Map request Created 18 years ago2006-11-05 06:58:04 UTC by The Jezzanator The Jezzanator

Created 18 years ago2006-11-05 06:58:04 UTC by The Jezzanator The Jezzanator

Posted 18 years ago2006-11-05 06:58:04 UTC Post #201981
I?m putting together a new comic series and I need a custom map made. I'd do it myself but I'm not up to that level of mapping yet. I basically need an edited map of the small grouped building in the ?coast 3? map. The one where you can look into the telescope device the combine were using to spy on them. If your still not clear then I have some images!
I basically need it to look as if it hadn?t been partly destroyed which means fixing the holes and roof and stuff like that and removing the wrecked vehicles and what not.
I hope that was a clear enough explanation. If you have any question then reply below of PM me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-05 08:41:54 UTC Post #201991
Sounds easy to do, since this is for a comic you could decompile the map and edit it provided you say so in the credits and you don't distribute the vmf.

It's small so I could give this a go...MSN:
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-06 20:11:42 UTC Post #202109
Great thank you very much! I've added you to my list. I'll talk to you more about it next time your online.
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