Best Series: TNG. The first few seasons were bad, but after that it pwned all.
Fav TNG episode: Too many good ones to choose...
Fav Character: Data
Best Alien Race: The Borg.
Never really watched the other series, but Sisko seemed like a good captain character from the episodes I did see, and DS9 had some hot female characters like Dax and the Bajoran chick

Shatner was always a charismatic actor, but I feel he did his best work in the moveis.
Fav Star Trek Movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan
Fav Ship: I'm still partial to the older generation ships like the refitted Enterprise from movies I, II, and III. The USS Reliant was cool too, and who can forget the original Klingon Bird Of Prey

Galaxy Quest was a great movie based upon the original cast.