Wii ? Created 18 years ago2006-04-27 23:39:40 UTC by Jax Jax

Created 18 years ago2006-04-27 23:39:40 UTC by Jax Jax

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-01 08:41:54 UTC Post #187787
The nameswitch to Wii was genius. It got Nintendo huge attention without campaigning or advertising more than usual.

Something tell me Sony will rename PS3 to "Pii" or whatever right before release. I hate them so much...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-01 09:46:28 UTC Post #187797
PS is over rated....

i like the idea of swinging my arms front of tv it would be great fun for you and your friends :P

Buying wii as soon as it is released :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-01 10:10:04 UTC Post #187800
Let's hope developers make good use of the controller. From what has been seen so far, the motion sensor translates your movements into simple game orders. For example: If you swing the controller upwards, the game interprets the "up" order and your character model performs the "up" animation. If you moved the controller in a slight different angle, the difference won't show onscreen unless there's an animation for it.
I'm sure Nintendo will polish it for their games, but I'm not sure third party companies will do the same effort.
Our hopes were a bit high when we thought about accurate swordfights...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-01 18:20:07 UTC Post #187846
One more point about the name.
The Nintendo Wii IM system will be called: !!M Which is Wii reflected in a mirror and backwards. More pure genius.

Sony have gone one step too far on the stealing ideas thing, they've trademarked 'PooS'. It seems like a direct reaction to the Wii's catchy name imo.

Microsoft have actually been original this time around, they're just concentrating on their sector of the market while they know that Nintendo will break new ground in the family sector.
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