Mohammed caricature boycott Created 18 years ago2006-02-03 10:59:56 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Created 18 years ago2006-02-03 10:59:56 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 10:59:56 UTC Post #161284
What are your thoughts on the boycott currently going on in many middleeast countries against Denmark and Norway (amongst others)?

For you who don't know, here's what happened.
  • The 30th september 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten posted 12 caricatures of the prophet Mohammed along with an article about self-censorship and freedom of speech.
  • January 10, 2005, some of the images are reprinted in the Norweigan christian newspaper Magazinet.
  • The 26th of january, people in Saudi-Arabia start boycotting Danish products. The Saudi government recalls their ambassador from Denmark.
Meanwhile, the Norweigan government apologises for Magazinet printing the images, but points out they have no interference with the free press.
  • January the 29th, Libya closes its embassy in Denmark. The Flag of Denmark is burned in Nablus and Hebron in Palestine. Bahrain and Syria condemns the images. Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement gives Danes, Norwegians and Swedes 48 hours to leave the Gaza Strip.
  • 30 January, the Egyptian parliament encourages consumers to boycott Danish products while the Prime Minister of Denmark says that he personally distances himself from the drawings, but reiterates that the government cannot intervene in what the media writes.
  • 31 January, the foreign ministers of seventeen Islamic nations renew demands for the Danish government to punish the authors of the cartoons and to "ensure that it doesn't happen again." A bomb threat against Jyllands-Posten leads to evacuation of two offices in Aarhus and Copenhagen.
The Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen holds a press conference in both Danish and English in which he repeats that he urges Danes not to take any action that could worsen the situation. He urges Muslims in Denmark to take actions that can improve the situation. He also repeats that freedom of expression is a vital part of the Danish society and that the Danish government is not in a position to have any influence on what the press is printing.

I'll just sum the rest up:
French, Dutch, German, Spanish, American, Belgian, Swiss, Portugeese, Jordanian and Italian newspaper publish the images shortly after.
Syria recalls it's ambassador from Denmark, alot of protests are held in alot of countries. Flags are burned, situations are worsened, threats are issued.
Timeline from WikiPedia.

My views:/
I think it isn't only because the caricatures ridicule their religion that some muslims (note: Not all muslims do. Most accept this and a majority of them probably doesn't give a crap) react so powerfully to this. You could just say "oh well it happens to christians all the time, look at us", but it isn't really the same.
I believe the Islamic society feel themself to be in something of an inferior position - their religion is under a lot of pressure and ridiculation from all over the world, all the time. The publication of these caricatures add to that feeling of inferiority. Fundamentalists get something more to hate the west for.
But, that said, I don't think they're right to issue boycotts against the publishing nations. It's just stupid, and hurts more than it helps. Also, all this attention from the middle east only helps increase the prejudices against islam and the middleeast.
The danish newspaper might not have been right in publishing these images, but they should be able too - free printing is a foundation in democracy. Dictatorships like Saudi Arabia really shouldn't whine about it.
I'm not sure what to think anymore.

What're your views? Lets try to keep it flamefree please.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 11:30:04 UTC Post #161291
what do i think? someone up high needs to sit back and take in the scope of the situation, then do what is right. It could of been avoided very early on but too many bad choices have led the situation this far. I haven't seen the charactures but their only drawings and since when has a drawing been worth so much conflict for? Why so much anger of a little ridicule? It makes you think but then you realise the world is going to shit every day and it's just the way life on earth is.

EDIT: righty-oh just seen the images on Wiki and they're pretty tame, whilst i understand they are mocking both a religion and a common culture, they really are no different to any stereotypical or racial attack of the same scale in the past - ultimately it still should not of escaladed this far. It's both pointless and quite childish a response from so many people
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 11:42:01 UTC Post #161292
I think the islamic people are over reacting.

I saw someone from the middle east commenting on it when he walked over a danish flag.
He said:'I walk across the flag because i can express me free oppinion to'. It was obvious to see that he didnt know much about the whole story. I'ts all being blow to peaces by the media, how many caricatures havent i seen of mozes and jesus? I can laugh about it, if i would take everything so seriously as the people in the middle east do then there wouldnt be much left of this world.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 11:58:07 UTC Post #161294
Here is what's happened :

1?) somebody drawed a picture of one of their divinities,
2?) They're like "omg you treat us as terrorists!! we aren't!! so we attack your ambassies, burn flags, attack your people living in our countries etc!!",

oh my... man, how could you consider seriously such behaviors?


