Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Created 20 years ago2005-02-21 11:36:27 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 20 years ago2005-02-21 11:36:27 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-12 19:20:07 UTC Post #151959
what, so I release a few quickly and you get all jumpy when I go two weeks working on School reports (3) and Hostage Situation?

bah, should have taken my time from the start, so your hopes weren't up
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-13 04:19:19 UTC Post #151986
Hey, relax man. No hurry.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-13 05:16:04 UTC Post #151990
yeah sorry. i just thought you had forgotten about it or something, since you released the last few quickly. see it as a compliment, as I really like the story
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-25 12:50:50 UTC Post #154442
DaDaDa Da daaaaaaaaaa
Merrrey Christmas TWHL

Amber, Dan, and Fitz started heading away. Mark stepped in behind them. He followed them to the other side of the complex, back near the garage. Tom and Josh were waiting at the spot they were headed toward. There were a few people gathered in front of them, and more were arriving. They were all armed to the teeth, a few men had pre-combine era weapons, eight assault rifles and two machine guns. Tom and Josh were wearing full armor, bullet proof chest pieces, leggings, arm pieces, gloves. They almost looked like part of some military strike team, but what set them apart from the era they appeared to be from were the pulse rifles in their arms.

There must have been forty men in the squad by the time they had stopped arriving. A few of them don't look like they were meant to fight though, they were to lightly armed. The squad looked bigger then it was supposed to as well, but Josh answered all the questions that were forming in Mark's mind when he addressed the squad.

"Well everyone, you?re all lucky enough to have a special job to do."

"We gotta get these things..." continued Tom, patting a missile the size of medium sized tree trunk, they were about three feet long and 1/6 around. "...to a nice little location to launch them, these babies are destined for the three major combine supply points this side of the city. They?ve been deemed to well defended to take for supplies, so we're just going to level the fuckers."

"We got thirty missiles, ten per target. The launching equipment has been under the location and in the sewers for a few days now, so we don't have to worry about lugging that too."

"We got the eight techs, but we need seven others, two per. how about...you, you, you...you and you. And you two. You guys don't have the best of weapons. Everyone else, all you guys have to do is keep any stupid combine bastards away from the carriers."

The fifteen guys had the missiles tied at an angle to their backpacks, as to not truly encumber them. Mark saw a sunbeam slide into existence and dispel some shadows. He looked up through an east facing skylight, Day was breaking.

"Ok, we gotta go."

One of the mechanics that had been in the area opened on of the garage doors at Tom?s request, and everyone started leaving. Josh noticed Mark and came over.

"You want to be acting Demo man?" he asked

"Sure" Mark answered, he didn't have any objections to this.

Josh handed him two backpacks, they looked to be the ones he had filled with explosives from the Halls hideout. Josh gave him directions before he could think anything else "Stuff has been moved around, one now has grenades, the other the bombs and their detonators. Pass out the grenades while were moving."

Mark and Josh stepped in behind the crowd of people in the squad. Once they were all out into the loading courtyard Tom started organizing everyone. The fifteen carriers were put in the center, with ten guards on either side. Mark could see that Tom had put two of the heavily armed men in the center and two of the assault rifle armed ones at both the front and the back. That left four of the assault rifle guys without places. Tom sent two to be their rear guard and put the other two on point. He put himself at the head of the carriers. Mark was again left without instructions. So he just stepped in line behind Josh, who merged into the rear of formation.

Josh looked over his shoulder at Mark "Why don't you start handing out the 'nades"

Mark complied; he swung the pack from his back and onto his chest, so he could access the contents. He saw that in the bag was a mix of the weapons he gathered at the Barn. He took the nine Mp7 grenades out, stuck three into his gun, and put the others in his belt. He walked down the line, handing a standard grenade to everyone who was assigned to guarding the missile carriers. On his return back down the other side of the line he passed Amber, Dan, and Fitz.

"Here," he said, as he pulled three of the Mp7 grenades out of his belt and handed them over "Friend's arm each other heavily."

The four of them chuckled at Mark's comment as three standard grenades came out of the pack to be handed to them. The sound of distant gunfire increased exponentially as he did this, a rise from what could only be called ambient levels. Although Mark realized there wasn't much ambient about people getting killed. Mark looked around trying to find the source, and saw that less then a mile away two gunships were strafing a spot of city. Meaning that whoever was there either needed firepower or feet that can run.

