Mistake of the day. Created 18 years ago2006-08-07 22:48:13 UTC by Tosse Tosse

Created 18 years ago2006-08-07 22:48:13 UTC by Tosse Tosse

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 22:48:13 UTC Post #192803
So, what mistakes did you do today?

Here is my:
1. Woke up.
2. Went to work

Crappy day all over.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 23:48:58 UTC Post #192811
1. Entered this thread
2. Read your post
3. Posted myself

Well somebody had to do it, there is always somebody posting something like this in threads like these. :P


4. Edited this post :biggrin: :glad:

Edit #2:

5. Used two smilies
6. Kept posting in this thread ;)

Edit #3:

7. Used too many smileis in one post :nuke: :thebox: :nuke:

Edit #4:

8. Misspelled the word 'smileis'

Edit #5:

9. Misspelled it again
10. Edited this post too much

Edit #6:

11. Whoops I edited it again :nuts: :nuts: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Wdit #7:

12. Too many smilies

Edit #8:

13. Misspelled the word 'Edit' and wrote 'Wdir'

Edit #9:

14. Wrote 'Wdir' instead of 'Wdit' :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 23:58:52 UTC Post #192813
1. Awoke
2. Went to Work
3. Didn't leave immediately
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 00:01:52 UTC Post #192814
Saying you got up by mistake is like saying your still alive by mistake...

I made no mistakes today. I am flawless :>
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 03:29:55 UTC Post #192821
1. Entered this thread
2. Read your post
3. Posted myself
1. Thought that I wouldn't see a response like.
2. Thought that I was making a mistake.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 03:58:28 UTC Post #192825
1. I was stupid enough to think that my wingman WOULDNT go fly over 4 mobile AAA SAM launchers... HE did and got shacked the other way around. Offcourse i took a little revenge by putting my IR AGM65D-2's on him.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 04:30:17 UTC Post #192829
somebody should really take elons sugar away

I never make mistcakes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 07:31:11 UTC Post #192837
1. Locked keys in the car :x
2. Forgot to check for extra toilet paper before begining the "BACKING OUT THE BIG ONE" :

Sad day really...
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 08:08:21 UTC Post #192840
1. Giving birth to Jobabob and regretting it...He was a mistake.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 08:29:03 UTC Post #192841
impregnating Saribous wasn't so much a mistake as a surprise... :biggrin:
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 08:38:04 UTC Post #192842
1. Leaving for Work Early. I got in a car accident yesterday morning. If I had just left at my usual time, I wouldnt have encountered that Asshole that Had to pull in from of me. >.<
User posted image
Thats a lesson to you kids: Don't leave for work early.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 09:10:29 UTC Post #192845
Don't leave for work, got it! :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 10:56:32 UTC Post #192849
Dorian, Got a picture on what your car looks like now?
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