The only point to consider here is that they obviously want to rule the world, and any pretext, anything possible, looks good for them to make them spread a bit more their lame lame primitive way of life. Because they believe in something, everybody, everything, got to respect them, while they obviously have no respect for everything else but themselves...

They just look like kids with a very bad education : you laugh once about something they like, they break everything around them...

I am not a christian, I am not talking about a war between christians and muslims, I am talking about a war between civilized people and people who still live in middle-age...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 12:24:50 UTC Post #161298
Strider: The islamic religion strictly prohibits any drawings to be made of Mohammed, since it's believed that God created him and you shouldn't try to imitate God.

J.C: Some good points.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 12:33:24 UTC Post #161302
Yeah, prohibiting a drawing of Mohammed may be law, but to me, as i said, i beleive it didnt desserve such a childish response. A drawing no matter what of, is not worth a fight, its plain and simply stupid. Its against the law to drink and drive, it's frowned upon by christian religion to commit adultery, if i did both and was caught on camera, and put in the paper is the world going to react in the same way? I'd bloody well hope not, and i beleive it wouldn't - that would be a very childish act.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 12:42:47 UTC Post #161304
They are all over reacting.
Those who get pissed by a thing like that still lives in the stone-age.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 12:59:06 UTC Post #161305
since it's believed that God created him and you shouldn't try to imitate God.
I seriously can't believe they even didn't notice things like cloning, 55 years old pregnant women, all our movies/comics/TVshows/etc industry and all the other stupidities of our societies that is replacing humans with machines (factories full of automatic engines), and jump and shout and threaten like hell for a... a... man a f&ck$ng picture!! :roll:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 13:01:03 UTC Post #161306
yeah exactly, they are being ignorant to the truth, hence childish.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 13:30:23 UTC Post #161310
Oh I remember seeing this on the news.

My opinion: fuck them.

Who are they to tell us what we can and cannot put in newspapers in OUR country, you dont like it? GTFO, and take all your illigal imagrent friends with you. What a crock "oh we are highly offended" Oh and we arnt offended when you burn our flags and drive cars packed with explosives at us? Fuck off.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:06:26 UTC Post #161331
Well, I'm going to play devils advocate here and I'm going to express some of my views.

First of all, I think people who say that they have a Freedom of Speech/Press and that they can say anything they want are stupid. Does that mean I can go anatagonise black people? NO. People are just using freedom of speech as an excuse to do what they want. Sure it's laid out in the law that you can say what you want but as I am sure you can see in my above example, there is also something called morals.

I think it's irresponsible of the newspaper to print such a thing without fully realising the consequences. How can you use a minority of wrong-doers in their society to be just as bad as them? As far as I am concerned we are just as bad as them. The whole world is stuck in a fight between what we believe is good and evil. Let me break it to you...
There is no such thing as good and evil (religionwise) it is just a matter of opinion.
Who are they to tell us what we can and cannot put in newspapers in OUR country, you dont like it? GTFO, and take all your illigal imagrent friends with you. What a crock "oh we are highly offended" Oh and we arnt offended when you burn our flags and drive cars packed with explosives at us? Fuck off.
It upsets me to see you being so ignorant. Until we realise that they are the same human beings as us we will not be able to put this all behind us. It seems as if the world always needs someone to discriminate. Jews, black people, Muslims. What's next, Aliens?

By the way, I'm not religious, I've tried my best to view this whole argument in a way that does not involve religion.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:26:34 UTC Post #161333
People that take religion this seriously should be shot. It's just a couple of drawings ffs. Morons...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:30:36 UTC Post #161336
They've followed it all their life. It's a serious issue for them. Just as or more serious than taking a computer away from you :P They work in a different way, they have taboos and I think we should respect their views even if we don't agree on them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:52:03 UTC Post #161337
Yeah, it might be serious for them, but as you might have noticed religion doesnt live as much here in europe, and there not here, it isnt there europe, its our europe. I'd say they should fuck with it. And somehow they know how to react through media so there not as completely as stupid as mentioned above.

I even say, print those caricatures here to.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:57:30 UTC Post #161339
Oh we can respect their views, but they are telling us what we can and cannot do in our country. I take a very primative view on such thing (the simple answers are usually the best) if they dont like what we do in our country, then dont come here. Dont watch our TV channels dont listen to our radio or music, if you are offended by us so much then why not just leave us the fuck alone?

