Adventure Games Created 18 years ago2006-08-10 05:49:10 UTC by Jobabob Jobabob

Created 18 years ago2006-08-10 05:49:10 UTC by Jobabob Jobabob

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 05:49:10 UTC Post #192991
As a genre I think its woefully overlooked, for those who don't know I look at it as the ultimate storytelling medium, an almost logical extension to the book. Despite the cliche, the term 'interactive story' comes to mind and in the good games, the point is that the whole game is an ADVENTURE, following the experience of the protagonist throughout an entire story.

Its so much more than the games this site encompasses in its 'world', no halflife or fps could ever give the same level of attention to story than any adventure game could, maybe thats why I'm so picky when the subject is debated. Most modern fps' only hint at their plotlines, with the emphasis being on action, something that unfortunately is creeping into the adventure genre, perhaps to entice our more thrill-seeking companions.

Anyway, is anyone else such a fan as I? Certainly there have been some good examples (albiet sometimes love/hate examples) in recent times to make the genre shine, The Longest Journey 2: Dreamfall despite falling almost into the genre of 'interactive movie' was one of the most compelling games I've played in a long time. At the other end of the spectrum, there is Myst, if you've never played a Myst game its pretty much impossible to explain why anyone enjoys them, possibly the hardest games ever made!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 07:12:48 UTC Post #192992
I actually haven't played any Adventure game, but I do know of a few of them. I assume you're looking forward to the new Sam and Max game?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 07:20:22 UTC Post #192993
They are sometime hard and need alot of thinking but usally you just try all availible possilities and then find out you need to do something so stupid and so improbeble you didn't even think of doing it. Those kind of adventure game really annoy me and keep me away from the whole genre for some time.

I prefer games that you need to think yet act quickly. Sometime they are half adventure half action games(not Hl1 or any other fps, I hate adventure fps games) and sometime pure action, then all I think is what is my next move and how will I defeat my enemy as few as possible damage which is very important in many strategy games.(not ones from the c&c genre) In some, like star control 1, I also need to choose the unit that will fight the enemy, this is very important because if I choose the wrong one the enemy will shread me to dust, he have a very good AI, although that the game is really old.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 08:20:22 UTC Post #192994
You know I like little games like puzzles...Really makes you think and it's even more fun to do this with a friend. I think Portals although not adventure will make a nice little game...Right now a guy is re-creating it for Gmod and I really look forward to this.

You can view it here if you're interested:

It gets better as you scroll down and you'll find this:

As I said i like little mind games...Not the boring chess or cludo mind...But the puzzles that you actually have to involve yourself in aka move objects and stuff.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 08:29:35 UTC Post #192996
Adventure games usually contain puzzles to tax the mind, but try not to turn this into a discussion about Portal please!

Elon, you should try something like Dreamfall or Broken Sword 3, they are great on the story and adventure front, but lax on the puzzles to appeal to a wider audience. The anti-Myst games as it were.

Im certainly looking forward to the new Sam and Max game, its episodic but given the fact the original game was based on both an episodic comic and television series, its hardly that much of a step backwards. Hopefully itll have the same style and humour of the original and more gameplay than the rather lackluster Bone series (the other episodic adventure the company has produced).
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-10 19:44:09 UTC Post #193071
My favorite adventure game is Grim Fandango. The atmosphere and story in that game is just brilliant.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 03:47:44 UTC Post #193096
Grim Fandango is one of the best adventure games ever made, its hardly suprising you liked it so much!

Unfortunately. this thread appears to have proven how unpopular adventure games are..
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 09:46:23 UTC Post #193118
I don't like em.

Elon the type of games you described fall into strategy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 09:49:32 UTC Post #193120
Indeed, in action games all you need to think is how to avoid shots and how to hit the hardest, which is very little to think of.

What I ment by half action half adventure games is something like 'the lost vikings', which is an adventure game with many puzzles with an aspect of action.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 10:01:54 UTC Post #193121
The most compelling game I've ever played was Final Fantasy VII. The story completely sucks you in. One of my favourite games ever.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 10:52:30 UTC Post #193124
final fantasy, story, what? Even the film was laughably bad.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 12:02:09 UTC Post #193127
I agree zombieloffe.

FFVII was a great game, for it's time, it also had amazing environments, I cite the mansion.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-11 13:10:47 UTC Post #193134
FF VIII has me completely.

I one stumbled onto a discussion as the FF VII vs VIII. VII was winning popularity wise, but the VIII supporters were winning the logic war.

the main arguement was that FFVIII was to complex to be fully enjoyed by some, and that made it more enjoyable to others.

I've played every FF game, discounting 1 - 3. to me VII is excelent, but 8 has 7 in story depth and soundtrack, as well as the battle system.

VII does however have the coolest villin to date, sephiroth.

and Grim Fandango was awesome.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 18:58:41 UTC Post #193233
mentioning final fantasy and grim fandango in the same sentence is blashphemy, I cannot get over just how much I hate FF7. Random combat is the worst gameplay invention ever, how anyone puts up with the bloody thing.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 19:40:39 UTC Post #193237
yea dont you hate it when ur trying to get through seafoam island on pokemon and u get aggro'd every freakin 5 steps... AND YOU JUST USED UP UR LAST REPEL!!!

i like the zelda ocarina of time story too bad i cant see anything in the water temple on my emulator =(
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-12 20:42:17 UTC Post #193239
I've installed Grim again because of this thread. I'm currently at year 2 (which is my favorite)
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