Kasperg Projects! Created 18 years ago2006-04-25 18:24:30 UTC by Kasperg Kasperg

Created 18 years ago2006-04-25 18:24:30 UTC by Kasperg Kasperg

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-13 12:55:28 UTC Post #184983
Very little progress considering there's more than one person involved... As I said in my journal, I'm in Belgium right now so my maps will not advance for quite a while. :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 08:33:27 UTC Post #187296
My trip didn't help me recover any inspiration for my HL and HL2 maps, so these days I've been making experiments with a new egyptian texture set I've created from scratch (I googled some pics, obviously).
I know some of them look very cartoonish, but I've never been know for making realistic looking textures :(
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There is a possibility of this developing into a full map, as several traps (some involving rising sand) have come to my mind.
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I had also tought of including it in the Star Trek minimod, but somehow I think it would feel way too much like StarGate... any ideas?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 08:36:20 UTC Post #187298
The blue trim and yellow brick could actually fit well in a futuristic theme...as for the rest :x
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 08:57:56 UTC Post #187301
Beautiful custom textures!

It's stuff like this that makes me realize that I have to break away from the stock HL textures someday...you can only do so much with brushwork!
I had also tought of including it in the Star Trek minimod, but somehow I think it would feel way too much like StarGate
Who cares if it parallels SG1... I think it would be pretty dam cool if you incorporated these with the minimod!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 21:13:07 UTC Post #187389
A screenshot of the sand puzzle in action:
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I used one of the Photoshop texturize filters (I don't know the exact name in the English version) to give the textures a bumpmap effect. Since light comes from below, it actually looks realistic.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 21:37:17 UTC Post #187390
ZOMG Star trek Mod!

I would of preferred TNG though...

Kasperg: Did you really use bumpmapping, or did you forget the new better version is normal mapping? Because that doesnt look too bumpmapped. Source is capable of more. I suggest NVIDIA normal map filter (assuming you bumped mapped only using greyscale instead of RGB)

Also turn the scale and use 3X3 format for the normal map. It would look teh pwn if you did that :)

Map looks awsome BTW :)

Is the sand going to raise up like a trap? That would be awsome :) XD
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 21:47:37 UTC Post #187394
Erm... It's a Half-life1 WAD! :)

I have done normal mapping for Source before though>> http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/6289/bmap29kw.jpg

Yes, the sand can save you or get you killed.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 21:55:52 UTC Post #187397
Wait a fuckin minute, this is HL1? NO WAY!!!!

ZOMG times about 500!

Crazy good !
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 00:46:50 UTC Post #187404
Truly breathtaking :)

The lighting in the first is a little flat, bue superb nonetheless.

And knowing you, no need to even ask about the wpolys... there always sub 500 on your maps anyway :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 07:28:41 UTC Post #187442
I have a modelling request. Is anyone capable of doing something like THIS?
Making it with brushwork would be suicide.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 10:19:50 UTC Post #187463
Forget my request. This little fella will do just fine. It needed to be pushable, and that's not easy with models.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 10:27:23 UTC Post #187465
Hmm... pushable models with Hl1... might be possible... I'll check my idea...


Coin texture:
User posted image
You can create nice piles of golden coins with this, great for a tresure room.

If you intend to use electric lights for this map like you did in the last one then I have a nice sound you can use. A low hum sound that comes from a lightbulb. If you want I can send it to you. I also have some cloud textures and spider web textures. I can send them through Email if you like.

If you intend to use electric lights then you shouldn't use only prefixed light spots, try using some light sources that can be moved... I'll show you what I mean...

Edit #2:
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 11:23:02 UTC Post #187471
Bloody hell...Nice cat.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 11:48:04 UTC Post #187478
Thanks for the coin texture! How did you guess I was going to use one? The thought ocurred to me this morning, and I knew Paint Shop Pro had some way of painting coins. It seems I don't have PSP installed, so your texture comes at the right time, thanks.

As for lighting, It will mostly come from the torches seen in the screenshots, with their corresponding detailed shadows.
As for the moveable light sources, do you mean they actually move? that sounds like dynamic lights, which HL1 doesn't do...
Some of the lights in Vilcabamba had a humming sound.
But I'm going for crackling fire in this one.

edit: liquid gold pools will also be a source of light.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 12:08:35 UTC Post #187479
Liquid Gold? Need a texture? I'm your man! :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 12:10:03 UTC Post #187480
I ment that they are not prefixed, like in your last map.


