cl_dll.dsw Created 18 years ago2006-04-30 09:40:58 UTC by HeAdCrAb KILLA HeAdCrAb KILLA

Created 18 years ago2006-04-30 09:40:58 UTC by HeAdCrAb KILLA HeAdCrAb KILLA

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 09:40:58 UTC Post #177474
Where the hell do I find the cl_dll.dsw? I searched for it many times in the HLSDK (2.3) but it wasn't there! Is it even included with the 2.3 SDK? Which SDK do you people recommend using? Also, where can I find the "best" version of C++ (not the newest)? I am currently using the 2005 Express Edition. This version just doesn't seem that compatible with anything I am trying to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 09:51:47 UTC Post #177476
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 10:15:19 UTC Post #177479
Go to SDK -> Source Code -> cl_dll
That folder MUST have the cl_dll.dsp, dsw files.
If not - your SDK might not be the full SDK. You can download the full SDK from here
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 13:54:57 UTC Post #177517
I just downloaded the FULL 2.3 SDK from your like you provided. I installed it to C:SierraHalf-LifeSDK and there is NO folder that is titiled "Source Code." There's Single-Player Source and Multiplayer Source with seperate cl_dlls folders but there is no cl_dll anywhere.

[Update] Sorry, I finally found the "cl_dll.dsp" file. Is that the same thing as the "cl_dll.dsw?" Anyway, sorry for the confusion. I'll be alright from here, thanks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 14:12:47 UTC Post #177519
Yes thats the same file, the project file that is. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 16:20:58 UTC Post #177536
Woot to me lol! Now all I gotta do is figure out a way to build the dll with Visual C++ 2005 Express. It seems that this version of the software differs a lot from the previous line of 'em. I just need to set up the compiler and maybe for once it will work! I've also heard a bunch of things regarding its compatibility with Source. It seems that this version is a little buggy when dealing with Source code. Hopefully it's not the same with the HL1 engine.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 16:21:03 UTC Post #177734
As far as I know, the Express editition doesn't include windows libraries so there's no way to compile programs or .dll's that make use of those libraries. You may want to get another version to compile the code. You should be able to compile the .dll's with the 2003 edition, personally I use MSV.NET 6.0 which is capable of handling it.
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