The Pirate Bay Raid Created 18 years ago2006-06-02 03:35:13 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Created 18 years ago2006-06-02 03:35:13 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 03:35:13 UTC Post #183214
A little late, yes, but worthy of discussion.

The Swedish police, with a force of 50 policemen, raided not only the house in which the Pirate Bay servers lay, but also several private homes all over the country, connected to the Pirate Bay. They didn't just take Pirate Bay servers, but other companies' servers, hosting from the same ISP - sites including the Swedish piracy bureau and

This raid followed a police report filed by the Swedish Anti-Piracy bureau, having harrassed The Pirate Bay to no avail for several years.

Discuss - let this thread be the spiritual sequel to the "Warez - Right or wrong?"-thread.

I think it's pretty bullshittay by the Swedish police. First of all, they did no investigation at all on their own, or so it seems, or else they'd known that the Pirate Bay servers held no copyrighted material, only torrent files. But, the police and IT, you know.

Anyway, what's worse is: They're following the Anti-Piracy bureau's and the entertainment industry's word blindly, without even questioning the validity of the request.

Hopefully, the Pirate Bay attorney will kick the shit out of them and sue the Swedish state to hell, but that's not really likely to happen.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 03:57:10 UTC Post #183216
i never used the pirate bay anyway -_-
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 04:40:43 UTC Post #183219

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 07:56:15 UTC Post #183235
Police = Pwned.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 08:05:11 UTC Post #183237
Silly silly silly. Those guys have got nothing on PirateBay.

I bet they'll try and tag them on "willingly offering software that allows a user to download material". Whether or not this is enough for Swedish juristication (which it isn't afaik) remains to be seen. My guess is PirateBay will be around for a long while.

As for Warez, well... I'm rather indifferent on the subject. Sometimes I'll do it just because it's a heck of a lot easier (i.e. cracking demo programs) and sometimes I'll just buy the software because it's easier (i.e. Steam and it's games). In my opinion, it's not us small time downloaders that are the main problems: it's the huge underground markets repackaging haxed software and selling it to an unknowing public.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 08:08:04 UTC Post #183238
The police are going to get there asses kicked. They have nothing on TPB that will win them the case.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 08:39:00 UTC Post #183243
I'm more concerned that the MPAA kindly requested action from the US Govt. who in turn took it with the swedish minister of justice who directly ordered the take-down. It's corruption, it is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 09:50:34 UTC Post #183251
It's kind of scary actualy. The downloaders are being hunted like terrorists. But they all know the truth, the one's that download is the people who wouldnt bother to buy the game/music/program anyway.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 10:03:31 UTC Post #183256
If piracy was 100% stopped I bet everyone would go out and buy stuff and the market would flourish and be happy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 10:23:04 UTC Post #183260
One thing is certain: The alternative of getting an illegal copy of a game is not always getting a legal copy. Most of the time it would be getting no game at all.
I'm sure there are a lot of games very few people would play if it wasn't with illegal versions. There's a debate between what's worth playing and worth buying.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 13:23:01 UTC Post #183294
The thing is, is who in their right mind would pay ?2210 for 3DSMAX, if they only person that is going to use it, is themselves? Who is gonna pay such money for these programs?

That is where everything is going wrong in my opinion. Things are too damn expensive.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 13:45:51 UTC Post #183298
Only big companies can buy software at those prices. If those companies are going to make money by using the software, it needs to be original. Architects, for example, need to show the serial number of their Autocad software when they make a project.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 14:04:04 UTC Post #183301
I made a post about windows deliberately making xp easy to pirate, but this stupid site deleted it, damn thsi site
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 14:39:26 UTC Post #183307
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 17:54:43 UTC Post #183338
Interesting, the government actually did something about piracy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 17:55:27 UTC Post #183339
Too bad it wasn't legally justified.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 18:02:03 UTC Post #183340
I like what tosse said. They are being hunted down like terrorists.

Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 18:27:39 UTC Post #183345
personally, I think pie rates are far too high, the conservatives have promised lower tax on round pastry shaped goods.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 18:30:11 UTC Post #183346
This is why i say you join, it comes with free pie. I mean, with pie prices now a days, thats a fucking deal!

Its basically like being handed 5 dollars just for joining!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:20:15 UTC Post #183379
1. I think macintosh computers are gay, and should be banned.