Or perhaps we should demand that in their country they stop burning our flags. I was greatly offended when I saw a load of arabs burning a British flag and then stamping it into the ground. Why dont I start protesting and kicking off over what they do? Why not? Because fuck all will happen. Because their country wont care. They are taking advantage of our "democratic" and orderly society. I say pull the plug. Stop shipping them the 400 billion pounds (apx 650 billion US $) of aid every year that we give them. Or lets stop sending them SKY TV, if they are so offended by our culture. I tell you arabs are mostly scum of the earth IMHO. We give them all this help and all this aid and still they fuck us about, the US invaded iraq because Saddam fucked us around with the oil prices even though WE give his country aid and money. But where does the money go? On his expensive palaces. My dad had the best view at the start of the war that would of saved hundreds of lives and billions of $ and ?; "We should of just nuked them, then gone in for the oil after ten years when the radiation was lower." And in a lot of way that statement is wrong and unjust, all of the innocent people in the affected areas would have had great suffering, but in other ways it would save us shit like this. TBQFH I think we should print more of those pictures just to piss them off, they dont like the way we rung things on our own land; The doors there pal, close it on your way out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:59:02 UTC Post #161340
look, i wouldn't give a fuck if someone did a caricature of something i belive in (which isn't a lot btw :P ).

I have three things to say to those idiots:

1. It's just a picture, stfu
2. It's just a picture, stfu
3. It's just a picture, stfu
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 16:10:40 UTC Post #161341
People that take religion this seriously should be shot. It's just a couple of drawings ffs. Morons...
My opinion: fuck them.
those idiots
TBQFH I think we should print more of those pictures just to piss them off,
let me see theses sentences again(under)
I think the islamic people are over reacting
They are all over reacting.
Those who get pissed by a thing like that still lives in the stone-age
a very childish act.
even when you are critcising,you are becoming the things you say.As you can see people who calls us childish,idiotic and overreacting...are acting childish,idiotic and they are overreacting.

You people have no right to criticise muslims like this,you dont even know our rules and stuff!Ever read our book?!I dont think so...for those people who act childish and idiotic when criticising--> :thefinger:

And people who act kind and wise,
Not all muslims do. Most accept this and a majority of them probably doesn't give a crap
The islamic religion strictly prohibits any drawings to be made of Mohammed, since it's believed that God created him and you shouldn't try to imitate God.
oh,my mistake I said people..I meant person!Thanks ZL.
they obviously want to rule the world
what the fuck?J.C you are complete moron.Go stare at America plz.

Btw:its not mohammed its muhammed...idiots.Muslims/us have to belive in other religions too if a muslim doesnt believes in other religions and hates them,is really not a muslim.Thats not another some sort of strict rule.

hmm,why did muslims overreact?Gee,I dont know?Maybe in Europe our many restarounts,shops are always under protest?Maybe in schools of America muslims are always being considered as terrorists?Maybe some news in America talking about bombing Mekke(for those morons:Its our holy place)?With so much hatred between religions since 2000 its possible for any religion to over react now...

while posting these replies you thought there was not any muslims in TWHL,right?Why?Because you still see us as just bunch of stupids!You sobs!What are you afraid of Tycell?Ever been to Iraq or Arabistan?!You ll crap your pants!

a mod plz lock this topic.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 16:22:36 UTC Post #161344
I'll admit to being childish next time i get caught burning a flag. until then i'll say whatever i want.

Of course we know that there are muslims here. I never said that all muslims behave like that, and still you included my posts in your.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 16:23:15 UTC Post #161345
Saco, calm down. :|
Muslims/us have to belive in other religions too if a muslim doesnt believes in other religions and hates them,is really not a muslim.Thats not another some sort of strict rule.
So you believe in Hinduism?
hmm,why did muslims overreact?Gee,I dont know?Maybe in Europe our many restarounts,shops are always under protest?Maybe in schools of America muslims are always being considered as terrorists?Maybe some news in America talking about bombing Mekke(for those morons:Its our holy place)?With so much hatred between religions since 2000 its possible for any religion to over react now...
That doesn't make sense.
Do you even know what overreact means?

I agree that they are overreacting a bit, if they don't want to draw pictures of Muhammed, fine, but they have to realise that they're not the only religion on the planet.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 16:32:25 UTC Post #161346
So you believe in Hinduism
Only religions who has prophets of its own.
Saco, calm down. :|
Wow,what a morale boost?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 16:59:06 UTC Post #161349
Well - Everyone should be free to say whatever they want, but everyone else should be free to express their anger / support too.

