VPU Overheating!!! Created 18 years ago2006-07-22 14:11:51 UTC by alexb911 alexb911

Created 18 years ago2006-07-22 14:11:51 UTC by alexb911 alexb911

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 14:11:51 UTC Post #191279
Ok, so I know I've created a post for literatary every individual PC component I own - but this is seriously bugging me, so please, bare with me! :D

I have a PCI-E X850XT PE, and as soon as I play heavy-load 3D games for a while, the VPU resets, (it has VPURecover software included in the most recent Catylst drivers)

What happens in this instance, is the screen goes blank, the graphics card fan goes mental, and then 10 - 20 seconds later, it either all comes back, or the system crashes.

So, using ATITool, and the accompaning 3D test, I run it, and monitored the VPU temperature - and within about 10 seconds, it rose to about 95 degrees (C) ....

....This CANNOT be good!! Many reviews I've looked at have said that VPU's over 65 dgrees (C) on heavy load are considered dangerous! :)

-> I have currently underclocked the VPU

-> Case open

-> Case fans MAX

-> Moved Graphics Card to other PCI-E slot, so more air-flow

I have alsoordered an Artic Cooling replacement for my stock cooler, but does anyone have any other suggestions to improve this situation? - It hurts to underclock a graphics card, but this is just stupid!

Thanks for your feedback
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 14:16:37 UTC Post #191281
When the Arctic Cooler turns up (I'd've recommended a Zalman dealy myself), be sure to use good thermal compound to get good contact. Underclock the GPU a lot. Hell, I'd prob'ly skip gaming, if ninety-five degrees is too hot for an X850. Hardly wanna bust the thing up permanently... trust me.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 14:23:16 UTC Post #191286
Freeze the sucker with liquid nitrogen :badass: .

Other then that, do what 7th said.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 16:07:01 UTC Post #191296
no gaming? :aghast:

[cries to self in corner]

but surely there is something up? I grant in this temperature (climate) in makes it more difficult - my room alone is on average 32 degrees (C) and my PSU chucks out a lot of heat.

So forums suggested that the temperature gauge is 'wrong' and that the software is being tricked into accidentally triggering the vpu recover.

Arrrghhh, Shit man! - a lot can be said of the passive cooling of the 9200SE that I previously owned, the card couldn't do s**t, but atleast it didn't melt!

Im currently playing all games on medium settings, and am capping the FPS whereever possible are around 30. Its ludicrous!! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 16:13:00 UTC Post #191297
Yea you don't really want to be able to boil water on a GPU. I agree with Seventh, a good cooler and some Artic Silver 5 or whatever number it's up to now thermal compound would help. Do you have blowholes in your case? Fans in the top that blow out that is. Might help when you want to put your side panel back on.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 16:43:17 UTC Post #191299
at this rate, im never putting my side panal back on!!! i've one case fan in the back, two in the PSU, one which draws from the MB, and ejects it into 'outside', errmmm.... one on the MB for cooling the copper pipe, and an Artic Freezer 64 on the CPU.

I tried underclocking the GPU to about 1/2 - 200mhz, and 300mhz processor and memory respectively - and temperatures are still unacceptable. At this underclocking, the GPU temp. is still idle (1 hour on windows desktop) at 48 degrees (C) THIS CANNOT BE RIGHT!!!
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