2. Free fille-sharing, forever and ever, amen.

3. Jobabob's new av is better than the previous one.

Good day sir.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:08:24 UTC Post #183413
Are you kidding? Nothing better than a duck! or was it a swan? Whatever, give it some bread crumbs.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:11:55 UTC Post #183415
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:12:42 UTC Post #183416
I miss ministeve and swanman :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 22:17:48 UTC Post #183424
Here, have a pie.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 22:53:56 UTC Post #183425
Where's the pie?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 23:45:50 UTC Post #183430
User posted image
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 00:54:01 UTC Post #183432
Mmmmmmm... pie good in tummy, and on the way to tummy!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 02:03:07 UTC Post #183441
If there was a machine that could take any object and make an exact copy of it using random molecules out of the air, could, for example, a bicycle company sue you if you made copies of thier bikes and gave them to others for free? (the others can't afford bikes)

The BMAA (Bicycle Manufacturers Association of America) would be all over your arse.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 02:05:35 UTC Post #183443
That would be sweet... except I would find the best prepared foods, copy them, and then proceed to get really, really fat.

<you don't have one of these machines, do you?>
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 02:25:36 UTC Post #183446
I had one of these machines but then I destroyed it by trying to copy it inside iteslf. I turned it inside-out and as far as i know it has been producing alternate dimensions since then.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 02:27:48 UTC Post #183447
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 05:35:33 UTC Post #183458
Nickleplate - :glad:
I miss ministeve and swanman
Heh, when he lost his Swanman av, I tried redrawing it in MSPaint, but it was awfu ;D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 06:06:17 UTC Post #183462
its back up, called the police bay for some reason
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 06:45:25 UTC Post #183469
The BMAA (Bicycle Manufacturers Association of America) would be all over your arse.
You actually spelt it right! Whoot ;D.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 18:08:05 UTC Post #183597
Updates, updates, glorious updates:
  • Today a big demonstration, organised by the Liberal Youth, Young Left and the Swedish Piracy Bureau, was held in central Stockholm, against the police raid.
  • Since the raid, the Swedish Pirate political party has boosted its member count hugely - it's now around 5000 (A lot, mind you, for a 9 million country).
  • The Pirate Bay is up and running.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 18:13:44 UTC Post #183602
Pie for all.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 18:29:23 UTC Post #183606
The pirate bay is,, well.. Pfft!
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 18:44:43 UTC Post #183608
Yeah, but Swebits was taken down too :/
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 18:57:29 UTC Post #183611
Aswell as, piratbyr?n and several (hundreds, I believe) other companies' websites.

Even though no one did anything illegal.

It's funny how the swedish justice system works.
MPAA tells us what to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 06:58:04 UTC Post #183848
Hoo ray! I can download Zombie's secret evil pr0n again ;)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-05 07:44:20 UTC Post #183855
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-17 16:21:09 UTC Post #185519
I just have to bump this...

Poorly translated by yours truly:
According to [Swedish news TV program] Rapport, the MPAA has controlled [Swedish minister of justice] Thomas Bodstr?m... But now it's our turn to control him. Today the Piracy Bureau paid 10101 SEK for a lock of the minister of justice's hair, which was auctioned out on [Swedish radio channel] P3's Lantz... Step one in our plan to take control over Bodstr?m by the Creol voodoo-tradition and it's dolls.
  • Bodstr?m is now owned by The Piracy Bureau, or atleast his hair and it's there that the power lies, says the Piracy Bureau's supreme-priest Julien Nebbout.
We promise to make sure that Bodstr?m no longer will be able to practise his black magic anymore, like making laws no one wants, getting raids against the internet and with pure power of thought being able to bend the freedom of speech and freedom of press. Most of all, he can no longer make threats with the biggest magic trick he claims to master: Controlling the transfer of ones and zeroes on the internet.

Keep an eye out for The Piracy Bureaus Voodstr?m-site, where you, amongst other things, will be able to play MPAA for a day and control the minister of justice through the web, or why not buy a voodoo-shirt with a sewn-in Bodstr?m-hair (limited edition).

If the voodoo doesn't work, the 10101 [Swedish] crowns weren't wasted, they're going to Radiohj?lpen's charity for the world's children. Also, Thomas [Bodstr?m] has promised to discuss the copyright-question over donner with the Piracy Bureau's Palle Torsson.


I just had to post this. I love those guys.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-17 17:56:37 UTC Post #185531
Those fellas are class.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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