The Muslim community made their point, they don't like it - i don't blame them, but i don't think they should go on a warpath over some satire.

Their religion already teaches that anyone outside the muslim community is of the same status as a dog (most muslims don't follow that belief, the extremists btw) - But that's common to all religions, Judaism, Christianity - it's just what religions do.

This is blown way out of proportion by all sides.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 17:35:27 UTC Post #161356
Let me say this again:
All muslims don't react to the pictures. Stop saying muslims are childish.

Saco: The name Muhammed is transliterated to Muhammed, Mohammed, Mohammad and even Mahomet. I daresay I'm right whichever I use, since they refer to the same person. In swedish, it's Muhammed aswell, I thought the correct english term was with an o.

Tycell: Stop being an idiot.
"Hey look, a very tiny majority of them is acting bad - lets piss all over all of their kind!" This seems to be a fairly common problem amongst these walls.

Fourthgen made some excellent points in his first post and I wholeheartedly agree.

Would you all think the same if someone published, say, a glorification of a jew being killed, or any atrocity commited against judaism? I bet there'd be alot more "NEWSPAPERS ARE NAZI"-posts than "THEY'RE OVERREACTING"-posts. It's all a matter of perception.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 17:52:27 UTC Post #161358
well I think zombie loffes got it down here. what he says is completly true. and you guys have to remember that this caricature is insulting their GOD. for those athiests out there, thats a pretty big deal btw. not just that but their religon and country as well - all this ontop of the shit they already get.

Btw some other stuff:
1. There is a ban on drawing or painting muhammed in islam so any picture would have been offensive really.
2.The editor of the conservative daily had asked Danish cartoonist to draw Mohammed with the intention of "testing" what kind of reactions this would provoke. so its not exacly an innocent picture.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 18:40:31 UTC Post #161373
Strider: The islamic religion strictly prohibits any drawings to be made of Mohammed, since it's believed that God created him and you shouldn't try to imitate God.
Yeah, but so what? The people who drew and published the pictures obviously weren't Muslims, and nor are most of the people for whom the images are being reproduced. I thought these people were fed up with having other peoples' opinions pressed onto them? Rather hypocritical.
Saco: The name Muhammed is transliterated to Muhammed, Mohammed, Mohammad and even Mahomet. I daresay I'm right whichever I use, since they refer to the same person. In swedish, it's Muhammed aswell, I thought the correct english term was with an o.
Transliterations can be done any way you like, in my opinion. None of them are right, because they're all in the wrong alphabet. Just try to make it look like it sounds in the accent of the people reading. I've often seen "Moslem" in place of "Muslim".

Another argument caused by religion. Terrrrrific.

For your information, I detest all religions pretty equally.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 18:50:24 UTC Post #161374
Another argument caused by religion. Terrrrrific.
Certainly not the last..
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 18:57:07 UTC Post #161375
I love bashing people's religions and then finally a guy with that religion posts, its priceless.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 00:56:48 UTC Post #161390
I really do think most muslims really dont care. But I think some of them protest just cause they are afraid of what would happen if they didnt. Saying all muslims are terrorists is like saying all Germans are nazis which they arent.

Its the extremists that are doing this and they are total fucking morons. They dont toterate anyone elses beliefs and kill anyone who doesnt agree with them. Nothing more than criminals that need to be put behind bars or shot.

Im a Christian but I dont care if people bash my religion. Southpark makes fun of God and Jesus all the time and I still watch it. You dont see me threatening to kill Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Jesus taught us compasion and tolerance and Im gonna do just that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 03:10:36 UTC Post #161394
You people have no right to criticise muslims like this
who the fuck said we are criticising muslims, you strung all our words together Saco and formed a new argument, dont try that shit. I criticised absolutely no religion or race, i criticised human nature, the fact of the matter is i beleive EVERYONE involved is being childish and ignorant, not muslims in general, you twat.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 04:40:24 UTC Post #161400
The first people who notice and told about these pictures don't care about them, they just used them, as they are using the whole muslim community as a cover to keep their real businesses going: everytime they get something they could take some advantage, they just put "islam" on, and it's the same shit again and again, the whole world is turning into a pointless debate about who is right and who is not, while a minority lives from this chaos :| ...
if they dont like what we do in our country, then dont come here
what the fuck?J.C you are complete moron.Go stare at America plz.
How should I consider the orders from a guy who insult me?

