help?! Created 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:19:19 UTC by nikotino nikotino

Created 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:19:19 UTC by nikotino nikotino

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:19:19 UTC Post #192184
Hi all, I?m newbie in hammer 3.4 and I?m in the middle of my first map...
But I have a problem I want to try the map in the cs 1.5 just to make sure I?m using write sizes. How can I do the I read the forum post but I just don't get it I tried to (run map) but it create something like a .map .err . doc and mine cs just don?t recognize that format could someone explain it to me (thanks for your help)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:41:52 UTC Post #192187
It's not compiling properly because you've either set up the configuration wrong, or there's an error. Read the compile log (the window that pops up when you press F9 and compile) and tell us what it says.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 11:45:21 UTC Post #192189
First, wrong forum.

But I have a problem I want to try the map in the cs 1.5 just to make sure I?m using write sizes
Err... what?
How can I do the I read the forum post but I just don't get it
That doens't make sense at all! Please post any future threads of yours in correct understandable english next time.

My geuss is that you're trying to compile a map and then run it in CS. There might be a problem in your map, so post the compile log so we can have a look at it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 12:11:37 UTC Post #192195
Sorry for the wrong forum and the grammar here?s the compiled log
Thanks for the help.

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:ectoHalf-life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsJurgita" ""

** Executing...
** Command: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlbsp.exe
** Parameters: "C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile"

hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlbsp.exe C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile.log for the cause.

--- END hlbsp ---

** Executing...
** Command: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlbsp.exe
** Parameters: "C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile"

hlbsp v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlbsp ---
Command line: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlbsp.exe C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile.log for the cause.

--- END hlbsp ---

** Executing...
** Command: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlvis.exe
** Parameters: "C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile"

hlvis v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlvis ---
Command line: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlvis.exe C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile.log for the cause.

--- END hlvis ---

** Executing...
** Command: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlrad.exe
** Parameters: "C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile"

hlrad v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Compilation Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlrad ---
Command line: C:DOCUME~1JURGIT~1DesktopCOUNTE~1HAMMER~1.4hlrad.exe C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile
>> There was a problem compiling the map.
>> Check the file C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapthatdoesnotcompile.log for the cause.

--- END hlrad ---
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 12:48:47 UTC Post #192348
Try to reduce the size of the name of the map, then compile.Try cs_testmap.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-03 13:40:22 UTC Post #192350
Check the file C:ectoHalf-lifecstrikemapscs_bigmapt
hatdoesnotcompile.log for the cause.
In your "/Valve Hammer Editor/maps" folder, check the mapname.log and see what the error is ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 07:07:23 UTC Post #192414
I think that was rather obvious... :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 13:56:04 UTC Post #192448
Rule #1: Never take anything for granted that something's obvious.

It's obvious to me that noobies tend not to read compile logs ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 03:06:55 UTC Post #192520
I read the compile log, but I can't understand shit. Why can't they use simple english, like
Token too big on line 6
can be re-written as:
Brush problem. click check for problems. :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 08:06:11 UTC Post #192546
Always check for problems before compiling and during mapping.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 08:55:40 UTC Post #192552
Rowleybob, did you ever check whats written in the log file the compiler directs you? I guess not. The solution is never written in there, just the same stupid phrase that was written in the original one.

nikotino, Why did you place the map/rmf file in Cs's map directory, place only the playible BSPs in there, the game doesn't need the rmf.
You should place the rmf and map in the rmf directory specified in the 'game configurations' options menu. The rmf directory is usally '...hammer/maps'.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 12:30:36 UTC Post #192572
Elon: Yes I do actually, you cunt :P.

Besides, If what you're saying is true, there why is there no error listed in NIk's compile log?! I'm betting there is more info in the mapmname.err file!

Nikotino: For kicks, did your mapname.err list any information that wasn't in the compile log?

You are right though--I guess I never realized the mapname.err is just a list of all the errors... It 'tis however, much easier to read/pinpoint the errors using the mapname.err file, rather than from the regular compile log ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 17:31:41 UTC Post #192600
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 22:41:06 UTC Post #192627
I never understood the nuke emoticon...does that mean we're now irradiated?!

If your map still isn't working, I would suggest reading all the Beginner tutorials.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-06 01:02:23 UTC Post #192642
I think the nuke emoticon means that everything is so friggin confusing that your brain feels like its been nuked! :D
Just a guess...
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-06 01:08:50 UTC Post #192644
Nah, I think he ment he fixed it and that we are awsome. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-06 18:25:23 UTC Post #192701
WE FTW!!!1q ^_^
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 01:44:21 UTC Post #192729
I think S.O.T.E's right I'm confused well everything work out just fine the last thing that I cant figure out is the sky when I change the sky in the map properties for example cl_backalleyft it still compiles me the default sky in the map?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 08:59:26 UTC Post #192749
CS sky list. Type one of the names in the worldspawn's entity's value.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 12:55:51 UTC Post #192759
none of you have noticed that bsp, vis, and rad all run, but no CSG?

thats the problems right there

nikotino, make sure your setup is correct, we have a tutorial on setting up hammer for cs.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 17:17:27 UTC Post #192787
ok thx for the help
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