Agent Smith: Do you hear that Mr. Anderson? That's the sound of inevitablilty...
Neo: My name, is HORSEDICK!!!
Created 18 years ago2006-09-12 20:14:43 UTC by
around like 2:1001:50 anyone?
Girl gamers are extremely rare, especially on the internet. The girl gamers who do exist most often play the SimsMost girls I know that play games tend to favour consoles over the PC
Holy crap! I just noticed that we've got an estrogen source in our midst.
Girl gamers are extremely rare, especially on the internet.I think you guys are forgetting a certain someone here:
haha if they do i?ll give em a jewel breaker kickbah, a ninja knows no injury or pain. plus i got bawls of steel agaisnt which your mortal weapons are useless