Shit I doble posted! Sorry, my mistake.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 12:24:32 UTC Post #187481
You still don't know how to write double, do you? :P
Its Hatshepsut all over again! Teh win.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 14:34:27 UTC Post #187487
Sam I am!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 14:56:15 UTC Post #187492
Im over here, you stupid headless freaks!

Ok, i don't want to ruin Kaspergs thread, but this map has good amount of Serious Sam infuence. :)

Serious Sam ftw!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 15:12:29 UTC Post #187494
Actually, it has a 99% influence of the first Tomb Raider. I'm aiming more towards puzzle solving than fighting hordes of headless explosive freaks etc. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-30 02:14:01 UTC Post #187547
This little fella
Excellent brushed-prop--can't I just say prefab anymore?! :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-02 21:29:02 UTC Post #188127
This screenshot is sort of a spoiler, so don't click it if you want the whole map to be a surprise. It's made of 12 little screenies showing what I've done in the past 6 days (including doing the WAD file)

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-02 22:09:31 UTC Post #188130
cool kasberg
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-03 03:36:40 UTC Post #188164
Very nice.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-03 05:29:29 UTC Post #188167
pure pwnage.

2nd row, third collumn in that series of screenshots. The one looking down the big tall room, that reminds me slightly of the water temple from Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time.

In that temple, Link (the player) has to raise and lower the water level to get to different rooms.
(complete puzzle, raise water level swim up, find higher door, complete puzzle, find key, swim down again, lower water level, open locked door, complete puzzle)
and i'm wondering if you're planning anything like that with sand? :P
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-03 05:52:40 UTC Post #188171
Precisely! Although it will be more intuitive. To be honest, I never made it further than the water temple in Ocarina of Time. I spent days exploring the temple until a friend told me there was a breakable floor somewhere. It was the kind of detail that would be unimportant in a more detailed game. It was somewhere around here.

In this map, I have followed the methods Valve and other companies use in their games. You will be faced with some simple puzzles in the beginnng to get to know them. Their difficulty will increase with time and some will be combined with others.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 05:19:21 UTC Post #189281
Please tell me what you think:
Here's my solution to a big problem. Do light torches burn underwater?


I still have to tweak some things, such as making toggeable texture lights instead of ugly point lights.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 08:10:20 UTC Post #189299
Sweet...So how long will this map last in your opinion?
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 08:15:49 UTC Post #189300
You mean how long will it take to play it?
Or how long will it take me to finish the mapping?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 08:45:29 UTC Post #189303
Your map and Harge's comics- Tintin and the Cigars Of the Pharoh made me want to do a hidden egiptian catacombs too. First I'll finish a few maps(3) and a short mod then I'll improve my modeling skills and photo editing skills.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 16:45:57 UTC Post #189344
Nice idea, Kasperg. Throw in a water caustic effect (animated, or layered scrolling, textures) and you're set and done. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-08 18:51:09 UTC Post #189359
Thats a really cool lighting effect :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 19:56:00 UTC Post #189747
It won't take me more than a few days to finish the map(s). I don't like using visgroups in HL1, and things are getting messy.
My inspiration for this egyptian map is running out, so it's a good thing it's almost finished!
If I have time this week, I'll work on the Source competition. I hope my two week vacation away from home (starting next Sunday) won't prevent me from participating.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 21:22:09 UTC Post #189751
I don't like using visgroups in HL1
Dude, seriously, You HAVE to use visigroups. After awhile in any "involved" map, it becomes a real pain in the ass to select brushes, and Visgroups solves this problem perfectly.

Seriously, I'm astounded you don't use them... Do we have to write a tutorial to convince you :)? :jeez:

J.C doesn't use them either. I was working with him on improvements to de_raid--none of which were used btw--, and that gigantic thing was maddening to navigate without any groups. Plus, with all that shit visible at once, the 3D window in Hammer acts highly erratic, which is highly annoying/gay ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 01:49:07 UTC Post #189760
hehe, i don't use vis groups either. I abuse the hell out of the perspective view tho, in which i use to reference and select objects.

