Etape2 -> Timeline/journal! Created 18 years ago2006-07-15 07:08:55 UTC by doodle doodle

Created 18 years ago2006-07-15 07:08:55 UTC by doodle doodle

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 07:08:55 UTC Post #190158
Some of you may have seen:

Well !! I've been having radical thoughts about a remake...
Pictures say a thousand words...
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Inferno meets South America?
My input so far:

"<Ant> :o!"
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 07:14:55 UTC Post #190159
Hey, I only said that cos you said it'd be Italy-ish and I'm doin' Venetia. Nice start anyway.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 07:46:55 UTC Post #190162
Nice team, though the red line doesnt quite fit in it, too much contrast, i would go for something a little more brownish so it wont stand out too much.

Keep up with the style, you also want to implement some plants or so, would fit in nicely with the buildings.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 08:04:30 UTC Post #190165
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 09:03:23 UTC Post #190171
Will do Orph.
Ant: It's most likely going to be centralised on this monastery building, with the surroundings being houses in that syle
Pepper: the red line is actually on my ref, haha :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 21:29:12 UTC Post #190250
I like that red line tbh, it breaks up the white nicely. Gives it a sense of style too.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 04:34:52 UTC Post #190307
I like the red line too.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 00:55:40 UTC Post #190420
Small update :)

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Sorry I'm working so slow, more updates soon!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 02:20:22 UTC Post #190430
pretty crappy. not up 2 ur standardz. :thefinger:
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 02:55:11 UTC Post #190433
thx Trapt
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 03:26:14 UTC Post #190436
I don't see how anybody could possibly make a judgement like that about something in this early stage of development. There's only like 2 houses up and a small street. Of course it doesn't look good. :
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 03:29:17 UTC Post #190437
It's Trapt.

A) He's an emo.
B) No one cares what he says.

Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 04:35:58 UTC Post #190443
I may be emo, but your mother loves it.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 05:35:10 UTC Post #190450
I like threads like these...Lets you get an insight into how people work...
I care what he says...Never used too but he has some good points when it comes to map reviews...I must admit I've learnt a few things from his suggestions.

Emo? Pfft..I could call you a goth but then SariBous would have a go at me and then the argument would continue.

Anyway Doodle keep up the good work because I'm sure within time it'll start to come together.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 07:32:35 UTC Post #190465

D I'm good buddies with dew anyways, he knows not to take me seriously.

Besides, I'm not emo. I just like seeing people's responses. I find it hilarious.

And thank you Mr. Habboi, you've turned into quite the gentleman.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 07:38:13 UTC Post #190466
Shutup you emo bastard, you're an emotastic emo. :glad:

Upload the latest shot dewdle, the one with the improved lighting.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 07:46:44 UTC Post #190467
<3 Ant
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 13:11:35 UTC Post #190507
Besides, I'm not emo. I just like seeing people's responses. I find it hilarious.
You listen to Alkal... wait, so do I... never mind. I'll shut up.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 13:35:21 UTC Post #190518

Getting along nicely there dew.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-17 16:46:32 UTC Post #190561
Latest shot:
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Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 03:28:33 UTC Post #191234
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The general direction I'm taking this in...need to get more colour in there... which I will do in the next few days..
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 07:20:10 UTC Post #191249
It has a sense of realism in it but maybe that isn't always so good...The colour of the lighting and sky and the textures match.

Custom road sign? Pwns.
If you keep this style it could work out provided you use a good layout otherwise one mistake and bam off you go.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 06:51:39 UTC Post #191883
Yeh, trying for sense of realism.
Yep custom road sign ;P
Same layout as original...probly :o

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comment etc if ya like
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 07:02:55 UTC Post #191884
Yah, I quite prefer the new lighting to the older one.

Btw, as I've said to you many many times, take realistic screenshots, not no-clipped ones. It screws with the scalling.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 09:46:12 UTC Post #191891
Looking good. - All I can think to say.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 02:44:00 UTC Post #192068
More work, whore! I've been crafting Venetia behind the scenes, so I hope you've been working too!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 02:45:16 UTC Post #192070
If you come back from Jamaica... you'll realise I have so many screens that I've been stuffing them into large containers because I don't know what to do with them...
(note that might have been a lie :P)

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Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 11:03:23 UTC Post #192097
There's something about that car...It makes the map have a story...Like a couple of Mafia men stop off here and pick up a man to beat him.

Loving it so far.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 05:03:55 UTC Post #193101
User posted image

Adding to the central area from the start of the thread...
In case any of you are wondering (and since Ant and I discussed it the other day) I'm actually working with two vmf's. One for the street area and one for the centre.. obviously it's only a matter of time before I join them together (not sure how I'm going to do that yet :P )

thanks for the comments so far... I'll keep you posted ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 05:26:01 UTC Post #193102
Lookin' pretty damn good there, dewd.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 06:33:55 UTC Post #193107
ugly. use a blue ambient you douche.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 09:34:22 UTC Post #193115
that is a blue ambient :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 22:47:01 UTC Post #193169
it looks horrible. learn 2 map u nub.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 23:33:23 UTC Post #193174

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blue enough yet? :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 01:16:04 UTC Post #193177
It's nice, the blue shadows gives this place a cold feeling. This map is very diffrent from the other version. The first one was more... green.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 06:14:05 UTC Post #193187
much better but you still suk. go and kill urself or LERN 2 MAP!

gg nub.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 06:44:07 UTC Post #193189
Ah random hazard brush floating in the sky! OH NOES :o
Looking tight as always.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 08:15:38 UTC Post #193191
i tell u wat else is tight? i think u can geuss LOL!

(ur momz vagginna)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-15 18:41:28 UTC Post #193553
/ Har Har.

Any progress?
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 05:09:35 UTC Post #193592
okay... my post didn't register... don't blame me if it ends up as a double post :P
Been a bit of progress:
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Hasn't been fully properized yet obviously... things like plants etc are coming soon...
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 05:54:01 UTC Post #193593
don't like that floating roof! ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 06:06:44 UTC Post #193594
I think it's purrty. Lighting could do a do-over though. And.. a 3D-skybox. But I suspect you'll be adding that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-16 06:07:30 UTC Post #193595

Hope to see those plants ;)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 04:37:12 UTC Post #193703
ur raelingz r redikuluzly thik, as r tha woodn supprt thngz on da housez. i h8 u cos u dont map good and ur momma loves me cos i fux good.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 04:54:48 UTC Post #193704
prety shit!!!
hop u die! :badass:
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 05:04:27 UTC Post #193705
thx for the great comments, I have such devoted fans ;)

On a serious note... I think I'll work on all of the detailing of the central part this weekend... just to apease some of you... most of you.... all of you... :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 05:15:41 UTC Post #193706
Add another note to your pile: Stop making floating roofs! I mean it, just think of the chimney cleaners who'll need to clean the floating chimney. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-17 05:31:21 UTC Post #193707
stfu nub, da map is in a wrk in progrezz and evn tho it sux u r no betta and nodraw is imprtnt 4 mapmakng bt u wudnt kno cos ur nub.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-18 01:27:53 UTC Post #193788
Floating roofs are already fixed anyway.. as Trapt says.. it's because I hadn't decided on what to put between the wall/roof...

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Posted 18 years ago2006-08-18 02:14:27 UTC Post #193789
Man, it just gets shittier and shittier everyday! You really should kill yourself. :glad:
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
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