New Mod: "Turnstile" Created 18 years ago2006-01-31 15:05:49 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Created 18 years ago2006-01-31 15:05:49 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-11 17:48:19 UTC Post #189736
On the question earlier asked in this topic:

There are more coders then that there are designers(modeling, drawing, etc). This is because is easier, not that it is easy, but most people would be able to understand coding better then all the aspects of designing. In its core coding is no more then pure math, just because we humans managed to make it complicated and advanced doesnt mean its hard, i actualy found it easier to understand then when i started with mapping.

but, coders dont usualy hang around these kind of community's. The blitz3dm, darkbasic, and torque like community's mostly excist of coders whom work with freebies. Then, a coder would need to understand certain aspects of the HL/Source engine to understand how it all works.

So yeah, the chance of finding a coder here arent likely.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 10:32:27 UTC Post #189793
we should have coding tutorials to draw some people in here :)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 14:04:10 UTC Post #189815
so... any opinions on a 2000 wpoly limit? or keep it to around 1000?

I would like some info before i start mapping stuff.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 17:14:49 UTC Post #189856
im good up to 3000, but It really is best to keep it to 1500-1750.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-12 17:17:40 UTC Post #189860
1500 FTW.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 07:38:59 UTC Post #190060
1500 isn't bad because it usually ends up being that anway. How about 1500 - 1600? that little extra will help out when it comes down to it. That's roughly the amount of detail of Sancefar if you think about it, and its not 1500 all of the time, just in certain hotspots.

I did a really nice tree model. I thought it was gonna be too heavy on the polies, but it was only 177. I could cut it down more too. After doing so i was rather optimistic about making tons of plants so the environments feels lush and alive. DCC also that it'd be cool to throw in birds, lizards, and other secondary life to polish off the feel of the world. I totally agree. I'm modelling a gecko later today.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 08:23:29 UTC Post #190067
Ooooh, gecko.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 09:38:04 UTC Post #190070
Everything below ~2000 on SP should be ok for most of the computers nowadays.. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 11:54:39 UTC Post #190074
But its still worth asking. I know there are a select few that still run HL in software mode, which the limit is like +/- 900.

I maybe should place a disclaimer saying that 3d acceleration is advised. Much like Timefall when i played through that a while ago. That had some really good mapping, and the extra polies made it all look so cool.

The issue with my mod is simply trying to make the world feel like a world, plus some of the structures are colossal. Don't worry, you get the Grav-device before then.

Some of the archetecture i've drawn up would also require some extra polies. The various styles are each at different levels of detail, but some of them are a bit more rounded and polished then others. There also terrain to account for, but i won't be making huge caverns like Sunden. More like 3 or 4 subcaverns, connected with caves. Extra polies will help.

Plus i'll Null tex everything like a whore.

so... 1600 - 1700?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 12:20:33 UTC Post #190076
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 12:33:05 UTC Post #190077
Hmm. true.

yeah, the engine is old, but much of the hardware running it isn't. We are lucky the polies can go beyond 1000, and if they do, the hardware will pick up the slack.

Hopefully most of us can use either openGL or Direct3D and some kind of gfx acceleration to boost things. If not, this mod isn't for j00.

The ideal is still 1000. But when there is a tower that looks over everything and the r_speeds hike, how much flexibility do I have? That is more of what I'm asking.

This is my Sancefar Map.Take a look at this if you haven't already. I'm balancing this about this much detail.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 05:16:59 UTC Post #190152
Anyone who cannot keep it below 1000 and still make it interesting shouldn't try.
C'mon, that's just an unnecessarily stupid thing to say.

CPU speeds are a zillionfold faster now than when HL was created. You're adhering to a paradigm that doesn't exist anymore.

I'll agree for MP maps, 1000 wpolys is probably still a good conservative limit--no idea for epolys--, but for an SP maps--which is what were talking about here--, I'd venture to say the limits are much higher, and the only real limits are in terms of FPS.

I've played SP maps with the wpolys +2000 and beyond, and I don't recall my FPS ever going below 72--and that's with a shitty-ass mobile video card.

In fact, the only time I can ever remember my FPS jumping below 72 was on that crazy map from the "Mother of God" thread, that had +8000 wpolys!!.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 07:56:01 UTC Post #190163
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 10:37:08 UTC Post #190177
Even you should know to at least look into the topic of a thread before posting in it, even reading the topic would have set you strait.

