scripted_sequences not working Created 19 years ago2006-03-04 13:45:05 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 19 years ago2006-03-04 13:45:05 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 13:45:05 UTC Post #166340
Im making a new HL map. Its Basically an alternate ending to Half life. Beginning right when you speak to G-Man. Or He speaks to you, rather.
Anyway. RIght in the beginning of the map, g-man speaks with you and says his collegues request your assistace or something... I want some scientists or Barneys to come out of a door. Then you get to choose which path to take.



BUT i didnt get that far. I cant even get My original Scripted_sequence to work. I have a trigger_once target a scripted_sequence, the Scripted_sequence target g-man. I have all the target and name properties filled out to the letter, But for some reason gman isnt saying the sentence.

I know the scripted sequence is working because i set the player to hear the sentence, and gman looks at you when you step into the trigger.

i want him to say the sentence "gman_suit"
so i set the sentence type to "!gman_suit"

This is what the tutorial said to do... Im confused :x
Any suggestions?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 14:08:23 UTC Post #166348
Try checking flags at random.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 17:44:19 UTC Post #166375
Make sure you typed the name of the gman in the 'speaker type' value(if it's a scripted sentence) or in the 'target monster' value(if it's a script/aiscript)
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 18:15:25 UTC Post #166382
i named G-Man 'gman' and i know i typed everything correctly.
I will post the map in problem maps if i cant get it working. G-Man doesnt talk usually so maybe i should un-click gag...
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 19:13:48 UTC Post #166404
I assume you used a scripted_sentence, not a scripted_sequence as you just said in your post? ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 20:50:58 UTC Post #166414
its a sequence, not a sentence.
whats the major difference lol
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 21:06:22 UTC Post #166416
Well, what do you think is the difference? Sequences aren't sentences - they're meant to make a character play a certain animation, not to make him talk... use a scripted_sentence for that.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-04 22:18:27 UTC Post #166419
wait a second, its a sentence. not a sequence.

found the problem.... i tried linking to the sound file itself, and not the command line in the sentences.txt file.. so it aint workin >.<

ANd Gman isnt listed in the sentences.txt file so im guessing i cant use him, maybe i'll just use barney or something.. damnit

it kills my whole plot now
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 00:02:47 UTC Post #166424
You can make the gman talk. The Gman sentences are in the sentences.txt file at the very bottom. If they are missing in your sentences.txt, that is the problem. When they are there, you would use a scripted_sentence to make him talk. Your trigger_once should target the scripted_sentence. Speaker type is gman (or the name you gave him) Sentence name is !GM_SUIT (or whichever sentence you choose). You are so close, don't quit now. :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 03:33:49 UTC Post #166432
Thanks for the reassurance SlayerA

G-Man is not here. Anywhere.

HG_GREN0 hgrunt/clik(p120) grenade! clik
HG_GREN1 hgrunt/(t30) clik take!(e75) cover!(s5) clik
HG_GREN2 hgrunt/clik clik oh! shit! clik
HG_GREN3 hgrunt/(p110 t40) clik(p120) get!(e78) down!(t30) clik
HG_GREN4 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) of!(e75) god! clik(p110)
HG_GREN5 hgrunt/clik no! clik
HG_GREN6 hgrunt/clik move! clik(p120)

// Player Alert
HG_ALERT0 hgrunt/(t30) squad!, we!(e80) got!(e80) freeman!(t20 p105), clik(p110)
HG_ALERT1 hgrunt/clik(p110) target! clik
HG_ALERT2 hgrunt/clik movement! clik
HG_ALERT3 hgrunt/(t40) shit!(t20), (t50) we! got! hostiles!(p120 t0) clik
HG_ALERT4 hgrunt/(t20) clik(p110) squad!, get!(e80) freeman!, clik(p110) clik
HG_ALERT5 hgrunt/(t20) clik squad!, neutralize!(e90) freeman! clik
HG_ALERT6 hgrunt/(t30) clik clik move!(e75) in! clik(p120)

// Monster Alert
HG_MONST0 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t50) bogies!(t0), my! sector!(t0) clik
HG_MONST1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) clik(p120) we!(e75) got! bogies! clik
HG_MONST2 hgrunt/clik clik (t30) alien!(e85) alert! clik
HG_MONST3 hgrunt/clik clik (t30) alien!(e85) movement!(t0) clik(p120)