Mark shrugged off the thought of the people being harassed by the gunships. He finished handing out grenades to the guards, and left without a place in line, he let himself just zone out and allow his mind to analyze what it would. His mind, caught on the task he had just finished, had Mark take inventory. He looked into the forward mounted backpack and took inventory.

In the front pouch was a remote detonator, a wired detonator, all eleven blue HE blocks of explosives, three of the red Incendiary?s, and three of the orange supermelt?s. Left in the main pouch was just five of the small mines and two grenades. And after he opened the side pouches Mark found he had a total of nine grenades left over even after handing them out. Mark decided to give a few to the rear guard of the formation, who he was practically speaking distance from. As he slowed down and closed the ten pace distance between them he moved most of the explosives into the main pouch and threw the remote detonator in his left pocket. He didn?t want to be fumbling around if he needed them.

?Hey,? Mark said ?I wonder if you guys would want some grenades??

?Grenades? We have a few as it is, but more are always welcome.? Said the first, Mark could tell he knew what he was doing. It wasn?t only the armor, or the weapons, that gave it away. It was his air, like he had been fighting since before the Combine came. It was also his appearance, he was taller then Mark, and had broader shoulders. And even though everything but his face was covered with either black cloth or Kevlar Pads, Mark could tell he had a lot of muscle on him.

Mark handed him two grenades, and he slotted them into his belt, which already had three frags from long ago in it, along with a few clips for the G36K assault rifle he and his buddy held. Mark wondered where he got ammo for the thing, Mark had recognized its distinctive design from an age past, where he had known stuff like that. 5.56mm rounds weren?t used in any combine guns.

?I?m Lieutenant Dan Duret, and this is Corporal Paul Smith. Nice to meet you.? Said the tall guy.

?Im Corporal Mark, err?? Mark started to reply.

?Can?t remember your last name?? asked Smith, who also had that air of knowing. Although he was shorter then Mark.

?No, I can?t. Haven?t had more then a glass of the resistances water yet, residual effects of the combines stuff I guess.?

?Ya, that?ll do it.?

?You two wouldn?t happen to have a canteen on you would you. I haven?t had anything to drink since last night?? Mark asked.

?Here.? Said the Lt.

Mark took it and had a few gulps from it before handing it back to Duret. And, still having no place in line, just kinda took up a place as a pre-rear guard. And as they moved over the dried out canal that separated the industrial compound from the rest of the city Mark saw that there was movement up ahead.

?COMBINE!? yelled on of the forward guards, as he fired off a burst into the three combine who had been spotted coming out of a side alley in front of him.

A) dive behind the trash can just a few feet from him.

B) Knell and try to pick off the combine with bursts from his Mp7

C) Run into the side alley and flank the combine.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-25 14:06:23 UTC Post #154452
A) I think that that cover is better then nothing. With out cover they can more easly hit him. And one shot isn't like in computer games. :P He'll shoot at them too if he's taking cover, right? If not then B)

C is out of the question! Who knows whats beyond the corner! :nuke:
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 13:38:04 UTC Post #154608
where are all Me and Urb's loyal readers?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 13:57:11 UTC Post #154613
B. acuracy counts.

A would be wasting time. 'just a few feet' is a few feet too many. With combine spraying at them, the best idea would be to stay still, small and low, and fire bursts of deadly acuracy.

Good chapter Gargly. Kinda glad its getting into the action again :)
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-26 14:06:07 UTC Post #154615
you havn't seen action till you've seen the 7 day war :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-27 10:16:51 UTC Post #154776
7 day war

I don't suppose you mean the seven hour war?

I'd say B. If he's in with the formation he has 1) Safety within the group and 2) All the cover fire he needs.

Running to either the trashcan (flimsy cover in the first place) or the alley would single him out and before you know it KE-KE-KE-KE-KRACK! The skull is emptied out onto the street.

So yeah, B.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-28 07:02:37 UTC Post #154939
C fool'
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-28 23:26:38 UTC Post #155064
time from freemans disipearance till his reteleportation was 7 days, or 10, I really should check that now.

lets just say that sentance now says
the 7 or 10 day revolution of city 17
but anyway. B you say? Ok
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-08 15:27:51 UTC Post #156903
Mark took a knee, putting his Mp7 down and drawing the .357. The squad in front of him was moving to either side, those smart enough trying to cover the missile carries.

