God bless my cat!