// Take cover
HG_COVER0 hgrunt/clik (t30) take! cover!(t0) clik
HG_COVER1 hgrunt/clik (t45) (e75) I!(e80) need!(e80) suppressing!(t20) fire!(t10) clik
HG_COVER2 hgrunt/clik (t45) we! need! backup!(t10) clik
HG_COVER3 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) two!(e75) hot!(e80) here! clik
HG_COVER4 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) fall!(e80) out! clik clik
HG_COVER5 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t20) clear! this! area! clik
HG_COVER6 hgrunt/clik (t40) god! damn! clik
HG_COVER7 hgrunt/clik (t40) cover!(e75) fire! clik

// Throw grenade
HG_THROW0 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) fire!(e90) in!(e90) the!(e60) hole!(e100) clik
HG_THROW1 hgrunt/clik (t30) take!(e75) this!(e100 t0) clik
HG_THROW2 hgrunt/clik (t35) fire in the(e50) hole clik(p120)
HG_THROW3 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t35 e80) squad, stay down clik

// Taunt
HG_TAUNT0 hgrunt/clik (t30 e75) uhh, we got heavy fire here clik
HG_TAUNT1 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) roger, hold position clik
HG_TAUNT2 hgrunt/clik (t40) we!(e80) will!(e75) kick!(e80) your!(e75) ass! clik
HG_TAUNT3 hgrunt/clik (t40) mister, you(e75) are going down clik
HG_TAUNT4 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t40) you got nothing clik
HG_TAUNT5 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) request! backup! clik(p120) clik

// Charge
HG_CHARGE0 hgrunt/clik (t40) go! recon! clik(p120)
HG_CHARGE1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) move!(e75) in! clik
HG_CHARGE2 hgrunt/clik go! clik(p120)
HG_CHARGE3 hgrunt/clik lets! go! clik(p120)

// Idle
HG_IDLE0 hgrunt/gr_idle1
HG_IDLE1 hgrunt/gr_idle2
HG_IDLE2 hgrunt/gr_idle3

HG_QUEST0 hgrunt/clik (t25) stay(e80) alert people clik(p120)
HG_QUEST1 hgrunt/clik (t30) radio(e75) check, over clik(p120)
HG_QUEST2 hgrunt/clik (t20) maintain lookout clik(p120)
HG_QUEST3 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) squad, quiet(e75) down clik(p120)
HG_QUEST4 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) hold position, clik
HG_QUEST5 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) sweep(e80) that sector, clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_QUEST6 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) uhh, go tango sweep formation clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_QUEST7 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) echo(e75) mission is go clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_QUEST8 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) fire(e75) team, weapons(e75) check ok clik(p120) clik
HG_QUEST9 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) fire(e75) team, objective foxtrot niner clik(p120)
HG_QUEST10 hgrunt/clik (t30) ok(e75) mission, zero(e75) niner clik
HG_QUEST11 hgrunt/clik (t30) squad, stay(e80) alert(e80) four freeman, over clik

HG_ANSWER0 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t20) uhh roger(e75) that, clik(p120) clik
HG_ANSWER1 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t10) yessir clik
HG_ANSWER2 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) affirmative, sir clik
HG_ANSWER3 hgrunt/clik (t30) negative clik(p120) clik
HG_ANSWER4 hgrunt/clik(p105) (t30) roger clik
HG_ANSWER5 hgrunt/clik(p105) (t30) ok control clik
HG_ANSWER6 hgrunt/clik(p105) (t30) that(e75) is, uhh, affirmative clik

HG_CLEAR0 hgrunt/clik(p130) (t30) all(e75) clear sir, clik
HG_CLEAR1 hgrunt/clik (t30) bravo(e75) post, clear clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR2 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) delta(e75) team, clear clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR3 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t40) no sign hostiles sir, over clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR4 hgrunt/clik (t30) no(e80) sign objective sir, over clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR5 hgrunt/clik (t30) no(e75) movement this level clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR6 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t28) sir, sector secure, over clik(p120) clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR7 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) command(e75) post, team in position, over clik
HG_CLEAR8 hgrunt/clik (t30) recon, in(e75) position, all quiet clik(p120)
HG_CLEAR9 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) lookout(e90) post, all quiet, over clik(p110)
HG_CLEAR10 hgrunt/clik (t40) sir, I(e80) here(e75) something clik
HG_CLEAR11 hgrunt/clik(p120) (t30) sir, uhh, zero movement, over clik
HG_CLEAR12 hgrunt/clik (t30) area secure sir, over clik(p120)

