problem with steam and hammer Created 21 years ago2004-02-15 17:05:36 UTC by quicksilverjedi quicksilverjedi

Created 21 years ago2004-02-15 17:05:36 UTC by quicksilverjedi quicksilverjedi

Posted 21 years ago2004-02-15 17:05:36 UTC Post #16280
the compile runs fine, the level loades, it just wont auto start half life

here is the error
Failed not run game. You have multiple installs of Steam on your drive, and the game you tried to run is from a different version-ok

and i know for a fact that i only have one intall of steam, i even check the reg

i have zoners tools

any help would be nice, thanks in advance
and may the force be with you ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-15 19:03:06 UTC Post #16284
Try not running the map from in hammer. Make a server with the map or something (i dont know steam :)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-15 19:30:21 UTC Post #16287
why is steam so glitchy? Is it just unstable because it is new?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-15 20:12:23 UTC Post #16295
New? :confused:
Not that new... It's been around a while and from what I hear it's beginning to actually work... If you just play. Steam makes life a little more difficult for us mappers.

Steam when it was new. :lol: You couldn't even play on a LAN! It was that bad. There were no LAN server options at all. :lol:
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-15 21:01:22 UTC Post #16298
thanks for the tip ZombieLoffe but i found a workaround on my own, i just made a short cut on my desk top and set it up for map testing ( -dev -console ont the command line), well thanks to this bord i found out how to fix the prob i was having with the compiler it dosen't like the YOUREMAIL@PLACE.COM it hates the dot in the name and that is what i think is the whats causing all the other poblems people have bin having

thats my $0.02

and may the force be with you ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-20 03:44:43 UTC Post #16617
If you just play. Steam makes life a little more difficult for us mappers.
That is why I still have the Serria Folder installed. :)

I installed the origanl HL first ran the most current patch before Steam. Installed Steam. When I map/complie I point hammer to the Serria folder. As long as I am not playing HL while compiling (which is not wise to do cause it will tax your system) the map will complie and open using the old folder.

Posted 21 years ago2004-02-20 05:15:36 UTC Post #16626
I did that, kinda, only unintentionally. Last time I installed Steam, it absorbed the WON-HL, but this time it left it alone. Ah well, not complaining.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-20 10:03:07 UTC Post #16639
I installed steam it took all my wad files from my hl folders but then i just reinstalled hl and it all works fine now :D
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-20 19:14:15 UTC Post #16681
That must have been recently cause I installed steam from awhile ago and have not had to ren install it our redownloed the EXE.

Humm that is strange.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-20 19:25:26 UTC Post #16683
Who knows, Gabe newell doesnt like us.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-20 20:56:30 UTC Post #16691
I hope they start paying attention to this. If and when HL2 comes out it will only be accessable by steam :(
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-21 05:41:52 UTC Post #16733
The "multiple installs of Steam" error is from putting the full path to your hl.exe in the Game Executable field. The $game_exe variable ALWAYS uses short filenames, even if you check the 'Use long filenames' box. Steam, on the other hand, appears to only handle long filenames. So hl.exe is launched, Steam doesn't recognize the the path, so it thinks you have more than one copy installed. So it's Hammer's fault for not the path correctly with long filenames, and it's Steams fault for not realizing that the short name path is in fact correct.

The solution is to change your Game Executable field (on the Build Programs tab) to read JUST hl.exe without ANY path at all.
And I don't know why I wasted my time writing this all out when I could have just referred you to my Hammer with Steam guide!!!! (grrrr) oh well, guess I was bored...
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-21 05:43:26 UTC Post #16734
geez, look at all those typos! ack!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-21 07:51:46 UTC Post #16748
Uh, well I read through that post twice and didn't notice any typos. Then again I might be becoming resistant to them from years of forums...
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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