PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to? Created 18 years ago2006-04-01 08:31:24 UTC by alexb911 alexb911

Created 18 years ago2006-04-01 08:31:24 UTC by alexb911 alexb911

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 16:17:22 UTC Post #172095
Im looking at getting the Xbox 360 and the Revolution but I dont have any real interest in the PS3.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 17:12:41 UTC Post #172109
but I don't get it. Every1 has interest in revolution, yet it has no where near as much processing / graphics power as other two, and it has a light-stick, remote control, style pad. good and bad, but I think it should be sold as a seperate addition, and have a normal style controllor as standard. And the add-on analog stick is just, well, tacky!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 17:34:46 UTC Post #172115
alexb911 you stupid cow. Nintendo revolution does come with a "standard" controller aswell, pictured below, that you can merge with the remote.
User posted image
The remote control isn't just a remote control, [wiki] it's also able to sense motion; a sensor placed near the television allows the computer to sense the controller's position in three-dimensional space. Other sensors in the controller itself allow it to sense its tilt and yaw. This allows players to mimic actual game actions, such as swinging a sword or using a flashlight, instead of simply pushing buttons. An early marketing video showed actors miming such actions as fishing, cooking, drumming, conducting an orchestra, shooting a gun, sword fighting, performing dental surgery, and what seems to be, a game of Super Mario Bros. with one handed play.[/wiki]

That's why the controller is superior.

Furthermore, whilst the X360 and PS3 have far superior graphics and power, they are also far more expensive, and so are their games. The revolution will not only be cheaper itself, but the games will cost around a third less. With the revolution, you can easily play all earlier nintendo games - dating back to SNES and NES. Nostalgia sells.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 18:43:28 UTC Post #172118
The Revolution's much more interesting. If I buy anything, it'll probably be one, and I don't expect to 'cos I probably won't bother getting a TV at uni.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 22:55:06 UTC Post #172144
Hah, this forum is the most fanboy ridden place I have ever been to.
Revolution is gonna suck so much dick, its gonna put Nintendo out of buisness.
What? Did you see what the DS did in Japan?
PS3 is due for a WORLDWIDE launch this November - and is expected to WHOOP that pants of the XBOX 360
Expected by whom exactly?
and Crash Bandicoot!
Oh god, that franchise killed itself long ago (Sorry, just had to say that).
Console gaming is fun, but not hardcore gaming. Hardcore gaming is all about siting in a dark room for days on end. Console gaming is more of a joke than a serious gaming platform.
This is the single comment that really annoyed me. Console gaming a joke huh? Go play shadow of the collosus, or ico, or xenosaga, or ninja gaiden, or Psychonauts, or oddworld: strangers wrath, or kingdom harts, or indigo prophecy, or Dead or Alive 4. If you play any of those games and then come back here telling me that consoles are a joke i will punch your face in :furious: :furious: :furious: .

its not power that defines a game, it is innovation and enjoyability that make them outstanding.

on the other side, i do love computers very much, i wouldn't be posting here if it wasn't for that.

ok, i'm done. I apologize if i came across as a prick.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 23:32:55 UTC Post #172145
Consoles are a joke.

Oh god my face hurts. Not.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 23:40:39 UTC Post #172147
Consoles are a joke.

