Hahaha WCD.

You got pwned on that discussion.
Ah, memories. It will be my third year here come October, and boy, what a 3 years it has been. I cam as a noob, and now I'm a moderator here, and an operator on #twhl.
I still recall the week that contained the biggest controversy TWHL ever fac ed: the hack. Boy, there were some heated IRC arguements against jaardsi and m0p (helped by me): I remember Andy going totally berserk at them, as well as the rumour that went around that Atom was going to shutdown the site. Good times...

I also remember the time when TWHL was still relatively small, and all the members that have since moved on. T'was a very different TWHL to the one most of you know today, but I'm sure Alex, ZombieLoffe and the others will know what I'm talking about.