?Smith! Take the alley and flank them!? called out Duret

Mark saw Smith move toward the alley to his right. But he kept his attention in front of him. Mark saw that one of the combine had a strait shot at him, he was leaning in and out of a deep door frame, taking pot shots at the rebels who didn?t have any good cover, at least those near the front. Mark guessed that he was maybe 70 feet away as he brought the gun down and leveled it, putting the combines head right between the handguns v sights. The combine looked to his buddies, turning his head left and exposing his temple. Mark pulled the trigger and the bullet flew true, blowing the combines blood and brain matter all over the wall behind him as his head virtually exploded.

?10 more in the alley!? Screamed Smith, who was sprinting right back toward Mark, A combine soldier emerging from around the corner behind him, bringing his SMG to bear.

?Duck!? screamed Duret. Smith dropped low lightning fast, faster then Mark thought he was capable of. The combine fired a burst which went right over both Smith?s and Marks head. Mark instinctively threw his hand over his head and dropped even lower as the bullets left powdery gashes in the brick wall behind him. He looked up and saw the combine grab his neck as one of the bullets from Duret?s instant reprisal blew through his thought. The black armor clad soldier fell to the ground and started twitching as his brain was deprived of blood, which was now squirting out of his neck and oozing out of the multiple holes in his chest. Mark put the .357 back in its place and picked up his Mp7. Smith was moving forward in a sort of awkward crouching run, as three more combine emerged from around the alleys bend.

?Dive? Called out Mark, pulling the forward trigger of his SMG. Smith didn?t bother questioning and just lunged forward out of the alley, flattening himself against the ground as he landed as the Grenade from Marks gun flew but a few yards above him. The rearmost combine saw it coming and turned heel to run, but the Grenade narrowly missed the helmet of the man in front of him and landed at the poor fellow?s feet. There wasn?t much left, mostly red goop. The combine who had almost had his head liquefied fared only slightly better. The one in front though tried to get up. He raised his head a bit, and his mask just kind of popped as Duret put a .223 round into it.

A) go to the bend in the alley and throw a few grenades around the corner and try to clear out the rest.

B) hold there position and pick them off as they come around the corner.

C) Move forward toward the rest of the squad and take them out as they emerge from the mouth of the alley they are standing at now.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-08 15:34:09 UTC Post #156905
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-08 16:12:52 UTC Post #156910
Wow, really combat-y :).

C, with some A.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-08 17:04:37 UTC Post #156920
B. Battle of Stirling Bridge anyone?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-08 22:19:26 UTC Post #156963
whats that from? I recognize that from somewhere
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 06:03:43 UTC Post #157013
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 13:07:16 UTC Post #157053
whats battle of stirling bridge from?!?

It's one of my countrie's most historic battles where William Wallace defeats an army double the size of his own due to extremely sensible and tactful thinking.

I believe what you are thinking of is "braveheart" with Mel Gibson... Their battle of Stirling bridge sadly lacks a bridge... and the english cavalry retreated, instead of running on to scottish pikes stupidly..

The film was very historically incorrect.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 13:16:01 UTC Post #157054
Thanks for the history lesson. :o
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 14:29:32 UTC Post #157062

William Wallace...Hmm...My histories no good, but wasn't he the guy who led the scots to push the invading english back? :)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-09 22:31:54 UTC Post #157182
ah, I had heard it in Age's of Empires, 2 I think/

C (with 1/5 some A) is being written
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 22:25:41 UTC Post #157389
now, more fighting = more choices, more choices = shorter bits of story, shorter bits means there done faster. so enjoy:

Mark lowered his gun and helped Smith up. Duret continued to cover the alley. When smith was us Duret mentioned them to move toward the rest of the men, as to leave no way to flank the squad.

?This is CM-18-00923, Commander of Patrol unit Beta one two two, we have a large unit of rebels moving north from the south. There destination may be Drenados Square. Their objective is unknown, although their equipment and personnel imply that it is of some importance. I?m requesting an strike team be sent in to set up an ambush.? Finished the white Armor clad soldier in his near electronic voice. He was standing at the bend in the alley, hoping the rebel at the end wasn?t thinking of sending another Mp7 Grenade his way. That punk would pay though for the four men he just slaughtered.

He reached his gun around the corner and sprayed a burst down the narrow but high alley. Then a response came back from his superiors.

?Request Acknowledged 00923, we believe that there may be something bigger going on here and are dispatching two gunships and a full strike unit to take out the Rebels. But we don?t know how long that will take.?