Oh god my face hurts. Not.
You didn't even bother to play any of those games did you? :zonked: I give up. You go on bashing consoles, ether because you can't use a controller or you think power is all that matters or whatever. If you don't think consoles can be hardcore gaming, you know nothing about at least 50% of the gaming population.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 23:50:23 UTC Post #172148
I wouldn't bother calling psychonauts a harcore game, let alone much more than a game to giggle with because of its maturely humerous approach. Its much like the Crash Bandicoot of its days. All the childish humor and jumping around make me feel 7 years old again. Though I will say there are plenty, and I mean plenty of hardcore Halo 2 gamers out there. So to say consoles are limited to childish games is false.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-02 23:52:09 UTC Post #172149
Consoles are NOT for hardcore gaming, they are a joke. E_O_F
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 00:05:30 UTC Post #172150
Lets back up and ask what hardcore gaming is. I have my intrepretation of it, now we would like to see yours so we know where you are coming up short.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 00:09:30 UTC Post #172151
yeah, psychonauts isn't a hardcore game I agree with you there. I was just sitting some of games major accomplishments so m0p would shut up. It didn't work though : .
Consoles may not be hardcore gaming for you m0p, but if "hardcore gaming is all about sitting in a dark room for days on end" then there are thousands of people out there who will disagree with you. The total hours that people have spent on Xbox live add up to over five thousand years. if your just going to sit there and spout single sentences affirming you illogical and idiotic beliefs, then I?m leaving this thread. For a second, I thought I might actually have a well rounded and intelligent argument, but I was wrong.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 00:24:51 UTC Post #172153
I have just gotten word directly from one of the designers for Nintendo on the controller design for the Nintendo Revolution. He felt so proud of his design that he just had to get it out to the public. He specifically stated that their goal was to improve even more on the Gamecube controller design (which I might add is an immensely difficult task, as both Jing Ling and I agreed on). What he gave me was astounding. I was taken back by the genius put into the design. I would like to know your reaction to this. I agree that this design put the Gamecube design into the stone age. This might even be a selling point for the Revolution. With this controller and the remote that has gotten such popular fame, I think there will be a Nintendo Revolution in nearly every home. What do you think?
Nintendo Revolution Controller Design
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 00:28:16 UTC Post #172155
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 02:24:23 UTC Post #172158
I have to admit when I had my old crap computer I did hate it and I did love my PS2, I did get the network adapter for it so I could play good games with friends like Monster hunter and Hardware online arena (a few others as well) I got a lot of enjoyment out of it even though I did get way too much lag. But now that I have my new computer I can do everything and more and not just play a game on the net. Thats basicly all I would do with my PS2, And yes I would sit in a dark room for hours and play. Basicly I will only go back to my PS2 if there is an only PS2 game that I want to play. I never really got a good game out of HOA anyway so when I get my new internet connection I will go back to it because it was fun over the time I did play it.

So really:
Consoles = good for Games and not good for stupid features that we are not going to use like I said in my previous post
PCs = Good for games and all the features that are being put into the consoles.

And basicly In the End consoles will just end up PCs because thats what the features are leading up to.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 02:43:33 UTC Post #172161
that pic that zombieloffe posted is fake; stop posting fan-made images of what they think that the control will look like - nintendo hasnt announced the design for the gamepad for the rev or even said if there will be one.
if you're into graphics, get a PC like a normal person. if you want decent games, get the revolution.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 02:53:20 UTC Post #172162
I will never buy any POS console from Sony. They can take all their mindless, brainwashed fanboys and horrific DRM-infected propietary formats and shove it up their ass.

And for those of you who say the PS3 is "proven" to be more powerful than the 360 dont know jack. The GPU in the PS3 has 24 pixel shader processors, while the GPU in the 360 has 48 shader processors. Sony can brag all they want about how powerful the CELL processor is, but in the end it all comes down to who has the more powerful graphics processing, and that would go to the 360.

I dont own either console, nor do I intend to. My X1900XT beats both the 360 and the PS3. My PC beats the PS3 and it isnt even released yet. PCs are way better than consoles. Though I do have some interest in the Revolution, that actually shows some promise.
Finally! Someone with a bit of fuckin' sense!

First, to all those Revolution hating idiots: have you tried the console? I'm willing to bet that no, you haven't. So, you're all basically saying that its gonna suck, despite the fact that you haven't played it! Wtf?

I have a PC. Why in the hell would I go out and pay money for an Xbox 360 or a PS3, two pieces of hardware that aren't ungradeable in anyway (apart from minor things) when I could have a blisteringly fast PC by my side? Keep in mind that PC's right now can supersede the Xbox 360 already, so imagine what they'll be like when the PS3 arrives. DirectX10 is out in about a year, so be prepared for it to blow those two things out of the water.

