Created 18 years ago2006-11-02 17:41:11 UTC by
The game will be amazing... once it is released. Should knock Halo down quite a bit.Heh, that won't be to hard.
Looks alrightAre you Joking?! It looks amazing! Amazing is an under-statement actually. I watched the trailers like 20 times in a row. LAWL
Low resolution graphics wise? What are you talking about? Not if you have an HDTV, and even without one it still looks good.Gaming at 640x480? This is 2006, god damn it. And HDTVs are expensive, who has one anyway?
the only reason i leave my PC at night is because the chair starts to get uncomfortable in the wee hoursREAL LIFE FTL
The 360 is an AWESOME Console! It is in no way Crap. I have it and It is simply amazing. Everything is good about it, it's specs, it's User-Interface, It's Xbox Live System! The only reason why I could see ANYONE calling it crap is if they don't own one for themselves.Exos, you're just being a pathetic fanboy, i have access to a 360, i like it, but even i'm ready to admit it's faults. One being it's horrible DVD performance, an other being it's cooling faults.
Cooling on it is fine, Strider. Just keep it in a open space and your good.Err, no. There have been numerous reports of it overheating, people have resorted to making there own cooling modifications to it. Also you shouldn't move it when it's on and a games in it. The laser can mark the CD and ruin it. It has problems.
Excessive fanboy.Pretty much says it all...
Err, no. There have been numerous reports of it overheating, people have resorted to making there own cooling modifications to it. Also you shouldn't move it when it's on and a games in it. The laser can mark the CD and ruin it. It has, moving it ruins the Cd. Really? moving any disc drive for a game, being PC, or computer can potentially damage it. Next time your playing a game from CD on your PC turn your PC horizontal. See what happens to the Cd.