Here's a texture I made using one of em:
I figured some of you custom-content junkies out there (like me

Created 18 years ago2006-10-28 22:52:36 UTC by
You can use the textures in your school projects, to make CD sleeves, posters, in movies, in videogames etc - anything where you have added your own artistic effort.
You cannot use the textures for anything that directly competes with us. This includes, putting the textures on your own website, selling them, or giving them away. This restriction includes the textures themselves, as well as any minor modifications, for example, you may not make our texture seamless or tileable and then sell them.
You do know using these images as textures in your own maps is illegal, right? Even if just for personal use, you don't have license to the images, unless specifically noted by the author.Are you joking?! If it is posted online ESPECIALLY ON A TEXTURE SITE, that says "Use these textures!" I don't think you will get sued. Or even in the slightest of trouble, no one cares if you used their picture as a texture, they are not going to be like "OHOH MY GAWD DAT GUY TOTALY STOLE MY AWESOME PIC OF MY SIDEWALK!"
Its really not that hard to create textures from complete scratch in PhotoshopI couldn't agree more.
Even if just for personal use, you don't have license to the images, unless specifically noted by the author.I was talking about the other sites listed, like Read.
You do know using these images as textures in your own maps is illegal, right? Even if just for personal use, you don't have license to the images, unless specifically noted by the author.If you're working for a non-profit function (ie modification usage) then its technically a violation of copyright and they could sue you but it's very unlikely. If you're working for a commercial studio or with commercial intent then you should probably be a little more careful.
Use the Offset tool often. The offset tool in Photoshop allows you to offset the photo so that the edges appear in the middle of the frame, allowing you to see how the edges will line up if the texture is tiled in-game. Try to blend the edges into each other using the smudge and clone tools.From here.