And another thing, stop throwing about numbers about which one will be graphically superior. Keep in mind that when Resident Evil 4 was ported from the Gamecube to the PS2, graphic quality was lost. Yes, that's right, lost. You can confirm that with every review of Resident Evil 4 for the PS2 that exists. Proves that numbers don't mean everything.

At least Nintendo are trying something new. They've already stated that they're not interested in competing with Sony and Microsoft. Another fun fact: the DS is beating the pants off the PSP in pretty much all of Europe and Asia. Not bad for a significantly underpowered handheld, is it?

I'm sorry, but I prefer my PC's powerful and my consoles fun and original.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 03:08:23 UTC Post #172163
Try playing FEAR with 16xAF 4xAA 1600x1200 Soft Shadows and all details at max on a PS3 (if it were ported to the architecture). It'd fall to it's knees. My PC can just about do that playable with a bit of tweaking. [/brag]

Consoles are inferior. E_O_F

[Closed by a m0p]
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 03:44:00 UTC Post #172164
Fuck off.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 03:52:28 UTC Post #172165
i was gunna upgrade to a top-of-the-line PC, but when i saw dx10 is coming out so soon, i will wait for a fully dx10 compatible vid card.
Question: how can microsoft make dx10 without a dx10 card? weird :
aparrently dx10 has tons of upgrades and stuff which lets the GPU do more stuff or something like that lol.
5 facts about consoles:
1. they are NOT aimed at hardcore gamers. they are aimed at the 'loungeroom' gamer. the revolution has been designed to 'invite' new gamers into the platform with its simplicity etc.
2. because of this, nintendo bring their price down. they do this by reducing the overkillage of hardware. nintendo havent released any numbers (cpu speed, gfx, etc) because they feel that they are unnescessary. this is true. most people buy their consoles based on how fun it will be, or how easy to use, etc. they dont look on the net and see what the speed of the cpu is. most people who use consoles dont know what a cpu is.
3. the drop in price means that people will buy the product. if there were 3 consoles, and 2 were almost identical in design and controller and they were high in price, and one had a unique controller and was $200 cheaper, i would instantly get the cheaper one. Why? because its cheap and different.
4. people dont buy consoles for their features. if you want a DVD player, you dont go out and buy an xbox. you buy a DVD player. the revolution doesnt have all the crap attached like and xbox does. why the hell would microsoft want to let people connect a PC to a 360? they want more money.
5. microsoft and sony want nothing but money. why? an example. the xbox controller isn't compatible with the 360. only a small amount of the xbox games work on the 360. this is a marketing ploy to make more money. let alone the 360 games cost more than xbox games. the ps3 needs expensive memory cards. with the revolution, you CAN use gamecube controllers, you CAN play any nintendo game ever made on it, and their memory cards are SD cards. THESE ARE CHEAP! a PS memory card is 8 MB for about A$30 minimum. an SD card is about 512 MB for A$70.

revolution is cheaper
revolution has better and more games (at launch at at least 2000 games)
revolution is more intuitive, is easier to use, and has better backwards compatibility.

@mop: if you have nothing to contribute, get lost. this is a debate about consoles. we all know PC's have better graphics capabilities.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 04:01:14 UTC Post #172166
I'm pretty sure Microsoft would have access to prototype graphics cards.

I'm waiting for Vista m'self.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 04:18:11 UTC Post #172168
Try playing FEAR with 16xAF 4xAA 1600x1200 Soft Shadows and all details at max on a PS3 (if it were ported to the architecture). It'd fall to it's knees. My PC can just about do that playable with a bit of tweaking. [/brag]
Consoles are inferior. E_O_F
Sure, if all you care about is graphics, then they are indeed inferior. I'd wait with the bashing until the goddamn thing is out. It's the games that matter not the hardware.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 04:48:21 UTC Post #172170
Don't lecture me, penguinboy. I know games aren't just about graphics. Consoles are fun, but they aren't serious, which is what we've established. But graphics is a major selling point in games, and it's a point to consider.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 05:28:55 UTC Post #172172
im sure 3 lines isn't a lecture.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 05:30:43 UTC Post #172173
It's a lecture, just condensed to match your limited intelligence.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 05:47:45 UTC Post #172174
Consoles are fun, but they aren't serious, which is what we've established.
I don't think any game should be "serious", in that regard. Doesn't that kinda take the fun out of it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 05:58:00 UTC Post #172175
Well, competitive gaming is serious, but it's still fun.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 06:04:01 UTC Post #172176
PS3 - What are YOU looking forward to?

