Steam Problems Created 18 years ago2006-08-26 04:54:07 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Created 18 years ago2006-08-26 04:54:07 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 04:54:07 UTC Post #194596
Recently I had problems playing Hl1 on steam with the graphics settings of- 800x600, Direct3D and 16bit textures.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with my graphics card. It works perfectly on WON HL1 and I also upgraded my graphics card. After I upgraded the card even hammer didn't make any problems, it didn't gave me any problems about openGL rendering.

Does anybody knows whats steams problem and how can I fix it?

If not then how can I copy all of Hl1 steam stuff to regular Hl1? I want it to be able to do everything the steam version can(bump mapping, transperent models...ect), those things are the only things that I keep steam for. :


Now I've got another question- does those little features steam gives really worth two days of trying to fix it? I think I'm going to remove that program anyway... I loved transperent models. :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 12:28:39 UTC Post #194780
First of all, don't run HL in D3D.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 12:40:04 UTC Post #194782
What are exactly the problems you are getting?
I know that my HL doesn't render undwater areas properly in Direct3D. (in none of the three 3D cards I've owned)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 14:43:25 UTC Post #194807
Sorry, I haven't explained myself. I was angry. I can't run on openGL, I couldn't run on it even before the problem started, so I use direct 3D.

The problem is that steam shows a message saying- Can't run in corrent render options, running in sofware mode.

Then it asks me to restart the game. I do so and it runs in software resolution size 640x480. I cannot change it, even back to the render options I changed it from.
First I changed it from 800x600 D3D to ~1000x~700 D3D, and when I wanted to change it back to 800x600 D3D steam didn't allow me so I was forced to use 640x480 D3D. Afterward I tried changing it to the second resolution again and steam refused. Now it doesn't let me use even the 640x480 D3D setting. :confused:

I don't know what happened that steam started acting this way so suddenly. Probebly downloaded an update, it's annoying when it does that without informing me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 17:23:06 UTC Post #194837
Try updating your GPU drivers if you haven't already, and validate the HL cache from the steam site.
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