download it here to see the problem
its 500-600kb and it are 9-12 textures if im rigtht, 2 water 3 metal some window and a failed grass.

you can use em freely because they dont work

Created 20 years ago2004-03-19 15:20:07 UTC by
missing [ in texturedef
The 'missing [ in texturedef' message can be caused several ways:
One or more faces has no texture, or the texturename is just made up of spaces. Check for problems in WC 3.3/Hammer should detect them as 'invalid texture' messages.
The texture name on one or more faces has a space in the middle of the name somehow (Textures are not allowed to have spaces in their names)
You are using Worldcraft 2.0 or 2.1, and the worldspawn has a key/value of "mapversion" "220" If so, remove it.
A Worldcraft 3.3 map was imported into WC 2.1 or 2.2, same problem as above.
A Worldcraft 3.3 map was imported into Quark, also the same problem
The map is in Worldcraft 3.3's .map format, but the "mapversion" "220" is MISSING from the worldspawn (this is really rare).