saw's long list of lame Wii jokes...
I'm assuming that you're relating the word Wii to wee as in urine, which is related to the word penis.
"OMFG someone just stole my urine!"
...yeah. My point is, grow up. Wii has now become a regular gaming word. So all of those 'quotes' as you say are completely valid.
I like to sit down and relax at my console. I dont want to be swinging a tv remote around.
flinging your arms around like a tard for an hour will be tiring and annoying. According to the many teaser videos, you need to have your arm fully straightened out and the Wiimote pointing toward the TV for it to work
Game creators and people who have gotten to test the console for themselves have repeatedly said that only small, subtle movements are needed. your arm doesnt need to be straightened out etc etc. one of the devs of CoD3 for Wii has said that the best way to play it is sitting down, with your elbow resting on your leg. even zelda can be played sitting down. also, the actual remote is lighter than the x360's controller, so your arms should gess less tired

. the recieving range is 10 metres so you can sit back anywhere and you can actually read the text if you dont have a HDTV.
PS3 will pwn Wii and 360
reasons why this is false:
1. too expensive. a gamer can pick up a Wii and a 360 for the same price.
2. nothing new. except a stolen controller idea.
3. the price doesnt attract non-gamers.
4. overpriced games, crappy launch games.
5. lack of consoles at launch.
6. the majority of gamers who want 2 consoles are going for the Wii and the 360. (they call themselves Wii60)
the PS3 looks like a George Forman grill.