I don't like the american government much than the first guys who are like "omg we are offended! look this picture from a newspaper from the other side of the world, they attacked islam!!", and when I see on TV "american cops mistakes" (4 white cops slaughtering an old, drunk, black teacher), I just see the same shit that while looking the lame lame "omg you treated us terrorists?? omg we are angry, we will destroy everything!!!", I just would like to have the power to eradicate this humanity shit with a fingersnap...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 06:35:44 UTC Post #161405
You people have no right to criticise muslims like this,you dont even know our rules and stuff!Ever read our book?!I dont think so...for those people who act childish and idiotic when criticising--&gt;
Free speech &copy; Copyright 1848

And we have no right to criticise muslims like this? Dont they criticise us and our own believes and a way of live?

Did you ever read 'our book?' Doubt it. Note: I dont believe in religion.
hmm,why did muslims overreact?Gee,I dont know?Maybe in Europe our many restarounts,shops are always under protest?Maybe in schools of America muslims are always being considered as terrorists?Maybe some news in America talking about bombing Mekke(for those morons:Its our holy place)?With so much hatred between religions since 2000 its possible for any religion to over react now...
I dont know about you, but that definately isnt the situation here, i have muslim friends, colleauges. Our socieity has been multicultural since the golden age(1600-1700). Muslims already live since then over here, we have always accept eachother and lived peacefully. Offcourse there is some tension since 9/11. But it is all being blow up, just as you are doing here.
while posting these replies you thought there was not any muslims in TWHL,right?Why?Because you still see us as just bunch of stupids!You sobs!What are you afraid of Tycell?Ever been to Iraq or Arabistan?!You ll crap your pants!
I think most of us realized you're a muslim. And offcourse, other probably visited here to, so far tycell has posted the only racial reply IMHO. You are making this a hatred thread by throwing around false accusations, read over the rules of a discussion again.
You probably didnt even read ZL's first post....
Have you been to Iraqi?
a mod plz lock this topic.
1. Its not your topic.
2. Because you're the only one offended here it should be lock, rubbish.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 07:52:14 UTC Post #161414
How should I consider the orders from a guy who insult me?
How logical?Then why would we follow this order:If they dont like it then they can go away!But before that here is another sentence of yours
Ring any bells J.C?
1. Its not your topic.
Because you're the only one offended here it should be lock, rubbish.
I'm the only muslim around here,d'uh?
Have you been to Iraqi?
yes.Trying to defend Tycell will result in a failure.
they criticise us and our own believes and a way of live?
well,after calling all the muslims terrorists,attacking Iraq for resources and talking about bombing mekke.yes,we started too respond.
i have muslim friends
Soo?I didnt say you havent...
You probably didnt even read ZL's first post....
at least it didnt have many insults as the others do

The reason,that I wanted to lock the topic was that the thread will become mess.Religions should not be criticised in forums.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 08:06:38 UTC Post #161416
dont try to rip apart quotes saco, really really pathatic.... Quote full senteces..
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 08:10:35 UTC Post #161417
the full sentences are a lot better search it before insulting someone.And also,I just dont want to continue to argue this bullshit!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 08:17:12 UTC Post #161418
I know what i typed myself, your rather horrible at trying to change the content of the typed sentences.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 08:24:23 UTC Post #161419

Cut it out. No need for this shit.

Can't we just settle it over a nice meal of pork?
User posted image
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 09:16:49 UTC Post #161425
Now that would be nice :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 10:48:59 UTC Post #161431
Back on topic....

As many people have said before, not all Muslims have reacted this way. It's just stupid the way some of you are refering to them. As I said before, we're all humans. Just because they have a different opinion doesn't mean they are not like us.

In my opinion the way this should end is that every newspaper that published it, should apologise and then move on. There's no way of taking things that they have done, back but I don't see reason for them to inflame the whole ordeal.

A lot of you probably think my idea is stupid, but I think that the newspapers crossed a very clear line between Freedom of Speech and Irresponsibilty. I don't think many people here (including myself) know exactly what they are feeling. Islam is a very religious society and they have certain taboos. Just as we have a taboo in TWHL of not spamming. How would all like it if I started spamming?

Would you like it if I started posting pictures of pigs in a serious discussion?