Looking good Kas. It would be hard to include the temple in the star trek mod. Just switch the theme a bit and make it an snow/ice egyptian tomb. Blue and Orange go awomely together... color theory wise.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 02:25:55 UTC Post #189761
I also select brushes in the 3D view because "what you click is what you get"
As for the 3D window acting erratic, I haven't see anything like that in +5 years of mapping! :D

I'm still unsure of the next theme I will use in the Star Trek mod:
-Making a Starbase would be almost the same as the ship itself.
-Making a temple is risky since I've been doing one for a long time...
-Making an alien city could be an idea, but I don't want it to look like Xen.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 07:02:21 UTC Post #189778
I vote Starbase FTI!
As for the 3D window acting erratic, I haven't see anything like that in +5 years of mapping!
You know, when your navigating in the 3D view, and your view spins around like a pinwheel--and you have to very slowly/carefully move the mouse to prevent it!?

I only seem to notice this when a map gets "busy", and then, only at certain parts of the map. Plus, your telling me if you load a gigantic map, your Hammer doesn't lag one bit?!

Am I the only one? :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 07:29:48 UTC Post #189782
Kaufmann House lags, Carceri lags, Serene lags...
Those are the only gigantic maps where I have used visgroups a lot. And as I said, they are all Source maps ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 07:55:10 UTC Post #189785
Alien city! Make it Alien-esque rather than a great glob of slime :x
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 13:23:30 UTC Post #189953
Ok, I'm done with this Egyptian theme. It kind of got tiresome after so many days.


Next objective: Source competition!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 13:33:08 UTC Post #189954
you need to fix the link
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 13:35:05 UTC Post #189956
Are you sure it doesnt work by pressing enter in the adress bar?

Edit: no it does not...
I need to host it somewhere else. Anyone volunteers?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 13:42:01 UTC Post #189958
Try Fileupoyours.
200 megs filespace and 500 megs bandwidth. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 13:45:19 UTC Post #189959
I'm uploading it with www.sendspace.com, let's see if it works. Thx
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-13 16:12:08 UTC Post #189971
Check this thread for gmail hosting. It's free, 100mb, and hotlinking works--I tested it.

If you need an invite, give the word.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 06:30:22 UTC Post #190054
Well I played it and I enjoyed it...It reminded me of those Indiana Jones movies and the intro was very similar to Lara Croft.

All in all I thought it was great...The entity work was superb and the puzzles although basic kept me on edge when monsters appeared.

Sometimes I felt like i missed bits in the first half because there were a load of doors I did not open since I followed the paths that were open to me and so the next map was loaded before I could even explore the rest of the map (provided there was more)...

I think a touch of eqyptian music in places might have added atmosphere but the sounds were good...One bug though was at the end when you have to jump through the door before the time runs out...I just made it under it so the door hit me and instead of crushing kept playing the 'moving door' sound and it got annoying.

The cat statue was detailed ;) And the camera tricks.

The ending was a bit corny but it did make me chuckle...a bit.

And a tip: Stop forcing animals to map for you.

Good job.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 07:38:39 UTC Post #190059
Seems I forgot to give the door a "stays open" time of -1, and maybe doing the open and closing instructions via a multimanager...
About the doors you didn't get to open, probably all of them were fake.
By the way, I had to do a second sequence of events for the second cat statue puzzle. Since func_pushables can't be moved up over a step, there was a chance you pushed the cat too far and could not active the touch pad. Another trigger made the door break instead of open, and also spawned an extra monster as a "punishment" :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 10:04:04 UTC Post #190345
Yeah that happened to me...I thought you didn't think about that...Well yeah it was good but out of all honesty...You could have just made the ramp flat :P
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 14:21:39 UTC Post #193755
I've made my first dial-up visit to TWHL on a 56K modem, hoping I would be able to post some images of my next 2 HLDM maps. Unfortunately, It has been impossible (a lot of people at my grandma's house need to use the phone)
I'll release both the maps as soon as I get back home. One is a generic DM map with risky r_speeds and the other one takes place in some sort of aquarium/sea-world facility.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 14:27:35 UTC Post #193756
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