HG_CHECK0 hgrunt/clik (t30) ok, check(e75) in clik
HG_CHECK1 hgrunt/clik(p110) (t30) squad, are(e80) hostiles clear clik(p120)
HG_CHECK2 hgrunt/clik (t30) check(e80) in people clik
HG_CHECK3 hgrunt/clik (t30) lookout, check(e75) in clik(p110)
HG_CHECK4 hgrunt/clik (t30) recon(e90) team, check(e80) in clik
HG_CHECK5 hgrunt/clik(p130) (t30) movement check, over clik
HG_CHECK6 hgrunt/clik (t30) check your zone, over, clik
HG_CHECK7 hgrunt/clik (t30) everything(e85) ok(e75) there, clik(p130)

HG_SUCKS hgrunt/hg_sucks
HG_CIVVIES hgrunt/hg_civvies


// countdown

CTR0 zero
CTR1 one second
CTR2 two
CTR3 three seconds
CTR4 four
CTR5 five seconds remaining
CTR6 six
CTR7 seven
CTR8 eight
CTR9 nine
CTR10 ten seconds remaining
CTR11 eleven
CTR12 twelve
CTR13 thirteen
CTR14 fourteen
CTR15 fifteen seconds remaining
CTR16 sixteen
CTR17 seventeen
CTR18 eighteen
CTR19 nineteen
CTR20 twenty seconds remaining

// doors, general
NA0 access denied
NA1 access is denied
NA2 unauthorized access
NA3 illegal access
NA4 this door is locked
NA5 unauthorized access
NA6 entry forbidden
NA7 entry not permitted
NA8 no unauthorized personnel
NA9 you do not have access to this facility
NA10 (p102) sorry, you may not enter
NA11 (p102) sorry, this door is locked
NA12 (p102) please, move away from this area
NA13 (p102) please, move away from door
NA14 (p103) you will not get in
NA15 (p103) entry is not an option
NA16 (p104) will we do this all day
NA17 (p104) move on immediately
NA18 (p105) no, no, and no(p80)
EA0 access granted
EA1 access permitted
EA2 entry granted
EA3 entry permitted
EA4 access authorized
EA5 entry is permitted
EA6 access authorized
EA7 access to facility, granted
EA8 access granted

// doors, security lockout
ND0 security lock is engaged
ND1 secure area, no entry
ND2 security lockout, no entry
ND3 secure door, no entry
ND4 security system in force
ND5 security system armed, no entry
ND6 door is secured
ND7 illegal access, move away
ED0 security lock disengaged
ED1 security clear, proceed
ED2 security lockout, released
ED3 secure override accepted
ED4 security access acknowledged
ED5 security system disengaged
ED6 door security disengaged

// blast doors
NF0 emergency blast door activated
NF1 emergency blast shield activated
NF3 the blast containment shield is down
EF0 emergency blast door, open
EF1 emergency blast shield, deactivated
EF3 blast containment shield is, open

// fire door
NFIRE0 fire containment door is down
EFIRE0 fire containment door, open

// chemical door
NCHEM0 chemical leak containment door activated
ECHEM0 chemical leak containment door, open

// radiation door
NRAD0 radiation containment door activated
ERAD0 radiation containment door, open

// generic containment door
NCON0 emergency containment door engaged
ECON0 emergency containment door disengaged

// broken locked door
NG0 sorry, this door is inoperative
NG1 sorry, door out of service
NG2 door damage detected, please call service personnel

// maintenance door
NH0 no access, maintenance area
NH1 no personnel permitted in maintenance area
EH0 maintenance area access granted
EH1 maintenance area door open

// turrets, defensive systems

T0 extreme hazard, defense system is armed in this zone
T1 hazard area, defense system activated
T2 danger, turret perimeter defense system armed
T3 extreme hazard, nearest defense system engaged
T4 danger, base defense turret system may power up
T5 danger, automatic defense system activated

