Posted 18 years ago2006-04-03 18:02:31 UTCPost #172248
Ok, I want to know how to make cameras in Half Life 2. I want to know both how to make them onto a screen, but mostly how to do it first person. I tried the tutorial in the half life 1 section seeing if at least that was the same, nope. Could someone help?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 17:45:10 UTCPost #172381
Yes, that did help, but I want to know how to go first person with them too. That tutorial for half life 1 tells how to in WorldCraft, but the names are different in SDK or something. You know? Instead of a tv have a func train type of deal?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-04 18:22:43 UTCPost #172389
If you mean the name of the point_camera in source it's point_viewcontroller
It's from a forum I said I hadn,t point_camera so someone did say that, I don,t know if it's good thing. The anme of the forum is point_camera if you wanna check.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-05 17:51:22 UTCPost #172574
DID NOT WORK! I apreciate your help, bob, but try testing something before you tell me. I'm not that 1337 at mapping, so yeah. Please help, someone besides bob!
I want to know how to make a first person camera, ya know? Like, almost like you're playing only it's a func_train like camera!