I had been planning to do a sequel to "NightShift" for ages, and I had the idea of using Gyradell textures for a strange, abandoned office block a very long time ago. But then, after i made the Tribute to Rimrook map, rimrook posted the following comment. Now i feel inspired to do an office complex all gyradell style.

And the idea came rushing back to me. So I persued it, creating my own textures & sounds, hiring a voice actor and researching as much info as i could on Gyradell. Well, eventually i got a decent story and started mapping. It should be finished soon.
Custom Sigma Textures by The Hunter
Original Gyradell Textures by Rimrook
More Media Soon.
By The way, dont expect this to be another Hostage Situation. Its just gonna be a little mini-mod. 3-4 maps
I know i dont have many map screenshots, but that is because they are all in very early stages and i dont want them judged yet.
I sorta noticed that there were none showing off Rimrook's textures, but dont worry. They will come