Commander Client Crash in NS Created 19 years ago2005-05-04 09:02:31 UTC by Drek Drek

Created 19 years ago2005-05-04 09:02:31 UTC by Drek Drek

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-04 09:02:31 UTC Post #107327
I'm hoping someone here has some experience in NS mapping. I'm working on my first NS map, my first map period - actually worked on it for several months and then gave up for a few month, now I'm back at it and very rusty...

Anyway, the map compiles without a hitch, and I can run around it as a single player without any major problems, r_speeds are reasonable for the most part. But when I actually try to play a game, when I place a buildable as the marine commander, I crash. The server doesn't crash, and the alien player is unaffected, only the marine commander client crashes.

Does anybody have any idea what might be causing this. I will compile the latest version tonight and make the source and compiled version available for download either from my server or upload it here if I can, if nobody can give me an idea of what the problem might be before I do this.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-04 09:58:06 UTC Post #107335
Did you tryed re-installing the mod, because i think somehow your mod got damaged.

If that doesnt then try asking it at the natural selection mapping forums. They probably have encountered the problem before or are at least possible to assist you better.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-04 10:17:18 UTC Post #107339
Its definitley not the mod, this problem has persisted through at least two versions of the game. I had the problem several months ago and gave up for awhile, or moved on to other projects, and there has been at least one version of the game since then. I also don't have this problem with any other map, so somehow the problem is with my map. I have posted in the official NS mapping forum as well as another mapping forum. Hopefully I'll run across someone that can help me because I must admit, after working on the map for two or three months, and working out all kinds of bugs, only to have it crash on me when it seemed like I was finally finished, I was pretty discouraged...l
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-07 09:40:35 UTC Post #107945
The problem was that I had the x/y cull distance set way too high. I have set it to something more reasonable and everything appears to be working much better. I still haven't tested it with anyone in game with me, but with sv_cheats I was able to place stuff without a problem. I had it set to 2048, it is now set to 512.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-30 22:17:26 UTC Post #187700
i play ns and i want to make a map for it but can't seem to find ns fgd...

plz pm the place i can find it and maybe also the ns mapping website?

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