// warnings

WE0 warning, high voltage cable
WE1 warning, high power cable
WE2 warning, electric shock hazard
WE3 warning, severe electric shock hazard

// danger

DR0 danger, radiation leak detected
DR1 danger, radiation hazard detected
DR2 danger, high radiation level detected
DR3 danger, severe radiation hazard, evacuate area immediately
DR4 danger, safety violation, extreme radiation level detected

DC0 danger, chemical leak, area now a high health hazard
DC1 danger, chemical coolant leak, health hazard zone
DC2 danger, chemical containment breach, all personnel evacuate this area
DC3 danger, supercooled chemical leak
DC4 danger, supercooled helium leak

DB0 danger, liquid biohazard leak in immediate area
DB1 danger, coolant leak, severe biohazard now in this area
DB2 danger, liquid biohazard released, evacuate area
DB3 danger, biohazard detected in immediate area

// training room

TR_A three, two, one, deeoo(p110)
TR_B deeoo(p110) (p102 t20) target system deactivated


BA_OK0 barney/teamup2
BA_OK1 barney/dobettertogether
BA_OK2 barney/imwithyou
BA_OK3 barney/teamup1
BA_OK4 barney/gladtolendhand
BA_OK5 barney/letsgo
BA_OK6 barney/letsmoveit

BA_WAIT0 barney/helpothers
BA_WAIT1 barney/iwaithere
BA_WAIT2 barney/slowingyoudown
BA_WAIT3 barney/illwait
BA_WAIT4 barney/seeya
BA_WAIT5 barney/standguard

BA_HELLO0 barney/hellonicesuit
BA_HELLO1 barney/howdy
BA_HELLO2 barney/howyoudoing
BA_HELLO3 barney/haybuddy
BA_HELLO4 barney/hayfella
BA_HELLO5 barney/heybuddy
BA_HELLO6 barney/heyfella

BA_QUESTION0 barney/beertopside
BA_QUESTION1 barney/wayout
BA_QUESTION2 barney/getanyworse
BA_QUESTION3 barney/gladof38
BA_QUESTION4 barney/workingonstuff
BA_QUESTION5 barney/wayout
BA_QUESTION6 barney/whatsgoingon
BA_QUESTION7 barney/aintscared
BA_QUESTION8 barney/nodrill
BA_QUESTION9 barney/gettingcloser
BA_QUESTION10 barney/youhearthat
BA_QUESTION11 barney/crewdied
BA_QUESTION12 barney/somethingmoves
BA_QUESTION13 barney/thinking
BA_QUESTION14 barney/missingleg

BA_ANSWER0 barney/noway
BA_ANSWER1 barney/ireckon
BA_ANSWER2 barney/soundsright
BA_ANSWER3 barney/yessir
BA_ANSWER4 barney/youbet
BA_ANSWER5 barney/yougotit
BA_ANSWER6 barney/yup
BA_ANSWER7 barney/dontaskme
BA_ANSWER8 barney/dontbet
BA_ANSWER9 barney/dontbuyit
BA_ANSWER10 barney/dontfigure
BA_ANSWER11 barney/dontguess
BA_ANSWER12 barney/hardtosay
BA_ANSWER13 barney/justdontknow
BA_ANSWER14 barney/nope
BA_ANSWER15 barney/nosir
BA_ANSWER16 barney/cantfigure
BA_ANSWER17 barney/maybe
BA_ANSWER18 barney/notelling
BA_ANSWER19 barney/bequiet
BA_ANSWER20 barney/youtalkmuch
BA_ANSWER21 barney/alreadyasked

// player is staring at scientist
BA_STARE0 barney/yup
BA_STARE1 barney/yessir
BA_STARE2 barney/howyoudoing
BA_STARE3 barney/heyfella

BA_IDLE0 barney/whatisthat
BA_IDLE1 barney/coldone
BA_IDLE2 barney/guyresponsible
BA_IDLE3 barney/bigmess
BA_IDLE4 barney/luckwillturn
BA_IDLE5 barney/bigplace
BA_IDLE6 barney/targetpractice
BA_IDLE7 barney/badfeeling
BA_IDLE8 barney/ambush
BA_IDLE9 barney/survive
BA_IDLE10 barney/stophere