923 didn?t listen to the last bit of the reply though; something much more important had come up. A grenade had just bounced from the wall to his right and landed right in front of him, and was now rolling off to his left. Time seemed to slow down as he tried to preserve his own life. He kicked the grenade as fast as he could, and as it flew threw the air a slight bit of hope started to emerge. He didn?t recognize it as one of the combine grenades, nor as the old style frag that the rebellion often used. He hoped it had a longer time fuse. Who knew, maybe it di-

The grenade exploded

Duret leaned around the corner, trying to see if anymore combine were going to come around. He saw a gun poke itself out and drew back just in the nick of time. A burst of SMG rounds flew by him and impacted the ground and walls where the three of them had been a few moments ago.

He pulled a grenade from his belt.

?This HE should clear him out? he stated as he pulled the pin, waited a second, then threw it. Its trajectory was high, having it hit the midpoint of the alley wall around the 3rd story. Leaving it at the feet of the shooter when it landed.

A satisfying boom rung out. And the sound of two pairs of armored feet rang out sprinting down the alley. The foot steps drew close very quickly. They rounded the corner. Even Mark could tell that these two combine weren?t very experienced. They might have been ten feet away when Duret started moving.

?Now!? He called out as he rolled across the alley, spraying his gun off on full auto for the seconds the actions took. And as he did this Smith leaned and opened up with his rile on full auto as well. Mark heard the hissy death screams of the two combine before he could even take the step that would have allowed him a shot into the alley.

?Smith follow me in.? ordered Duret, as he took a step and turned himself into the alley. Smith quickly followed him on the short sprint to the bend; they both leaned around the corner with trained grace. Duret up high, Smith crouching. They fired two bursts from there rifles and came back.

?Side Alley is Clear!? Duret called out to the rest of squad.

?Head of the column secure!? called back a voice from the front.

?Get moving people, we have to get to the launch site ASAP? yelled the voice of Tom.

The Squad quickly reformed into its column, but when it began moving again those in front set a fast pace and the rest of the people were forced to follow suite.

As they moved Mark resumed his conversation with Smith and Duret, ?Where did you guys learn stuff like that?? he asked.

?All of us were on the cities special police force. The heavy hitters, terrorists, hostage situations, things like that were assigned to us. When it all went bad, the rioters started to get close to our station, so we all grabbed the gear and equipment we had there and stashed it away. When the combine came around we quickly hooked up with each other to move the stuff to a better spot, and we kept in contact and joined up with the resistance first chance we could. None of us liked the combine, particularly Wolf, he and his wife didn?t take to kindly to the field thingy that suppresses your will to do the do. He?s the only person I know of to have a kid under combine control.?

?Ah?? Mark mumbled. The Idea of reproduction, it just seemed odd to him right now. He remembered what it was to do it, but something was missing. It felt like a pit that just kept growing and growing in his mind now that he thought about it. It was a horrible feeling. But Mark pushed the thought of that stuff out of his thoughts, which he found surprisingly easy.

They arrived at there destination only minutes after this thanks to the pace they were going. The pace was also to thank for the many people breathing heavily and trying to catch their breath.

?Get the Launchers, get the missiles, and someone get up a perimeter.? huffed out Tom.

The Ten police Ops guys moved first.

A) Help set up a perimeter.

B) Help set up the launchers.

C) Help get the missiles off the carriers backs.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-10 22:43:14 UTC Post #157392
B, nice work so far.

One critisism though, if there were that many of them, why didnt they assault the APC rather than just cramming into the one man hole cover.. seems a little unrealistic but good none the less.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-11 08:54:48 UTC Post #157421
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-11 13:29:30 UTC Post #157464
There was a manhole cover in that part? :confused: C)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-11 14:25:39 UTC Post #157474
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-11 22:20:46 UTC Post #157551
there was no APC or manhole cover.

could one of the mods put a "---" between the combine talking and the grenade exploding. there was supposed to be one, but word seemed not to have copied it.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-14 14:58:17 UTC Post #157914
B, the perimiter is gonna get butraped when those gunships get in and the sooner the launchers are in place, the faster they can be shot down.

By the way, watch out for your there, their and there's
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 14:59:04 UTC Post #179067
/me coughs politely
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 15:51:36 UTC Post #179202
is there anyone else who has been waiting, based on the last vote the answer is not many
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-18 21:47:17 UTC Post #200063
Im announcing that im going to finish this unless urb comes back and takes back over
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-18 23:25:53 UTC Post #200066
I'm back but I don't think I'll pick this up. Its kinda...limp. :(
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-19 06:22:21 UTC Post #200086
then start a new one. I really enjoyed this.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-19 11:19:12 UTC Post #200097
Already started writing it. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-19 15:45:00 UTC Post #200133
im going to see if I can "de-limp" this
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