However this flat, my relationship and work is going to be where all of my time goes from now until God knows when. Basically I will not be able to afford my lovely internet connection that I clutch to so dearly and even if I could the property is rented, doesn't have a land line and never will.
So I'm into my last week of Internet access. I will continue to work on my mods and although I won't be open to constructive critisism I will take into account what I have learned from everyone here at TWHL. Although I may pop up from time to time it will be a very rare occassion. One day I will return properly, I know that without a doubt but I'm thinking no sooner than a year or two, when I either mess things up with this perfect woman or get a place with a phone connection and a much better paying job.
As for now I'm here and will be for one more week.
Goodbye's are always so hard.