BA_ATTACK0 barney/openfire(e50)
BA_ATTACK1 barney/openfire(s50)
BA_ATTACK2 barney/standback
BA_ATTACK3 barney/whatisthat
BA_ATTACK4 barney/diebloodsucker
BA_ATTACK5 barney/aimforhead

BA_HEAR0 barney/hearsomething
BA_HEAR1 barney/icanhear
BA_HEAR2 barney/soundsbad

BA_SMELL0 barney/somethingdied
BA_SMELL1 barney/somethingstinky
BA_SMELL2 barney/stench

BA_CUREA barney/checkwounds
BA_CUREB barney/youneedmedic
BA_CUREC barney/realbadwound

BA_SCARED0 barney/donthurtem
BA_SCARED1 barney/leavealone

BA_WOUND0 barney/imhit
BA_WOUND1 barney/hitbad
BA_MORTAL0 barney/imdead

//If you shoot Barney:
BA_SHOT0 barney/ba_whoathere
BA_SHOT1 barney/ba_dotoyou
BA_SHOT2 barney/ba_watchit
BA_SHOT3 barney/ba_whatyou
BA_SHOT4 barney/ba_friends
BA_SHOT5 barney/ba_pissme

//When Barney?s really pissed at you:
BA_MAD0 barney/ba_stepoff
BA_MAD1 barney/ba_iwish
BA_MAD2 barney/ba_uwish
BA_MAD3 barney/ba_somuch
BA_MAD4 barney/ba_endline
BA_MAD5 barney/ba_dontmake
BA_MAD6 barney/ba_tomb

//When Barney?s killed something
BA_KILL0 barney/ba_gotone
BA_KILL1 barney/ba_another
BA_KILL2 barney/ba_buttugly
BA_KILL3 barney/ba_seethat
BA_KILL4 barney/ba_close
BA_KILL5 barney/ba_firepl
BA_KILL6 barney/ba_bring

//If you use Barney in Hazard Course
BA_HAZ_OK0 holo/tr_ba_use

//If you unuse Barney in Hazard Course
BA_HAZ_WAIT0 holo/tr_ba_unuse

//Barney in Hazard Course
BA_LIGHTSON holo/tr_ba_lightson

//If you use Barney before the disaster
BA_POK0 barney/ba_post
BA_POK1 barney/ba_duty
BA_POK2 barney/ba_raincheck
BA_POK3 barney/ba_later

// if barney can't follow you
BA_STOP0 barney/stop1
BA_STOP1 barney/stop2
BA_STOP2 barney/stop3


SC_OK0 scientist/excellentteam
SC_OK1 scientist/fellowscientist
SC_OK2 scientist/fine
SC_OK3 scientist/hopeyouknow
SC_OK4 scientist/leadtheway
SC_OK5 scientist/letsgo
SC_OK6 scientist/yesletsgo
SC_OK7 scientist/yes3
SC_OK8 scientist/alright

SC_WAIT0 scientist/beenaburden
SC_WAIT1 scientist/slowingyou
SC_WAIT2 scientist/reconsider
SC_WAIT3 scientist/whyleavehere
SC_WAIT4 scientist/illwaithere
SC_WAIT5 scientist/istay
SC_WAIT6 scientist/illwait

// fail to follow player any more
SC_STOP0 scientist/stop1
SC_STOP1 scientist/stop2
SC_STOP2 scientist/stop3
SC_STOP3 scientist/stop4

// player is staring at scientist
SC_STARE0 scientist/yees
SC_STARE1 scientist/areyouthink
SC_STARE2 scientist/noidea

SC_HELLO0 scientist/hellothere
SC_HELLO1 scientist/freemanalive
SC_HELLO2 scientist/afellowsci
SC_HELLO3 scientist/greetings2
SC_HELLO4 scientist/hello
SC_HELLO5 scientist/goodtoseeyou
SC_HELLO6 scientist/newhevsuit
SC_HELLO7 scientist/hellofromlab
SC_HELLO8 scientist/inmesstoo