Though I am looking at the Revolution I like the idea of long bouts on Budokai for PS3, it had better come out for it!

P.S. Rev ftw. :)

Yeh so what are WE looking forward to on the PS3?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 06:12:21 UTC Post #172180
Er, yeah, anyway... Looking forward to Metal Gear solid 4! That's about all I can think of, at the moment.

Things I'm not looking forward to: that boomarang controller.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 06:22:49 UTC Post #172181
Yeh, I know that they have tried to keep the setup but the old Playstation controller is classic.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 06:27:54 UTC Post #172183
Its a Bat-a-rang!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 06:49:30 UTC Post #172184
ok, maybe we should change topic to

Next-Gen Game Consoles - What are you looking forward to?!


whoa, didn't expect people to have such strong opinions on this topic!!! :

EDIT: besides, in my mind, gaming should be fun, and not so serious! thats the whole idea. I don't want people swearing and kicking me if I do one little thing wrong. its these people that piss me off bad!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 07:26:10 UTC Post #172186
I personally hate all consoles except super nintendo. Until you've played Super Mario World or w/e with your friends and pretended to get into it, you can't say nothin'.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 07:46:38 UTC Post #172188
Maybe people should just stop telling everyone else why their choice of console sucks, and just accept that's what they like..?

ED: And stop comparing consoles to PC's. We all know PC's are superior, but that isn't the point is it?
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 08:04:22 UTC Post #172190
VOX, agreed :D NES has some fun stuff too.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 08:13:47 UTC Post #172192
Let me get back off topic for a second:
Tycell: You do realise that no channel actually broadcasts in HD?
I have satellite (the BIG c-band dish, not the suckass Directv one), and I get 14 HD channels. I can't watch them (no HD set, not subscribed, and need special equipment for the signal) but my Grandmother used to get one, and it looked *beautiful* on her televison
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 08:15:12 UTC Post #172193
Back on topic:

I want to see some better gameplay, graphics and surround sound can't cut it if the controls suck or it's unoriginal
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 10:03:41 UTC Post #172204
Things I'm not looking forward to: that boomarang controller.
They're going to redesign it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 10:40:19 UTC Post #172206
yeah, announced last week! - due to worldwide shock and horror!! :nuts:

they were shit though!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 21:12:08 UTC Post #172266
Well I'm certainly glad that Batman's batarang is getting a makeover because I wouldn't want to my brother to get angry at one of those beasts. If he threw one it could very well haved stabbed my eyes out!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 22:11:26 UTC Post #172270
Took 'em long enough to announce a redesign. I'm pretty sure no one liked it when it was shown at E3 last year.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 02:12:07 UTC Post #172280
Lets hope the controllers are stable, my friend broke a PS2 controller over my head when I blocked him in burnout... No more R2 button for him.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 02:17:36 UTC Post #172282
They should start making them out of aluminum or something. They could also have a "premium" model that's made of titanium!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 09:00:21 UTC Post #172320
Whoosh....that would be HEAVY!

Maybe steel?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 09:30:29 UTC Post #172326
oooo, id love a metal controllor, although ive never ahd any trouble with them - although my friend has broken like 3, and he's more careful than me!! always the back buttons that go...

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 22:47:09 UTC Post #172399
Ok, breath sniiiifffff hoooooo ingnore m0p. Ignore m0p.

I'm most likely going to get an Xbox 360, but if i do get a ps3 i'm buying the next metal gear game right away. looks pretty awesome.

Oh, and about console gaming not being serious, guess who won $1,000 for winning a Halo 2 tournament :glad: (not me by the way)
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