New MOD: Turnstyle should have said SP right then, and maybe if you glanced at a few pages you would see the extremely high quality Level Design that has so far been around 1000. Rim is just asking what the acceptance level for R_speeds is so he can overdetail his stuff.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 10:46:38 UTC Post #190178
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 10:56:14 UTC Post #190181
You wanna debate that rowelies a prick? that would last a few seconds, its unianimous.

and I do realise the DM mod thing, seeing as Rim has made a huge slew of DM maps. but that still doesn't excuse you from reading even the first post.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:29:36 UTC Post #190186
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:32:12 UTC Post #190187
Keep up the good work Rim...So what do you have planned for SP? Because so far you've added a load of custom content but I can't remember ever seeing pictures of any SP levels...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:43:04 UTC Post #190189
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 11:54:28 UTC Post #190192
Habboi, every pic has been for single player, except for those early pics of sunden where Rim was just trying something out
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 12:05:07 UTC Post #190196
Keep the R_speeds at a maximum of ~1500-2000... it wont be fair if it will be higher for those who don't have new computers.

I agree with orpheus, a map should still be intresting with 'only' 1000 wpolies, who that can't achive such a goal isn't such a good mapper. The thing that usally raises the Wpolies so much is lots of detail and open spaces. If you think of your layout alot and don't over use detail your map wont even come close to 2000. My maps are usally around 800 wpolies.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 12:51:41 UTC Post #190199
I'm running on 733 Mhz cpu and 256 Mb of RAM as of now :(
But I would still play it..

I even played a little bit of HL2 on this piece of crap :)
but it's my special piece of crap.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 13:53:40 UTC Post #190201
For the Record: [u][i]THIS IS A SINGLE PLAYER MOD![/u][/i]

@Rowley: Well... thanks for saying what i wanted to say orginally. But i just knew the thread was gonna get trashed again. Like in pages 2 and 3.

@All: I don't have any SP map screens because there aren't any SP maps completely done except a portion of the first demo. Which WAS SP!

I know that if this was a Multiplayer Mod, the r_speeds would have to stay down. But its not, so it'll be a little higher for environmental and world-bound reasons.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 14:03:04 UTC Post #190203
/me humps rimrook's leg
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 14:25:44 UTC Post #190205
stop that
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 14:29:51 UTC Post #190206
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 15:43:46 UTC Post #190212
I've played SP maps with the wpolys +2000 and beyond, and I don't recall my FPS ever going below 72--and that's with a shitty-ass mobile video card.
Rowleybob, not everybody got such a good computer. My computer usally runs Hl1 in ~50 Fps and thats in levels with about 500 wpolies. However in levels with 1000 wpolies it runs in a speed of ~40 Fps. I'm not sure a 5000 poly map.
As for your graphics card: at list it can run Hl1 in OpenGL mode.
I paid alot of money for it and my screen, it's quite new.

When making maps never think you have the worst computer, there is always somebody with an older scrap pile, why deprive him from the privilige of playing your map. :P

In maps that you only need to look at some fancy archtitecture you can go up to ~4000. It will barely run on some computers, but you don't need high fps to admire archtitecture. In maps with action try to keep the wpolies count at approximitly 1000.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 20:55:46 UTC Post #190245
Elon, My computer is shit. Apparently yours--and n00b#2's 733 MHZ/256 RAM!! OMG!!--are even worse. Seriously, it may be to upgrade : :)

Saying that you run at only 50FPS at only 500 wpolys is ridiculous, really, is it a pentium 100 or what?! :P
Stop with the personal assaults or we're going to have a problem that an apology won't fix.
First of all, It wasn't a personal assault. If I were doing that I'd probably call you something like a "stupid, middle-aged, trolling, malcontent-cunt", but I didn't do that.

I simply said what you said was stupid, and it was, imo. I'm also curious, what sort of "problem" are we going to have that an "apology won't fix" ?

A thinly veiled threat?!... more "wisdom" I guess simply spewing out of you. :P
My apologies for disrupting the flow of the thread.
Apology accepted :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 21:11:26 UTC Post #190247
Hey, i can upgrade to 512 when i want to >.> :) Intel Celeron ftw!

meh i run most games now at either 800 x 600 or 640 x 480.
I average around 30 fps and that's playable.
Unless the wpolies are high
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 21:12:17 UTC Post #190248
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 21:14:11 UTC Post #190249
Orpheus: Ok.

N00b#2: Jeez, I would say at least get the RAM, becuase doesn't XP alone use 256?! lol that is if you're not using windows 98!!!

