Given the recent development of the word, and its primary use in written form only, there is no single accepted pronunciation of pwn. Therefore, pronunciation is mainly based on personal preference. Some of the common variations include (IPA pronunciation) [oʊn], [pəʔˈoʊn], [piˈoʊn], [pən], [pwin], [pun], or, most commonly, [pawn], [poʊn], as rhymed with the original own; ([oʊn]). It can also be pronounced phonetically, as [pwəʔˈn̩] (pwən).
Another pronunciation, [pɔn], is used by many other players, although many online gamers believe it to be a false pronunciation. The main argument against that is that since pwn is probably just a purposeful misspelling of its parent, own, that it should still be pronounced as [oʊn] or [poʊn]. please don't say pawned, if you are going to use it as owned (cause somebody said pawned is an actuall word, but doesn't mean owned) use the pronunciation of disregading of P(Own) or use the P, but keep the word the same (Powned). My friend says pawned, and it sounds really stuipd in real life. I say pwned (powned) in real life just for comedic effect.