Problems with textures Created 19 years ago2006-01-04 08:00:05 UTC by L o D L o D

Created 19 years ago2006-01-04 08:00:05 UTC by L o D L o D

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-04 08:00:05 UTC Post #156121
Hey guys. Great website and good people here from what I've read. I just started mapping yesturday for Counterstrike. I'm having some difficulties. When I add textures to stuff, such as a the xena texture that comes with my textures ( I think from zhlt) I make the brush the same dimension that the texture says which is 192 x 144 I think. I figure if I match the brush with the dimensions, it will fit perfectly. So I add the texture to the brush, and its all jacked up! her face is on the bottom, and her right arm is on the left! Also, I placed a trash can and its as big as I am and kind of funky looking texture wise. If you guys can please help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-04 08:37:55 UTC Post #156124
Align the texture with the L, R, C, B, T buttons in the texturing toolbar. Or use the button that says "Fit"
You dont really need the brush to be the exact same size as the texture. You could make it a lower multiple of it, like 96 x 72
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-04 08:41:10 UTC Post #156126
Or any other dimension, as the Fit button will fit the texture to it. Take some care using this Fit button though, as you may get overstretched textures. That often looks bad, and with extraordinary scale values, you could get some errors too.

Oh, and when you're moving that brush, there's a button in the upper button row that toggles Texture Lock (it's a button with a big T on it). Handy for moving brushes without the texture shifting. You'll see. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-04 17:48:46 UTC Post #156201
Thanks a lot guys. I'm going to go try those right now. Another thing: In another post someone said I wasn't using my zhlt tools. I thought I was through hammer but they said I wasn't. How do I use them? The zip I downloaded just has a bunch of .exe that aren't really a program or anything...
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-04 18:22:36 UTC Post #156206
Anything ending in .EXE is a program. Read our Hammer Setup tutorials.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-05 04:14:59 UTC Post #156284
I meant with like a GUI like hammer.
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