I kinda lost intrest in mapping for a while but now Im back. So what have I been missing?
Created 18 years ago2006-12-14 21:11:09 UTC by
Guinea Pirate
1.Jimmi It was a while back, dunno how long you've been gone exactly , but it was fairly recent though.Was that when he made all those accounts and impersonated 7th? Or has he struck again?
it sure was....LOL! u think thats bad, u should see my jedi academy clan when some of the members there get into a flame war. its 10 times more heated than the exos one and the whole clan is involved lol, DLS (which is the jedi academy clan) used to be one of the best jedi academy clans but now because of a series of flame wars and attempts at leadership overthrows (which i sadly admit i played a pretty big part in) its a small clan now and is still trying to rebuild. and also the flame wars didnt end that quickly either, usually theyd last for atleast 2-3 weeks.
heres a link for an entertaining read
Also of course the pursuing of making a mockery of others religions (IRC chat).I only make mockeries of stupid people's religions. What do you take me for, some kind of racist?
pseudo-anti-American paranoiaThe whole world is anti-American now, TWHL is just jumping the wagon.
38_98 You said one thing but wanted to say a few?But i did say more then one thing. I said that he can say pretty much what he wants and 2) you can just ignore him.
Exos is gayer than Clay Aiken and Richard Simmons in their pink fluffy castle in an especially gay neighborhood of fairyland............................................................bahahahahahahaha