SC_ANSWER0 scientist/notsure
SC_ANSWER1 scientist/notcertain
SC_ANSWER2 scientist/perhaps
SC_ANSWER3 scientist/whocansay
SC_ANSWER4 scientist/inconclusive
SC_ANSWER5 scientist/theoretically
SC_ANSWER6 scientist/whyaskme
SC_ANSWER7 scientist/lowervoice
SC_ANSWER8 scientist/ofcourse
SC_ANSWER9 scientist/absolutely
SC_ANSWER10 scientist/yes
SC_ANSWER11 scientist/ibelieveso
SC_ANSWER12 scientist/right
SC_ANSWER13 scientist/imsure
SC_ANSWER14 scientist/positively
SC_ANSWER15 scientist/nodoubt
SC_ANSWER16 scientist/yees
SC_ANSWER17 scientist/ofcoursenot
SC_ANSWER18 scientist/absolutelynot
SC_ANSWER19 scientist/noo
SC_ANSWER20 scientist/idontthinkso
SC_ANSWER21 scientist/completelywrong
SC_ANSWER22 scientist/cantbeserious
SC_ANSWER23 scientist/dontknow
SC_ANSWER24 scientist/ridiculous
SC_ANSWER25 scientist/shutup
SC_ANSWER26 scientist/noguess
SC_ANSWER27 scientist/stopasking
SC_ANSWER28 scientist/justasked
SC_ANSWER29 scientist/repeat

SC_QUESTION0 scientist/everseen
SC_QUESTION1 scientist/needsleep
SC_QUESTION2 scientist/areyouthink
SC_QUESTION3 scientist/evergetout
SC_QUESTION4 scientist/rightwayout
SC_QUESTION5 scientist/cantbeworse
SC_QUESTION6 scientist/rescueus
SC_QUESTION7 scientist/fascinating
SC_QUESTION8 scientist/stimulating
SC_QUESTION9 scientist/luckwillchange
SC_QUESTION10 scientist/hearsomething
SC_QUESTION11 scientist/doyousmell
SC_QUESTION12 scientist/uselessphd
SC_QUESTION13 scientist/waithere
SC_QUESTION14 scientist/survival
SC_QUESTION15 scientist/headcrab
SC_QUESTION16 scientist/goodpaper
SC_QUESTION17 scientist/catchone
SC_QUESTION18 scientist/dinner
SC_QUESTION19 scientist/alientrick
SC_QUESTION20 scientist/alienappeal
SC_QUESTION21 scientist/rumorclean
SC_QUESTION22 scientist/nothostile
SC_QUESTION23 scientist/announcer
SC_QUESTION24 scientist/smellburn
SC_QUESTION25 scientist/noidea
SC_QUESTION26 scientist/whatnext

SC_IDLE0 scientist/ipredictedthis
SC_IDLE1 scientist/containfail
SC_IDLE2 scientist/chaostheory
SC_IDLE3 scientist/howinteresting
SC_IDLE4 scientist/neverseen
SC_IDLE5 scientist/peculiarmarks
SC_IDLE6 scientist/whoresponsible
SC_IDLE7 scientist/nogrant
SC_IDLE8 scientist/bloodsample
SC_IDLE9 scientist/administrator
SC_IDLE10 scientist/improbable
SC_IDLE11 scientist/organicmatter
SC_IDLE12 scientist/lambdalab
SC_IDLE13 scientist/ihearsomething

SC_NOGO scientist/dontgothere

SC_MONST0 scientist/seeheadcrab
SC_MONST1 scientist/importantspecies

SC_HEAR0 scientist/ihearsomething
SC_HEAR1 scientist/didyouhear
SC_HEAR2 scientist/whatissound

SC_SMELL0 scientist/somethingfoul
SC_SMELL1 scientist/odorfromyou
SC_SMELL2 scientist/peculiarodor
SC_SMELL3 scientist/stench

SC_WOUND0 scientist/iwounded
SC_WOUND1 scientist/iwounded2

SC_MORTAL0 scientist/iwoundedbad
SC_MORTAL1 scientist/iwounded2

SC_CUREA scientist/youlookbad
SC_CUREB scientist/youwounded
SC_CUREC scientist/youneedmedic

SC_HEAL0 scientist/heal1
SC_HEAL1 scientist/heal2
SC_HEAL2 scientist/youneedmedic, letstrythis
SC_HEAL3 scientist/youlookbad, holdstill
SC_HEAL4 scientist/youwounded, letstrythis
SC_HEAL5 scientist/heal3
SC_HEAL6 scientist/heal4
SC_HEAL7 scientist/heal5

