The price of a map Created 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:22:00 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Created 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:22:00 UTC by satchmo satchmo

Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:22:00 UTC Post #165795
I've been offered money to make a CS map for a clan.

How much is reasonable for a small map (probably will take me eight hours or so to make)?
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:33:02 UTC Post #165798
300,000$ Before and then another 300,000$ after the map is done...
Or maybe 30-25$?
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:33:35 UTC Post #165800
A dollar an hour? That is a joke, right?

I am asking $250 for it. I thought it's a reasonable amount. For my other day job, I make $65 an hour. But this income will be tax-free. So $30 an hour sounds like a good compromise.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:33:36 UTC Post #165801
$30 sounds a reasonable figure to me. Half minimum wage would give about ?20, which is about that.

PS: wow, $250? Serious business, eh? They'll pay that?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:49:41 UTC Post #165802

perhaps you could let slip the name of this clan so that i could offer my services for 10p less
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 15:49:59 UTC Post #165803
I hope you get what you ask for satchmo --- if you ask me, it's a fair price!

/waits for someone to pay me to map something

/dies of old age
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 16:10:56 UTC Post #165805
You don't know this clan at all. I heard about them from the Steam forum.

I can't tell you who they are. I know there are people who would do this for free. But I figure, why not get some nice cash while doing it? It'll partially pay for my 19" LCD.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 16:40:26 UTC Post #165806
It's fair enough. If they really want to pay, you can hardly refuse.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 17:59:25 UTC Post #165812
If they want to pay you $250, go for it. Personally I think it's a bit high price for an 8-hour job, but in the end it's just what you and they will agree on.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 20:08:46 UTC Post #165844
$250 is a junkload of money to pay for a map. But hey, if they'll pay it its their problem.
Its all depends on what kind of map they want. if they want something like an fy or ka map I'd charge around $10 and if it were a large de or cs map I'd probably charge $40 or $50.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 20:13:25 UTC Post #165848
Take everything you can get, they won't know they're getting completely ripped off.

Myself, I'd never pay for a map, no matter how low the cost.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 20:17:35 UTC Post #165850
But these people will, so suck 'em dry!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 20:24:22 UTC Post #165851
Capitalistic swines!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 20:30:13 UTC Post #165852
Charge them $500 an hour, take the money and send them to goatse.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 20:42:51 UTC Post #165853
Myself, I'd never pay for a map, no matter how low the cost.
Hey, of course. We're born mappers. We map for the sheer joy of it.

But if you get free money while doing it, why not?
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 21:04:50 UTC Post #165856
I would probably make it like 15$ an hour, because if it is too expensive it might make them reconsider who they want to map it. Will it be like your Justice map, cuz that map was Pwn!
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 21:23:59 UTC Post #165862
Are they stupid, why would they pay? I mean, sure you could be a good mapper and all, but pay money... for a CS map... this boggles my mind....
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 22:07:04 UTC Post #165867
I believe Valve commissions mappers and pays 2-4K per map? My conversation with Valve on the subject was a couple of years ago - I think I still have the notes, ill have to dig them up.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 22:14:24 UTC Post #165868
No, seeing that you are a pretty good mapper, $8? That is about a doller a hour.
$8 is slightly above minimum wage for a single hour of work here.

For a single map $250-$350 sounds reasonable. For the larger project I've been working on the payout was ~1k for 4 SP levels, so that's about even for one MP map.
Charge them $500 an hour, take the money and send them to goatse.
It's called contracts and payment after delivery.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 22:23:38 UTC Post #165872
Yea, the more I think about it is was 2-4K for a group of Navy themed maps. Ill still pull my notes when I get to the house in a few days.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-01 23:14:07 UTC Post #165880
How are you gonna do a per hour charge?

Just lie and said you spent 3 days on it, then charge like 500 bucks.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-02 02:43:43 UTC Post #165886
I told them it's going to take me a few days.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-02 04:09:50 UTC Post #165896
Generally contracts aren't per-hour, they're per-job.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-02 06:10:12 UTC Post #165909
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