Oh, wait... shaked fist at Trapt :D

*All speeling mistakes, I'm in a hurry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 11:02:31 UTC Post #161432
*All speeling mistakes,
Ha! made me laugh

Serious discussion? its only as serious as you make it, and to me, the entire events that this thread is based around is too serious, too out-of-hand, it's childish and posting pictures of pigs is childish, i see no conflict! Cool down and watch it all unfold.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 11:21:28 UTC Post #161434
Religions should not be criticised in forums.
If people want to discuss it here, then discuss it they shall. If you have a problem with it, ignore it.

Man, this is like a fractal or something: the main thing is repeating itself in small-scale.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 11:27:42 UTC Post #161435
@fourthgen. That would seem like the logical thing to do, but consider this: They publish something in their own country, and now some dudes from across the world come and say what they can and can't publish.

It's a situation that can't be solved IMO. Either they apologize and compromise the right of free speech, or they just ignore the muslims and make them more angry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 11:39:05 UTC Post #161436
It wasnt a whole country and much less the western world who made those pictures. Yet I've just seen the burning of flags on TV and even a drawing of the Danish designer being slaughtered with knives.
This is hypocresy, no doubt. Muslims rightfully complain about people wrongfully considering them as terrorists, yet we are seeing them put all danish people in the same bag as the ones who drew the pictures.
They ask for an exemplary punishment... sorry, Europe doesnt work that way. The tie between government and press is not the same as in dictatorships, and for that same reason the Danish government should not apologize for anything.
That doesnt mean I agree with posting those pictures. It's provocative and they knew people would be offended. But the reaction sort of proves how radical some (not all) of these people are.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 11:39:42 UTC Post #161437
Well, not all Muslims are so un-reasonable. I agree with you SariBous, that they shouldn't tell them exactly what they can and can't publish but they can ask them. Remember that Muslims are just concentrated in Asia, in real life there are many all around the world and I suspect there are a few in Denmark, so now people from within the country, who have probably been there for quite a while are telling them what not to print. See my point?

After much thought I pretty much agree with SariBous, it can't be solved, at least not easily. In my ideal world the UN would have more power and could have easily sorted this out. Well, that and I would be leader of the United Nations Internation Computer Regulations Force fully funded by the governments of the world.

sigh We can't all get what we want.

@KasPerg: You have a very good point, well thought out.

I think the blame resides on both sides. The Muslims sure did overreact but the Danish and European press in general did some very stupid things.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 14:25:31 UTC Post #161454
They have now burned down Denmark's embassy in Syria. They've also threaten to kill danes and called more bomb-threats.
Danish goverment should not apologize for anything.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 15:24:28 UTC Post #161460
My Appolagies Sace, I was overeacting, childish and very likly very hurtful to you with some of the stuff I said in my previous posts. I was just angry at a lot of stuff in RL and I kinda got carried away.

I take back all I said, and looking at this topic now I am staying the fuck out of it from here on until its inevitable journey in to lockhood and forgettance. (Not real words, I know).

I should of taken more care with what I said, you never know who is listning, and just to clear it up, I am not racist against anyone or anything, I just get really fucked off with all the war and all the suicide bombers and all the shit, which leads to me making silly posts.

Once again, my appolagies, I didnt mean to offend you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 15:55:48 UTC Post #161466
OMG trapt! I nearly pissed myself after viewing your post!!

Also laughed out loud, so much so everyone is looking at me now :)

Sari's and J.C's comments convey how way I feel about this. This illustrates well how a seemingly insignifigant thing can blow up into a big critical deal.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 17:07:22 UTC Post #161474
It's just a guess, but I doubt any other culture or religion would respond to religious caricatures like this:
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 17:46:42 UTC Post #161479
Not any more, I don't think. Perhaps in the fifteen hundreds.

I thought Islam was meant to be older than, uh, most of the rest? Evidently, as with people, maturity doesn't always come with age.

To Denmark, defender of democracy!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 18:05:34 UTC Post #161480
Islam is 500 years younger than Christianism, the "Coran" book has been written 500 years after the Bible if I remember well, and contains most items of it (Jesus, "mary virgin", god etc), it is just an other point of view, more messy again that the Bible is to me...

(for words between "", sorry but I don't know their english names)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 18:38:26 UTC Post #161485
Muslims do regard Jesus as a prophet dont they?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 21:09:14 UTC Post #161505
OMG trapt! I nearly pissed myself after viewing your post!!

Also laughed out loud, so much so everyone is looking at me now
Trapt Traptlegend
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