Gmod comic help. Created 18 years ago2006-06-08 08:14:58 UTC by Ansith Ansith

Created 18 years ago2006-06-08 08:14:58 UTC by Ansith Ansith

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 08:14:58 UTC Post #184271
Hey, long time no no thread make ( :o )

Anyway, I've been looking at a few Gmod comics lately, and I was wanting to make some myself, But I'm extremly crap at making speech bubbles in PSP and I'm not the best at posing. So Could someone give me some help?

Anyway, hope you can help thanks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 08:25:46 UTC Post #184272
Well like everyone else will say...So I'll say it for them but practice makes perfect. My first comic had terrible speech bubbles and so on...

My suggestions are that you:

1. Google on how to make good comics
2. Ask Strider about comics because he makes good quality ones.
3. Just practice and practice with posing...If you pose then look at it and tell yourself if that looks human...Some poses don't have to be perfect because you can hide mistakes under the pannel just like Chris does in Concerned.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 08:40:22 UTC Post #184274
I've done 1 thing, I'll just show it anyway.

Its based off the comic Geremy Tibbles: Its one of my favorites

And heres mine:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 10:01:58 UTC Post #184281
My tip for you is: Don't make the bubbles bubbles, make them rectangles with rounded corners. It looks much better (imho) and saves space.

Also, think of the layout of the bubbles - [TOP LEFT] to [BOTTOM RIGHT], in the order they should appear. Otherwise, non-manga-readers will be confused.

You might want to consider giving the bubbles' borders a brighter colour, to not steal attention from the text.

Give different characters different fonts, it makes them much more recognizable.

User posted image
// Author of the extremely succesful C17: Plagiarism (psyche!)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-08 10:09:02 UTC Post #184282
Visually, i'd go with what ZombieLoffe said - bright, noticable bubbles, without too much contrast between the background of the bubble and the border. I really don't see anything wrong with using circle bubbles though, just try make 'em more like an oval or wider, like in the Concerned comics. But this is all just personal preference.

There really isn't much advice you can give with comics other then make sure you spend the most time on it's humour/story and it's posing. Alot of a comics humour can come from the expressions characters and objects can bring about. Good luck with the comics! :)
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 02:57:44 UTC Post #184356
This is just personal preference, but i wouldn't use the gmod construct stage to do your posing in. It's not a very good looking stage, and i think using it in a comic looks quite unproffesional, so i recommend one of the HL2 (if set in that universe) or CSS (handy for any setting really) maps, or creating one yourself that suits your purposes.

Also, i recommend taking your screenshots at high-resoultions (i used 1152x864 for Get The Message) and shrinking 'em down in photoshop or whatever program you are using. They end up looking alot smoother and nicer if shrunk down say 75% or 50%. :)
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 03:22:40 UTC Post #184357
I can't go any higher then 1024x765 for some reason, but I am on high detail. And yes I agree Construct is a really bad level for posing and stuff for a comic, I was just messing around and stuff when I took that one.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-09 03:30:19 UTC Post #184358
Yeah that's fine, i'm sure 1024x768 will look nice, if you haven't already, i'd recommend sticking on anti-aliasing on in G-mod when posing also.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
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