You should start a new "Spec Thread" :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 21:45:09 UTC Post #190252
Last time I checked, XP alone uses 64, not 256. Many computers didn't even have 256 when XP came out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 22:00:35 UTC Post #190253
All right people, enough derailing. Lets put this train back on its track and start it up again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 22:03:45 UTC Post #190254
I like the Turnstile? Mod a lot. I think everyone should play it, and feel the sweet, sweet pwnage for themselves! :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 05:28:08 UTC Post #190314
Well mine is even worse then n00b rowleybob. 128mb of ram, 733Mhz, pentium 3 proccesor and windows XP. Lately it has problems running hammer 3.5 and opera together. Hammer runs at ~3.5 Fps.(quite a strange couincidence, Hammer 3.5 runs at 3.5 Fps)

You get the point, when making maps don't think you have the worst computer. There is always someone with a worse one and you don't want to be unable to play your maps. You can have higher r_speeds in SP but it's better not too. In action parts higher R_speeds spell death.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 05:55:53 UTC Post #190319
Dude, those system specs were old 5 years ago... Seriously, 128MB of ram... are you hi?

Make a "YoU should make wploys < 800 because my I bought my comp second-hand, from a third-world country" thread, so I can properly make fun of you.

And please, don't let's keep spamming Rim's WIP thread.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 06:07:53 UTC Post #190320
are you hi?
Hi to you too!

Those specs aren't the worst I've ever seen. I've had to play HL1 on a comp with a 400 MHz CPU, 64 MB of RAM, and an 8 MB video card, and it ran just fine! well, with 640x480 resolution, that is...

Seriously though, what's with 128 MB of RAM? It's so freakin' cheap these days, why are you still stuck with crap like that?

/end of spammage
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 06:08:05 UTC Post #190321
Forgive the pun but rowleybob, you are a complete idiot.
End of discussion.
I wont fill this thread with another one of these kind of posts.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 22:40:31 UTC Post #190404
No Elon, that's what you say to your mom, after you slap her face for having you--"YOU ARE A COMPLETE IDIOT, GOOD DAY!"

/Last post
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 23:33:49 UTC Post #190411
sigh...I love this still is as good natured and carefree as it was a year ago


orph, play the demo

rim, loved the demo feedback:
  • there were some loading problems.
  • no tracers with the guns
  • the sounds mismatch the guns, even though I like the blitz's sound.
  • are you supposed to start with the grav boots?
  • the grenades were way overpowered, and the parts the player had to grenade away wern't well marked.
and If you wanna use a bit of SoHL I dug up the newest Dll's for you
the DLL's
and the source
1.5 beta 1, very stable
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 07:59:24 UTC Post #190471

The new spirit stuff has a lack of console commands vital to my mod's functionality. I already checked them out.

and yeah, you start with the gravity device.

I dunno about the guns sounds. I'm still working on all of that.

aside from all of the nonsense, here's something new.
RIM: "I tried something new with the plant models. I found a way to cut the polies in half."

DCC: "So... lots of plants?"

(Pulls up hammer)

DCC: "HL won't run that, are you out of your fucking mind?"

RIM: "uhm..."
User posted image
DCC: "You really are out of your fucking mind!"
Happened yesterday.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 08:03:06 UTC Post #190472
Nice and foresty!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 08:23:48 UTC Post #190475
That's as loaded as its gonna get.

If you don't think you can handle 1350 wpoly 5000 epoly tops, 900 wpoly 3000 epoly average? Don't bother downloading it. really sorry i have to be so blunt about it. Those are the numbers so the spam about everyones specs can kinda stop.

I wanted a whole forest, but it's not very possible. So I kinda have this thicket of wild plants instead. Not quite what i wanted, but 'tis ok.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 10:19:41 UTC Post #190488
those cliff's look awefully copypasted.

and I was surprised with the demo's ability to stay bellow 500 most of the time. (but I no cliped out of the map at one point and was stuck by 5000+, thats still good from a players point of view)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 11:00:59 UTC Post #190496
rim that screenie is amazing everything but the cliffs.
I dont even know what my machine can handle as of Wpolies, but i can run cs source at an 800x600 res with 35+ fps at the fullest quality...

i shouldnt hava aproblem with it, and i havent yet.
im still awaiting the finished product (as far off as it is)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 13:46:25 UTC Post #190521
i'll see if it can look just as good with lower numbers
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 14:46:07 UTC Post #190529
lower then 400? rim, those cliffs can be overdetailed and still under 500
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 17:14:12 UTC Post #190568
Requesting source .rmf and textures. :o

Again, superb.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 18:29:21 UTC Post #190578
Looks great Rimrook, only those cliffs look pretty reptitive.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 12:11:30 UTC Post #190646
Thanks! And yeah i know... 3 mins to make the geometry so i had something to place the plant models on.

School is rather tough right now, so i might not get around to some mapping for a while. The good news is this semester is the semester i learn to draw like a pro. I have 3 studio classes... i could barely handle 1 in the past.

Aside from that, i'll be making tweaks and fixing what i already have.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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