SC_PLFEAR0 scientist/whatyoudoing
SC_PLFEAR1 scientist/canttakemore
SC_PLFEAR2 scientist/madness
SC_PLFEAR3 scientist/noplease
SC_PLFEAR4 scientist/getoutofhere
SC_PLFEAR5 scientist/sorryimleaving

SC_FEAR0 scientist/nooo
SC_FEAR1 scientist/startle2
SC_FEAR2 scientist/startle1 nooo
SC_FEAR3 scientist/dontwantdie
SC_FEAR4 scientist/getoutalive
SC_FEAR5 scientist/startle3
SC_FEAR6 scientist/startle4
SC_FEAR7 scientist/startle5
SC_FEAR8 scientist/startle6
SC_FEAR9 scientist/startle7
SC_FEAR10 scientist/startle8
SC_FEAR11 scientist/startle9
SC_FEAR12 scientist/startle1

SC_SCREAM0 scientist/sci_fear1
SC_SCREAM1 scientist/sci_fear2
SC_SCREAM2 scientist/sci_fear3
SC_SCREAM3 scientist/sci_fear4
SC_SCREAM4 scientist/sci_fear5
SC_SCREAM5 scientist/sci_fear6
SC_SCREAM6 scientist/sci_fear7
SC_SCREAM7 scientist/sci_fear8
SC_SCREAM8 scientist/sci_fear9
SC_SCREAM9 scientist/sci_fear10
SC_SCREAM10 scientist/sci_fear11
SC_SCREAM11 scientist/sci_fear12
SC_SCREAM12 scientist/sci_fear13
SC_SCREAM13 scientist/sci_fear14
SC_SCREAM14 scientist/sci_fear15

SC_SCARED0 scientist/whatyoudoing
SC_SCARED1 scientist/stopattacking
SC_SCARED2 scientist/youinsane

// predisaster scientist

SC_PHELLO0 scientist/hellofreeman
SC_PHELLO1 scientist/greetings2
SC_PHELLO2 scientist/goodtoseeyou
SC_PHELLO3 scientist/greetings
SC_PHELLO4 scientist/hello
SC_PHELLO5 scientist/hellothere
SC_PHELLO6 scientist/freeman

SC_PQUEST0 scientist/beverage
SC_PQUEST1 scientist/statusreport
SC_PQUEST2 scientist/tunnelcalc
SC_PQUEST3 scientist/shakeunification
SC_PQUEST4 scientist/correcttheory
SC_PQUEST5 scientist/analysis
SC_PQUEST6 scientist/purereadings
SC_PQUEST7 scientist/newsample
SC_PQUEST8 scientist/perfectday
SC_PQUEST9 scientist/cascade
SC_PQUEST10 scientist/delayagain
SC_PQUEST11 scientist/softethics
SC_PQUEST12 scientist/tunedtoday
SC_PQUEST13 scientist/donuteater
SC_PQUEST14 scientist/seencup
SC_PQUEST15 scientist/hungryyet
SC_PQUEST16 scientist/recalculate
SC_PQUEST17 scientist/checkatten

SC_PIDLE0 scientist/hideglasses
SC_PIDLE1 scientist/weartie
SC_PIDLE2 scientist/runtest
SC_PIDLE3 scientist/limitsok
SC_PIDLE4 scientist/asexpected
SC_PIDLE5 scientist/thatsodd
SC_PIDLE6 scientist/allnominal
SC_PIDLE7 scientist/shutdownchart
SC_PIDLE8 scientist/reportflux
SC_PIDLE9 scientist/simulation
SC_PIDLE10 scientist/hopenominal

//If you use Scientists in Hazard Course
SC_HAZ_OK0 holo/tr_sci_use

//If you unuse Scientists in Hazard Course
SC_HAZ_WAIT0 holo/tr_sci_unuse

//Scientists in Hazard Course
SC_GOODWORK holo/tr_sci_goodwork
SC_HARDLYNOTICE holo/tr_sci_hardlynoticed
SC_NEXTSTATION holo/tr_sci_nextstation

//If you use Scientists before the disaster

SC_POK0 scientist/sci_alone
SC_POK1 scientist/sci_bother
SC_POK2 scientist/sci_busy
SC_POK3 scientist/sci_aftertest
SC_POK4 scientist/sci_somewhere

//miscellaneous useful scripts
SC_LETYOUIN scientist/letyouin
SC_OVERHERE scientist/overhere

// radio sounds
MRAD_GETINPOS radio/com_getinpos
MRAD_GO radio/com_go
MRAD_REPORTIN radio/com_reportin
MRAD_FOLLOWCOM radio/com_followcom
MRAD_AFFIRM radio/ct_affirm
MRAD_BACKUP radio/ct_backup
MRAD_COVERME radio/ct_coverme
MRAD_ENEMYSPOT radio/ct_enemys
MRAD_FIREINHOLE radio/ct_fireinhole
MRAD_IMHIT radio/ct_imhit
MRAD_INPOS radio/ct_inpos
MRAD_POINT radio/ct_point
MRAD_REPRTINGIN radio/ct_reportingin

MRAD_CTWIN radio/ctwin
MRAD_HOSDOWN radio/hosdown
MRAD_LETSGO radio/letsgo
MRAD_LOCKNLOAD radio/locknload
MRAD_MATEDOWN radio/matedown
MRAD_MOVEOUT radio/moveout
MRAD_RESCUED radio/rescued
MRAD_ROGER radio/roger
MRAD_TERWIN radio/terwin
MRAD_ENEMYDOWN radio/enemydown
MRAD_ROUNDDRAW radio/rounddraw
MRAD_ELIM radio/elim
MRAD_GETOUT radio/getout
MRAD_VIP radio/vip

MRAD_BLOW radio/blow
MRAD_BOMBDEF radio/bombdef
MRAD_BOMBPL radio/bombpl
MRAD_CLEAR radio/clear
MRAD_FALLBACK radio/fallback
MRAD_GOGOGO radio/com_go
MRAD_HITASSIST radio/fireassis
MRAD_REGROUP radio/regroup
MRAD_STICKTOG radio/sticktog

MRAD_TAKEPOINT radio/takepoint
MRAD_POSITION radio/position
MRAD_CIRCLEBACK radio/circleback
MRAD_FOLLOWME radio/followme
MRAD_MEETME radio/meetme
MRAD_STORMFRONT radio/stormfront
MRAD_NEGATIVE radio/negative
Unless im missing something...

Where could i get a new/correct version of the sentences.txt file?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 10:22:44 UTC Post #166511
The sentences.txt file is located in your Pak0.pak file. You'd need to unpak it using one of the pak explorers available. I also uploaded a zipped copy of sentences.txt into the problem maps section. Place it into your mods' sound folder and HL will look there first. Let me know when you've downloaded the file so I can delete it out of there. Hope that helps.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 14:36:41 UTC Post #166544
I downloaded it, SlayerA.
The Pak0.Pak file... Wheres that and where can i find a pak explorer?

For the time being im gonna put the correct sentences.txt in my sound folder.
Thanks, i think you saved my map because gman looks hilarious with barneys voice. :P
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 18:49:49 UTC Post #166580
Wally is a nice pack explorer.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 21:03:12 UTC Post #166599
thought wally only made textures?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 21:09:05 UTC Post #166603
Nope, Wally also can browse through .pak files. Pretty usefull tool.

And was posting the complete content of your sentences.txt really necessary? Man, long threads enough in this forum already... :P
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 21:11:20 UTC Post #166605
Sorry, i was just making sure i wasnt overlooking anything. Just wanted to make sure before everybody scrambles you know.

Its like the compile log, only shorter.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 21:34:58 UTC Post #166608
It helped me to determine that Tetsu0's gman sentences were actually missing. Let us know if the new sentences.txt fixed the problem.
Posted 19 years ago2006-03-05 21:59:21 UTC Post #166610
It did. Thanks a WHOLE LOT SlayerA.
Im actually making some good progress on the map. once i finish the first 3 maps. (first is intro/choice, second 2 are intro's for the specefic choice.)
ill post something in the unfinished stuff map vault. Or ill make a thread in maps/ mods. i think im gonna turn it into a mod. nothing fancy though.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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